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  1. Wanting to show some friends For The Record. Anyone know where I can watch in HD? Most streaming sources are low quality and have Spanish/Portuguese captions. TY in advance!
  2. Rihanna has inked a multimillion dollar deal with Apple TV+ to produce a documentary chronicling her comeback to the stage ahead of her halftime performance at Super Bowl LVII next year. Rihanna will be the focus of Apple TV+ documentary chronicling her comeback to the stage | Daily Mail Online T.CO The Barbados native, 34, inked a pact with the company following her reemergence on the charts last month...
  3. I didn't understand what she was complaining about with regards to her Stylist Tish, Fe and others who spoke out in the documentaries. I was actually critical of her cynicism and am one of the first who will defend the documentaries. Now, I do believe the documentaries made a sizeable impact in spreading the word to the general public. But, today, I have some tats with it. ALL those who spoke up in the documentaries did so when they were no longer making BANK off Britney. Think about it. Why did they not speak up from the get-go? As Liz Day put it in the documentary "[...] everyone stood to make a cut". And those who were interviewed in the documentary... they came out of the wood-work at a very convenient time. Britney had spoken out, Free Britney movement in full swing, and truths are coming forward about the abuse. Those who set up the CON were pointing the fingers at each other, scrambling. But so too were all these individuals in the NYT documentaries. When it likely mattered most to ensure they redeemed their character publicly and save face and to control the narrative that they were helpless bystanders they went on record stating how helpless they were and how wrong they felt the conservatorship was. SO CONVENIENT it seems that now it doesn't seem altruistic at all to me. And so, I think I finally get where some of Britney's anger stems from with regards to these documentaries. I often felt and would vocalize that Britney's anger is misplaced, she is going after the wrong people. But, in re-framing my perspective of those who "spoke out", when you take the timing into consideration and the fact these people made a LOT of money by simply being helpless bystanders, it just doesn't pass the smell test to me anymore. Someone once said to me, and it now comes to mind, when someone is being bullied, harassed, assaulted / harmed and you are merely a bystander watching on and not intervening, YOU are as guilty as the perpetrator, YOU are part of the problem. Now, that is only an opinion. But being a gay kid in school I remember being bullied relentlessly. And I remember being beaten up and other kids would encircle the person hurting me and myself and laugh or stand there emotionless. And it wouldn't matter what excuse any one of those kids would later say they had for not intervening or getting help for me, the fact they did NOTHING when it mattered destroyed me and I felt they were no different than the kids picking on me. They were part of the problem. They ENABLED the abuse and did nothing to stop it. I also was raised in a fairly abusive home. When it comes to mind, I resent all the adults, all the teachers all the neighbours who knew something wasn't right going on, yet did nothing to prevent that abuse. They didn't speak up. They didn't report the abuse when they heard it happen or saw it first hand. Now I understand Britney more. Many of you have probably already come to this conclusion too, but for those of us like myself who are a little slower, I hope this epiphany I've had may also make a light-bulb go off for others too. Agreeing to being part of the documentary solidified for most, that these players were "saviours", "heroes" and "admirable". It absolved them of their guilt and their part to play. It absolved them of the nasty feeling it must be to have, being that they profited from the conservatorship. When it was no longer profitable, when shiz hit the fan, they had to come forward. Their calculated strategy worked. No matter Britney's insistence these people are as low as her father, they were painted in such a redeeming light that even her most staunch fans like myself gave our heads a shake and doubted Britney. I don't doubt her anymore. The information these people brought forward was useful. Their motivations may not be as heroic as many of us thought. What do you think? Was this already what you considered to be the case or have you too been forgiving of these individuals based on their appearance in the documentaries? EDIT: Some have raised the possibility their careers would be over and they’d be sued or threatened with legal action had they spoken out earlier. Let’s clear this up: the first amendment of the United States protects free speech and it also protects journalists / the free press. When someone brings vital information of wrongdoing on the condition of anonymity, journalistic privilege prevails and their identities are protected. This is a long-standing privilege the free press has long held in order to protect whistleblowers so that anything and anyone can be held to account through investigative journalism reporting. So the whole idea that they would have lost their livelihoods falls apart when you take this into consideration. Food for thought!
  4. The film is premiering on HBO Max on November 24th
  5. -streaming October 5th on Peacock: https://pck.tv/3LanfU8
  6. The faces of the Bling Ring are telling their side of the story. In the trailer for Netflix's The Real Bling Ring: Hollywood Heist, both the culprits and the victims of the notorious burglaries that targeted Hollywood's elite are speaking out.
  7. According to FilmRatings Selena’s documentary ‘My Mind & Me‘ will be released this year on Apple TV and is rated R.
  8. 'There are some out there who believe they were mistreated by the X Factor machine,’ an insider told the publication. The rumour is that the documentary is to be aired on UK Channel 5. X Factor documentary ‘exposing bullying and exploitation’ in the works METRO.CO.UK It’s been said that several former contestants and at least one of Simon Cowell’s aides have agreed to share their stories.
