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Jamie Spears' lawyers asks that Britney herself appear before the judge in future conservatorship hearings

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I dont like this. I think shes not in a good place and this is their way to prove to the court shes not okay. It actually goes against everything we've been saying. My argument Britneys dad has been saying shes not okay, why would he want her there to fight him. Think about it if shes fine this would hurt him bc she could prove shes okay and stand up for herself. I'm sorry but I dont think this is good news.  It's clear he wants the court to see something. What medications did they put her on is my ? 

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5 hours ago, Roxxy said:

Ok i'm on the fence here. I see both sides. While I do get it, the part about the "larger agenda" and Jamie & co. wants Britney to attend so that she "crumbles" in front of the judge and thus making her look incapable bla bla bla... I do believe she must attend. Like, there is no better and solid way to prove to a judge (or a jury) or even to the entire world that she is capable of handling all the day to day pressures of the real world and all that adulting stuff - if she can't even be present for court proceedings regarding the management of her life. :ohwut_gaga_sunglasses_shocked_surprised_what_huh:

A judge decides on his/her better judgment. Which is subjective. It all depends on his/her understanding of the entire situation. While s/he is presented with the facts and that is objective, s/he may also take into account everything else that isn't tangible. What s/he sees, feels, his/her gut feeling. There are times when even if presented with a lot of incriminating evidence, a single smile from the accused - one that pierces through the soul, or a tear shed can make a judge second guess everything that was presented in court and go "I know in my heart/gut that this person is innocent" and that alone can make a difference. Not saying the accused will get acquitted but this might make the judge want to further scrutinize all the previously examined evidences to look for a hole in the story, or to ask for more witnesses etc. Anyway, that's just an example. But my point is...

I get that she has anxiety and stuff but that's a lame excuse tbh and just feeds into the Jamie & co. narrative that she's not capable of being left on her own. She MUST attend. It sends a clear and solid statement to everyone Jamie & co. and to the judge that she means business.

I believe she can and will come through. She HAS TO. I believe in you, Britney. 

I hope so but I think shes clearly not okay or else he would never want her there if he has been abusing the conservatorship. Idt this is good news for brit. 

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25 minutes ago, CarelessDiva said:

I hope so but I think shes clearly not okay or else he would never want her there if he has been abusing the conservatorship. Idt this is good news for brit. 

I know she's not ok. I was never in denial about that. But it is what it is. She doesn't have a choice. Well, she has. But appearing in court is the most solid defense and offense. Continuing to fight this while hiding in the comfort of her home will only hurt her in the long run. Do they honestly think they can fight the conservatorship without appearing in court? It's only a matter of time before the judge summons her. We all know this is bad but again, it is what it is. She HAS to pull through. If Sam Ingham believes they can win without Britney ever appearing in court to show she has a lot of fight in her, then he's an idiot. :imacat_cat_hiss_meme_white_kitty_mad:

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Hmmmmmm perhaps this is the reason why Britney won't attend. In case she gets overly emotional, passionate and breaks down which would only result in horrible (god forbid) consequences . I hope this is wrong and i hope she does attend and gets the right support from her boyfriend, lawyer and some of her family and friends :disappointed_thinking_oh_okay_glasses:


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I think, right now it’s important to just get rid of Jamie first. Since this isn’t about the control of her as a person, I don’t think it’s that needed yet for her to appear. Once Jamie is out of the picture, or actual personal matters and the evaluation become a topic, I think that’s when Britney should be there. That, plus private conversations with her and a good doctor, without stressors of the court, so everyone can see how she acts when she’s in a safe environment and how she acts when she’s surrounded by her “care team”. I think, since  I don’t know what’s actually going on, what definitely needs to happen before Britney appears in court is that, if it’s the case, she’s not on whatever medication her father wanted her to be on. Wrong meds can do tremendous damage and make you act and seem like you’re incapable of anything when you’re actually not.

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3 hours ago, Roxxy said:

I know she's not ok. I was never in denial about that. But it is what it is. She doesn't have a choice. Well, she has. But appearing in court is the most solid defense and offense. Continuing to fight this while hiding in the comfort of her home will only hurt her in the long run. Do they honestly think they can fight the conservatorship without appearing in court? It's only a matter of time before the judge summons her. We all know this is bad but again, it is what it is. She HAS to pull through. If Sam Ingham believes they can win without Britney ever appearing in court to show she has a lot of fight in her, then he's an idiot. :imacat_cat_hiss_meme_white_kitty_mad:

The tea has been spilled. I mean she needs to fight for herself. 

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8 hours ago, Jordan Miller said:

Totally crossed my mind as well. How a court hearing would cause her irreparable harm or something. 

She went to a court hearing just last year with her mom. She can do it again. I believe in her. 

She also went face to face against Sam L which is the biggest ''evil" 4 her according to her conservators.

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I think her telling her side is the wisest thing, if she was able to face Lutfi a few years ago for a deposition, she should be able to face her own father. The lawyer can thoroughly prepare her for any tricks Jamie and his lawyers can throw at her, she also went last year with Lynne, so have Lynne go with her again for emotional support or ask for it to be in private with just the judge and Ingham. I highly doubt she‘d just be thrown to the wolves.

Yes she has anxiety but we’ve also seen her feisty and show attitude throughout this decade, I honestly don’t think she’s the fragile piece of china that many of you like to make her out to be.

