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    Example 1: This post incites hate. The language is aggressive and offensive. 


    "Shut the **** up,dumb *** troll. That's a picture of the back of her head which CLEARLY has hair ,just messy,bird-nest hair."


    Example 2: Name calling.


    "Quit quoting me, you psycho."


    Example 3: This image includes the words "suck my....."




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    2 hours ago, Kletus said:

    According to Britney, both Robin and Lou abused Britney. Even according to all of Britney's dancers. So when Lou sends her next cease and desist to try and silence me like she did my last topic, I just will say that it's not my opinion, it's the opinion of Britney, her dancers, and her staff, according to their latest Instagram posts! So will Robin and Lou get charged with abuse for spying, detaining, secluding, withholding, manipulating, gaslighting, and the rest? All of which are literal definitions of ABUSE in most states, but I guess since Britney was in a CoNsErVaToRsHiP, somehow it's okay. Wow! I love that for these alleged abusers. What are your thoughts, and will you show up at their court dates to rally? :heresthetea_reading_telling_glasses_talking_preaching_facts_paper_wendy_williams:

    I agree that both Robin Greenhill and Louise Taylor should go to prison for their respective roles in falsely conserving Britney Spears.  The main issue is preventing these kinds of abuses - against anyone, famous or not - in the future. 

    In order for this to happen, we need to change laws that allow a citizen's civil rights to be taken away without due process.  We need to stop allowing any immunity, privilege, "discretion" and secrecy for those involved in taking away another's most basic human rights. 

    Legal advocacy requires accurate information; if a national, online database were created to track all court officials, court-appointed parties & others involved in any conservatorships, guardianships, involuntary commitments.  Names of the "incapacitated" could be redacted just like now, but those who take it upon themselves to take the most basic human rights away from another would be publicly known.  It would soon be pretty obvious who was really taking care of someone who really needed them - it would also be easier to identify the professional parasites.  Right now I'm a paralegal for a civil rights non-profit, and I can tell you this database would definitely help legal advocacy for those abused within corrupt courts. 

    We've got national databases tracking the demographics of every inch of land in the U.S., we've got databases tracking everyone's medical info - every potion or pill any of us takes is in there.  Denying someone's basic civil rights for an indeterminate period is a lot more serious than demographics or prescriptions, so it could certainly be done.

    We also need to make it easier for anyone trapped in conservatorship, etc. to free himself or herself; the conservatee should meet with court officials at least once a year, preferably without the conservator present so as not to be intimidated.  Thoughts?

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    On 3/25/2022 at 4:29 AM, woodlandsriver said:

    I agree that both Robin Greenhill and Louise Taylor should go to prison for their respective roles in falsely conserving Britney Spears.  The main issue is preventing these kinds of abuses - against anyone, famous or not - in the future. 

    In order for this to happen, we need to change laws that allow a citizen's civil rights to be taken away without due process.  We need to stop allowing any immunity, privilege, "discretion" and secrecy for those involved in taking away another's most basic human rights. 

    Legal advocacy requires accurate information; if a national, online database were created to track all court officials, court-appointed parties & others involved in any conservatorships, guardianships, involuntary commitments.  Names of the "incapacitated" could be redacted just like now, but those who take it upon themselves to take the most basic human rights away from another would be publicly known.  It would soon be pretty obvious who was really taking care of someone who really needed them - it would also be easier to identify the professional parasites.  Right now I'm a paralegal for a civil rights non-profit, and I can tell you this database would definitely help legal advocacy for those abused within corrupt courts. 

    We've got national databases tracking the demographics of every inch of land in the U.S., we've got databases tracking everyone's medical info - every potion or pill any of us takes is in there.  Denying someone's basic civil rights for an indeterminate period is a lot more serious than demographics or prescriptions, so it could certainly be done.

    We also need to make it easier for anyone trapped in conservatorship, etc. to free himself or herself; the conservatee should meet with court officials at least once a year, preferably without the conservator present so as not to be intimidated.  Thoughts?

    I’m confused, but I agree with you. Why am I being quoted?

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