  9. Made with BRON Studios, Will you be watching?
  10. The final season of NBC's 'This Is Us' received the most nominations – 12. The New York Times Presents: Controlling Britney Spears (FX) and Janet Jackson (Lifetime) are among the nominees for best broadcast network or cable docuseries or non-fiction series at the second annual HCA TV Awards, presented by the Hollywood Critics Association. The awards will be presented on Aug. 13 at the Beverly Hilton Hotel in Beverly Hills, Calif. Best broadcast network or cable docuseries or non-fiction series 30 for 30 (ESPN) The New York Times Presents: Controlling Britney Spears (FX) Janet Jackson (Lifetime) Shark Tank (ABC) The American Rescue Dog Show (ABC) We Need to Talk About Cosby (Showtime) Source: https://www.billboard.com/music/awards/hollywood-critics-association-awards-music-nominations-1235111551/
  11. I'm not a big fan of hers, but damn, she's a good performer...sometimes I feel like she's so underrated!
  12. Britney and Sam recently met with Filmmaker Kevin Ostajewski recently who worked on This Is Paris for YouTube 👀 it’ll be for the record 2.0, if not more revealing, control that narrative B. Have Britney reunite with Felicia and tish and many others. There’s no confirmation on this but let’s put it out into the universe. UPDATE: This turned out to be a sponsorship for Sam, we’ll just have to wait and see in the memoir and book tour in 2024 🙏👑
  13. I already knew a little about his situation, but last night I found a really great documentary about JC Chasez and how Jive made it impossible for him to have a solo career. He had the looks, a 4 octave range voice and he was a great dancer and songwriter. If Justin had competition to launch his solo career, that was him. If you're curious about Britney's old and now dead label Jive and how 2001-2004 music scene was totally against him to become the pop star he deserved to be I'd recommend watching it because it's very well documented, you can hear testimonies from his collaborators of the time, active fans who went through it and even his bandmates from *NSYNC. Second part will be out probably this week!!! If you don't want to watch the 40 minutes I'll try to summarize the video in the spoiler alert behind. Britney bonus: Britney most likely knew about his situation and as the great person and long time friend she is (he was in the Mickey Mouse Club too), she gave him the opportunity to open for her on the Onyx Hotel Tour. He has spoken very highly of Brit over the years! Stream his debut album here!
  14. Hi all! I hope everyone is doing well I know it’s been a hard year and a half (hard to believe two years) of quarantining and Covid kind of reorienting how we exist in the world. In that time I have been through hell and back in a way, and I’m really happy to have found passion in a hobby that I can do. I used to make videos as a kid and for the last 7 ish months have started making videos again but actual documentaries (on my phone) about musicians and some backdrop of a current or past event related to a system or controversy. I like to interview people too. My first one was about exhale and free Britney which is very special to me because many of you helped me out with that. I have one about the I inability to stream aaliyahs music until we actually could…. 🎃🎃🎃🎃🎃🎃🎃🎃 And finally, this one for Halloween about Bjork’s stalker who tried disfiguring/killing her by sending a pop up book containing a sulphuric acid bomb. He was angry that she was dating electronic musician, Goldie who is Black. Ricardo was racist. He projected all his feelings and values onto Bjork and when he found out she did not fit his idea, he officially lost control and began writing an 803 page journal about his insecurities, suicidal thoughts and ultimate obsession with Bjork. There is major commentary on the boundaries “fans” can push. Please note this is not intended for children, and viewer discretion is advised. I’d really appreciate if you could give this a view! I have another Britney video coming on the way for NOCEMBER 12th, but it’s more of a long compilation showcasing great moments and of her discussing each album cycle. I can’t wait for you all to see that too 🤍🤍🤍🤍💛💛💛💛 I appreciate your viewership and support! ✨✨✨✨
  15. BreatheHeavy will be featured in the BBC Two's new Britney documentary, 'The Battle for Britney: Fans, Cash and a Conservatorship,' out on Saturday (May 1st) via BBC iPlayer. A BBC Two broadcast willow follow on Wednesday, May 5th at 9pm BST. There are plans for an American release around May 10th on BBC Select. It's directed by BAFTA award-winning journalist Mobeen Azhar. I'll be talking about the #FreeBritney movement and that one time Britney's dad, um, well... threatened to destroy me. 😅 Here's a synopsis of the one-hour long doc: "After setting out on his journey in the autumn of 2020, 'The Battle for Britney: Fans, Cash and a Conservatorship' will follow Mobeen as he journeys from Britney’s hometown of Kentwood, Louisiana to Los Angeles, and delves into one of the most passionate fan bases in modern celebrity. Along the way he attends a court hearing, finding himself in the midst of the ongoing battle between Britney's conservatorship team and the passionate fans behind the #FreeBritney movement. He speaks to those fighting to free Britney and discovers what that means to them, and meets the people closest to Britney herself to learn more about the person behind the headlines." Other interviewees include Billy B, choreographer Brian Friedman, Perez Hilton and lawyer Lisa MacCarley. Hope I make y'all proud. Shout-out to @PlayboiMommy for being the original creator of this topic.
