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Found 18 results

  1. Dont ask anything, give me as many tips and tricks on how to fix hangover asap what works the fastest and what works? UPDATE, 1pm 12...something hours after me drinking my anger and disappointment. After eating: gyros, fries, cakes (sampita for the Balkan lads), drinking cola and coffee, I don't feel hangover anymore. But I'm probably diabetic and american by proxy from all your food recommendations. Thanks for the advises!
  2. This year, I managed to restart my life in a new city and state with the loving support of my family. I am attending a great college in a great community and am making good connections. I finally feel like I'm actually living, something I haven't felt in many years. I am majoring in a field that will enable me to help others who have been where I have been. This comes at the same time I am losing weight and feeling motivated to start working out. Finally, I am distancing myself from the toxic and hate-filled forum that I've been bullied on for the past two years. My personal social media is used by those bullies as jokes, mocking my appearance and the like. Enough is enough. What have you done good for yourself?
  3. Jay gives us an insight of the lifestyle of the rich and famous before he sneaks away to the Philippines and we can kiss his derrière: Comment, like, subscribe and share your thoughts down below! 😊
  4. I live in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, and I love it. Even though my apartment complex is not that well maintained and has no elevator, my studio is comfy and I have everything I need. The public transportation is fantastic, since I can't drive. The buses run every 10-15 minutes, and they have their own dedicated lanes and highways. I attend the University of Pittsburgh, and I love my classes there so far It snowed for the first time this winter today, and although I hate snow and the cold, it's better here than where I moved from - Syracuse, New York. I'm heading back there on Friday to see my family for Thanksgiving break. Do you like where you live?
  5. Hey Exhale Before I share this with you I hope everyone is having a wonderful day/night. Here in Las Vegas Nevada it's about 2 am and I'm not tired... can't sleep and have to get this off my chest. I thank Exhale for being my escape from a very difficult time in my life. The laughs, the tea spilled, the fellowship it makes being a Britney fan for 20 years well worth it. You all in a short period of time after returning to Exhale have a piece of my heart and I actually pray for you guys But with that being said... I made a YouTube video especially for you guys, My family and friends and Britney. I know this is a reach but after the day I've had to come home and see Britney's post finally speaking to us it was a moment for me, and I shot this video before I found out Britney's video... she is so strong and I am looking to her for strength because if she could have lived through 14 years of trauma then I definitely can overcome the last 10 years of my life... since my Mama died... I hope you all know how much I care for you all and don't give up.. we all are having hard times with the holidays here some of us have lost loved ones or are going thru life's bs but we are in it together. Blessings (please read Instagram caption and check out the message to Exhale) To Britney, Exhale and Etc. @Danielle1987 @Cinderella85 @Doja Kitten @Urbanney @CrazyButItFeelsAllright(ur mentioned in video) @MikeHunt @Rik @blackoutbixxh @rennen @MikeHunt @Nickey @SlayOut @Style. @Slayer @Midnight @Justin Woodpond @princessmimi @PokemonSpears @MadonnaBritneyLove @Adriannn @Henry M. Torres @Jordan Miller @justhanging @DJBringItBack @Rik @SPEED28 @Lil-Jay @reVolution @rosenotes Current song on repeat @MissSpearsSaysSo @TommyX @gapeach704 @nwonder @jordeezy Thoughts
  6. What are some things that Britney had taught you through life? It could be inspirations, life lessons, hobbies or even your own passion for something! one thing she taught me was to always be true to myself. I witnessed someone who was incredibly talented and beautiful on top of the world. Even though to me she was everything I could imagine, there were people who treated her like she was a joke. It showed me that I could be “Britney spears” and still not be “good enough”. We watched her go through life. So many people had opinions about her life style or decisions, it never effected her from doing what she wanted. Her not caring about what others would say taught me, I can’t change what someone says or thinks. so I chose to live my life authentically, to live for me and what I want to do or wear! No one can take that away from me, not caring about others feelings or opinions is a way of life.