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13 hours ago, LLuvia said:

I agree, my grandmother always said "what is not said, has not happened and does not exist" so it is very important to verbalize what happens.

The problem is that her father and team want to make her nervous and for her to lose this battle herself (I think it is the strategy of his new lawyer) not to transmit fear or nervousness, transmit calm, see that they have nothing to lose because they, in this case, Jamie is right and wants the best interests of his daughter and his brand, they want her to speak up and under pressure and nervousness and herself to fall. The people, the media, Free Britney movement and the judge see that she is incompetent and that she needs conservatorship for life.

Several users on this forum saw this coming and saw that her father and team of Lawyers was up to something.

I understand, it's a lot of pressure... Definitely.

But Britney will have to talk to the judge sooner or later, it's good If she goes even tho she's not obligated to. It will show she's capable to speak for herself and that her desire to be free is real.

 Her father's camp claims a lot of things and Ingham not using the smart words to fight back. Britney there can prove Jamie's a liar, It Will benefit her, even with the anxiety.

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I would love if Sam Ingham could hire an emotional support / life coach for Britney and coach her through this. Bring up uncomfortable topics to her (while in the comfort of her own home) and guide her through how to answer, what to do if she feels overwhelmed, how to calm herself down if she gets anxious in court. 

I think it's actually really interesting that her dad wants her to appear before the judge. 

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16 hours ago, Slayer said:

I feel like Jamie & co only want her to attend so they can make her more anxious and stressed about the whole ordeal. They know she has anxiety and know that in a stressful environment she may be awkward and that will benefit them.

Atleast Sam goes back to her and explains and  he is the one who faces the arguments in person (as it is his job)  & he can go back to Britney cut out the BS from Jamie and has time to explain to Britney the whole situation clearly. That way it’s a lot less stressful for Britney, so I can understand why it is better for her not to attend and speak through Sam for now.


Britney didn't attend other hearings because it would cause her "irreparable demage". What changed? :orly_oh_britney_surprised_wow_excited:

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I completely agree with all the comments about regarding Jamie's intentions to have her come to court and speak for herself and how she would portray herself. She obviously may not know the legal jargon or the ins and outs - and I hope to god they don't act like that is some barometer of her health. 

If I knew professionals / courts were judging everything I said as mentally sound or not....I can't imagine the anxiety. Basically anything anyone says or does can sound crazy.

There was that famous psych experiment where completely normal, healthy people were put in a mental health facility and given fake diagnoses. And the doctors would corroborate the diagnoses like "yep, I can see he has paranoid schizophrenia, he is pacing the hallway at lunch" or "yes, his speech is fast / slow exhibiting signs of _____" etc etc.

So I truly hope the court doesn't judge any slight signs of anxiety or distress or even totally normal behaviour as anything more than it is. 

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I have so many thoughts.  Like,  so so soooo many but the one good thing I can think of having Britney attend is it will FINALLY put a face to this CON(servitorship).  I believe, for 12 years now, it's been anyone and everyone other than the person all of this is about !!!  Everyone speaking on her behalf, pretending to know what's best for her every decision in life, her legacy, her wants and demands, making her life decisions, flapping at the gums, etc etc.  It's literally been about papers, money, and a room full of absolutely everyone BUT Britney!   The judge and everyone needs to be reminded this is about a HUMAN BEING!  All of this talk is about a person, not a LLC or business.  It's truly heartbreaking because I feel Britney the human being has been overshadowed since day 1 by Britney the business and thats what everyone cares about.  It literally breaks my heart, ugh.

Even if she sat there in complete silence that presence is powerful!

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IDK why yall afraid of Britney goin to court & spilling the beans?! Hasn't she done so already when she told the judge her father involuntary put her in the mental facility? or was that told to the judge from Brits lawyer?  IMO, I dont think their doing this to intimidate Britney. I think they're doing this to save face. They know all eyes are on them, so they're doing things to appear as if they're trying to "work with her" 


Just like Jamie's last court doc filed. All that talk NOW that Britney can choose to work whenever she wants. HA! however in the previous doc filed by jamie's lawyer's, they bash Brit for not wanting to work. LOL. 


They are trying to save their *** now & not appear shady, but the more they do, the more shady they appear SMH lol. 

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Just now, OutofKontrol said:

IDK why yall afraid of Britney goin to court & spilling the beans?! Hasn't she done so already when she told the judge her father involuntary put her in the mental facility? or was that told to the judge from Brits lawyer?  IMO, I dont think their doing this to intimidate Britney. I think they're doing this to save face. They know all eyes are on them, so they're doing things to appear as if they're trying to "work with her" 


Just like Jamie's last court doc filed. All that talk NOW that Britney can choose to work whenever she wants. HA! however in the previous doc filed by jamie's lawyer's, they bash Brit for not wanting to work. LOL. 


They are trying to save their *** now & not appear shady, but the more they do, the more shady they appear SMH lol. 


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Of course Sam Ingham would try to avoid bringing Britney to testify in court as much as he can. One of Ingham's duties as a court apointed lawyer is to ensure that the conservators do not loot Britney's assets, abuse their power or inappropriately restrict her freedom. It won't look good for him if Britney starts to talk to the judge about isolation, exploitation or other  things that have happened under this arrangement.

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