  16. Weird question. But imagine it's 2000 and it's the height of the Oops era. it's midnight and you're watching CNN or MTV or something. Then through some time warpy thingy, you see, "Framing Britney Spears" or "Controlling...." or "Britney Vs Spears". What would the reaction be like? How would the Britney loving world react back then?
  17. REUPLOADED @Jordan Miller @Urbanney @SlayOut @SUCCESSICA IS A QUEEN @Blackout @princessmimi @Midnight Hi everyone! Rik here. Over the last year I have really developed a liking for YouTube videos and documentaries specifically. I used to really enjoy making videos and for the first time in ages, I’ve dedicated much of my time to creating a video on Free Britney, and more recently a video on Aaliyah and her legacy. Even if you aren’t familiar with her, this video will explain why it is and showcase various clips from her life. I also interviewed several fans that grew up listening to her music to truly tell her story as authentically as possible. I was initially in talks to include an author of a very popular Aaliyah novel that recently came out, however things fell through for that. i know you guys are used to me trolling on here but I’d sincerely appreciate if you could all check my documentary out. Due to copyright ive had to make some changes (particularly at the end with explaining the Drake album and Missy/Timbaland drama from back in 2012). I also explain who owns Aaliyah’s name, get into the dispute between her estate (CMG worldwide on behalf of her brother Rashad and mother Diane), and Blackground 2.0 run by her uncle. I also explore how music consumption has changed and how not having Aaliyah’s music on streaming platforms has impacted her legacy. There’s also references to current events that occurred around this time, and for that reason includes footage from 9/11, Total Request Live, Park 106, and the 2001 VMAs. Britney makes a few cameos herself in this! I’m very excited to share you my labour of love, AALIYAH IS COMING: A Legacy Revived, out on YouTube now. I really hope you enjoy it as much as I do. Very special thank you to people who contributed their voices for the interviews! @Malibu.D.Luxx @ohoneey @PokemonSpears @I Always Sing Live @Isla @Urbanney @Lyndsay Luxury @SUCCESSICA IS A QUEEN @SlayOut @Midnight @Blackout2006 @JoJo Online@Jordan Miller @CrazyButItFeelsAllright@ohoney @Slayer @Prachi @princessmimi @dfffff @HardToForgetYa
  18. Hey guys! For the past year I have been working on an Aaliyah documentary which speaks on her life. It is going to be similar to the Britney exhale documentary I made (see below) but far more refined. It will be an hour long. I want to give fans to have a chance to speak on Aaliyah and also showcase why it is that fans from the current generation are unfamiliar with her music (this isn’t the case for other deceased artists). I would also like for this ti be a a sort of time capsule that eventually transitions into the drake album that was scrapped in 2012 and where her masters are currently… and potentially answer the ultimate question of why we can’t stream her music and the impact that has. It will include interviews from Aaliyah during each era, so you get to relive her career from the first album to the plane crash. I also show the funeral and some Easter eggs including Britney, and current events that happened shortly after aaliyahs death. Think of it as a news clip montage. I would like to interview some people and anonymously have them be in my video. I’m looking to target fans who grew up listening to her music who might be able to answer a few of my questions over voice note. I would edit it in such a way that it would be refined and sound natural. Again it’s all anonymous. Ask @BrittonJeanSpears or @Lyndsay Luxury who were in the Britney video💮💮🌺🌺 anyway, please comment or DM me here if you would like to say something in my documentary premiering at the end of this month just in time for the 20th anniversary thank you!!!
  19. Candace recently discusses “Framing Britney Spears” on her show. She also discusses Chrissy Teigen and her resurfaced tweets that encourage bullying and self-harm. What are your thoughts on Chrissy’s past tweets? Are they something you believe she has grown from or do you believe she’s that same person and deserves to be a result of the cancel culture that she has helped contribute to? A lot to digest here.
  20. Oscar-winning actress, Grammy-winning singer, and all around ICON, Cher has been making the rounds promoting her new documentary, Cher & the Loneliest Elephant. The hour long film features the 74 year old entertainer and the public campaign to save Kaavan. The 36 year old elephant was gifted by the Sri Lanka government to Pakistan shortly after his birth in 1985. He was placed in the Islamabad Zoo with his partner, an elephant named Saheli, who died in 2012. Kaavan was kept in small enclosed places with his legs shackled, and his physical and mental health deteriorated due to his dire conditions. Lending her celebrity to create larger awareness of this deepening sad situation, Cher, along with the many animal rights organizations were able to bring this case to Pakistani lawyer Owais Awan. In November of last year, Awan won a court case granting Kavaan's release. Check out this hilarious interview James Corden conducted with Cher below. And can I say how amazing Cher looks. The face, the neck, the hands- beauty. Her gives no-effs attitude and humility just makes me love her even more! Cher & the Loneliest Elephant is now streaming on Paramount+ You can also catch a screening May 19th on Smithsonian Channel (8 EDT/ PDT)
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