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WHAT? Britney's brother Bryan just gave an interview about #FreeBritney: watch

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1 minute ago, hardforgetya said:

Look, I don't think he would say things quite differently than that. I really thought it was worse. But he made it clear that her mother is doing something for her and that her sister supports her father's decision.I didn't think the interview was all bad. Obviously there are unnecessary things But I don't think he even knows about the internal confusion He defends the financial side a lot, this is sad, but he made it clear that anyone in this situation would feel bad. I think he decided to stay on the fence not to pick a fight with his father nor with the mother.Β 

It's quite obvious the situation makes him nervous and although I was a bit stunned by a few things he said, he did confirm some things and said what he could I guess..

I believe this C Ship has benefited so many people including Bryan that they all are crapping their pants right now as they have been exposed.

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10 minutes ago, jokobish said:

I cannot BELIEVE that he said the worry was she wouldn’t be able to do things like make a reservation... ******* TEACH her then. They had TWELVE YEARS to help her become an actual adult and have done NOTHING except use her for moneyΒ 

And this is perfectly fine. All A list celebrities out there have their team book their hotels, flights, etc! It still doesn’t mean you need to be in a conservatorship:clownery:

I used to think at least the CShip was protecting her from lawsuits and from having to go to court for various things but SCREW IT!

Let the lawsuits come but #FreeBritney

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How many people think Lou & Jamie are behindΒ Bryan doing this interview?

How many think he had some coaching or talking points to prep for this interview?

Why do I have the funny feeling that Larry Rudolph is β€œadvising” Team CON on the down low? I don’t feel there’s been a separation there from Larry & Britney & the family /Team CON.

Bryan know Britney’s IG is controlled by someone else. Whoever vets her posts before it goes out tampers with the content to make it look weird. But I also they if Britney is sending messages on IG her team is too DUMB to realize it. Britney’s more clever than they want to give her credit for.


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18 minutes ago, PZHSB said:

The only thing I learned from this:

1- Britney does in fact want out.Β 
2- confirmation that she bank rolls that entire family.Β 
3- She is the black sheep/problem of the family. Keeping her the way she is works for them so they don’t have to worry about her.

She is black sheep. She is an innocent ship in the family of ******* hungry wolf who is feeding on her.Β 

I feel so angry and frustrated with all her "family" I can't even imagine how Britney feel.Β 

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3 things i got from this waste of time interview :

1. that **** redneck moron is misogynist/******

2. HES LYING pretending he doesnt know much of the con-ship

3. Many of u havent pointed yet, but im quite sure he hinted britney is his least favorite sister.(in the end of the interview, maybe im wrong)

It breaks a heart how her family sucks.Β 

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4 minutes ago, PokemonSpears said:

tbh as ridiculous as it sounds, I wouldn't be surprised if they're actually that uninformed. Like, maybe Lynne really found out about all this stuff through the #FreeBritney hashtag :idkney:

I don't think Bryan is a good actor, he seems genuine to me when he says he's not aware of anything, like, he doesn't seem to be hiding something, he didn't even showed worried or uncomfortable talking about this. Because as I said on the other post, this ignorance about Britney's situation would explain their lack of action over the years. They're probably all brainwashed / controlled by Jamie, because that's how things are in the South, they just obey the man of the house or something, or they just see "she's doing better" and they all assumed it was the best for her, as the rest of the world did, without questioning anything. The fact he's comparing having her personal decisions controlled to making hotel reservations, shows he doesn't really know the scope of the conservatorship, which makes me believe Britney herself doesn't really know a lot of things either, I mean, that's a bit more obvious. Maybe she doesn't even know the conservatorship isn't valid outside the state, or that she can ask for a termination, etc.



This analysis makes a lot of sense.Β 

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2 minutes ago, PokemonSpears said:

tbh as ridiculous as it sounds, I wouldn't be surprised if they're actually that uninformed. Like, maybe Lynne really found out about all this stuff through the #FreeBritney hashtag :idkney:

I don't think Bryan is a good actor, he seems genuine to me when he says he's not aware of anything, like, he doesn't seem to be hiding something, he didn't even showed worried or uncomfortable talking about this. Because as I said on the other post, this ignorance about Britney's situation would explain their lack of action over the years. They're probably all brainwashed / controlled by Jamie, because that's how things are in the South, they just obey the man of the house or something, or they just see "she's doing better" and they all assumed it was the best for her, as the rest of the world did, without questioning anything. The fact he's comparing having her personal decisions controlled to making hotel reservations, shows he doesn't really know the scope of the conservatorship, which makes me believe Britney herself doesn't really know a lot of things either, I mean, that's a bit more obvious. Maybe she doesn't even know the conservatorship isn't valid outside the state, or that she can ask for a termination, etc.

Ehh idk i think he makes a lot of money off her and knows without the conservatorship his pay day could be over. Β 



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Bryan acting like he doesn’t know any details lol.
Literally said Britney always wanted it to end! There you have it for people who said β€œmaybe she doesn’t want to end it”.

And the part of the practicality?? Oh she would have to make her own bookings and drive her own car, maybe it’s not practical Brit. WTF, I mean WTF!Β 



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I actually really believe her family means it all well, but they are just overly concerned....They think she won't make it on her own. The whole family is probably traumatized by 2007 and don't want this to happen again. I hope they will trust Britney and set her free.Β 

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5 minutes ago, PokemonSpears said:

tbh as ridiculous as it sounds, I wouldn't be surprised if they're actually that uninformed. Like, maybe Lynne really found out about all this stuff through the #FreeBritney hashtag :idkney:

I don't think Bryan is a good actor, he seems genuine to me when he says he's not aware of anything, like, he doesn't seem to be hiding something, he didn't even showed worried or uncomfortable talking about this. Because as I said on the other post, this ignorance about Britney's situation would explain their lack of action over the years. They're probably all brainwashed / controlled by Jamie, because that's how things are in the South, they just obey the man of the house or something, or they just see "she's doing better" and they all assumed it was the best for her, as the rest of the world did, without questioning anything. The fact he's comparing having her personal decisions controlled to making hotel reservations, shows he doesn't really know the scope of the conservatorship, which makes me believe Britney herself doesn't really know a lot of things either, I mean, that's a bit more obvious. Maybe she doesn't even know the conservatorship isn't valid outside the state, or that she can ask for a termination, etc.



I have to respectfully disagree. In twelve years, during which some of those years, Bryan was employed for Britney on the same tours that Jamie was.... that he is THAT oblivious? There is no way. They at least had to talk business and that alone would be enough for Bryan to see if they were pushing her past her limits just for financial reasons.Β 

Bryan was playing stupid intentionally. If he doesn’t know anything then how can people hate on him? It’s exactly what he wanted.Β 

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2 minutes ago, Britneylandia said:

Bryan acting like he doesn’t know any details lol.
Literally said Britney always wanted it to end! There you have it for people who said β€œmaybe she doesn’t want to end it”.

And the part of the practicality?? Oh she would have to make her own bookings and drive her own car, maybe it’s not practical Brit. WTF, I mean WTF!Β 



that's why I wish the host would ask the right questions, it's so frustrating he didn't even know what he was talking about either

it's so frustrating that the one person that gets to interview a direct member of her family, doesn't even have the knowledge of the situation or doesn't ask the questions we need to be answered

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