  7. What time in your life did you ever feel like you were being discriminated on? Discrimination seems like a very serious thing but in the end it absolutely is serious. And it's done to people more than we think or speak on 🗣️ and that ends now. I was judged in 1999 at school for being openly gay and even abused by kids before. Back when being loud and proud 2025 wasn't cool. I know what it's like. I was judged by my now-deceased mother for being gay, by some of my family, and of course strangers and people on the internet years later. That pain as a kid is hard to forget but we are supposed to be happy kids when we are kids, to behave and tie our shoes. We aren't able then to speak up about anything and if we do it's "childish talk" let's be ******* real people!!!!! I said that story to say I know what it's like. I could say more but I will say more in my docuseries. I hope none of you deal with discrimination and if you do, let this thread be a vessel of love nothing but pure love that even if someone is judging you, disrespecting you or discriminating, you're not alone. It's not okay and just let karma and the universe deal with them Sending all of you love
  8. prayers I find a new one ASAP 🙏🥺
  9. Before anyone says ''a d/ck'', that's not a correct answer because it's HARD, not simple Okay, my list: Hot baths with bubbles during cold and rainy days Tea - drinking and when someone ''spills the tea'' Being in bed after a shower/bath, nice feeling Taking a cold shower after a workout Listening to music Buying new things like clothes or something to use ughhhhh I love it, I think I have a problem but IDGAF The sun, hot weather, being outside Beach, sea Tropical island vacations Hot tub Eating Do I have to mention ''having some action in bed and not only bed'' Looking at hot guys Playing video games Watching Netflix, Hulu and HBO etc Hanging out with friends Parties
  10. I know we're supposed to be happy for everybody but when I see the people around me still suffering after so many years of trauma,struggling to have what they want in life, although they are deserving and talented and others almost having it all, it makes me wonder if life is really fair and when it will be our turn.
  11. First I want to apologize for not being transparent with how I produce and if that offended anyone I'm sorry. I'm not tagging anyone in this post. I'm not doing this for attention I'm doing this because I'm broken and if anything were to happen to me I want to leave a mark in the world. A message of hope despite my circumstances. I've messed up and made a .ot of mistakes. I'm tired of even giving excuses anymore. I need to change. I want to be better. I haven't been honest... I relapsed. I am dealing with a lot. I'm so scared to go to rehab or any program I've been abused before mentally and ***ually it is a very hard thing. I want to share this. Because someone needs to hear it. I might not wake up tomorrow or who will or wont? It's not up to us... I am seeking God in prayer I cannot stop crying.... I'm a mess... I love you guys I don't know what's gonna happen to me but I'm praying God allows me to live a good life 🙏 into turning 30 this year. I'm praying I dont wanna go to sleep... Please don't send hate my way, I just need support. I'm homeless and if it weren't for one of my cousins to shelter me in her house during this dark time for a few days I would be outside outside abandoned mall like I was a few days ago. I'm not ashamed to share my story. Don't make stupid choices like me because it could change ur life forever... but As Britney says... God is good 👍 Love , Jay
  12. We all are born with many gifts and talents. But some are born with spiritual gifts and those gifts are supposed to be used for greater good. I have the gift of Compassion as well as Discernment which is truly a great thing to possess!! God / Higher Power has bestowed many gifts to us all. We are living in a dark world. Don't be like everybody else! Be different!! Have you been revealed your spiritual gifts? Or do you just have talents and passions? Either way we should use our talents for better causes and purposes. Let's show more love to one another!!! Exhale, let's share our gifts with one another Here's to a brighter 2022.... -JayTawndré
  13. Do you want to have kids or no? EDIT/UPDATE As of Jan 2022, I've changed my life views and do not stand behind my previous ones. Now, I appreciate the concept of family in a traditional sense, having children, and I do not believe in overpopulation anymore and many other views I once had have changed. I do not stand anymore with this post.
  14. I did this photo shoot two years ago inspired by Britney's at home fashion shows and photo shoots. Used it recently for my new single Center Stage Post your At Home Photo sessions! Let's be real... Britney started yet another trend in Pop culture. Everyone does it now. I see you Beyoncé
  15. I'm crying... As I shared with you all I am homeless and just recently went to a shelter. It's a long story that will be revealed in my docuseries. But I'm working at an apartment complex and in one month I can move in and get a 300 discount on my rent. I'm so thankful I've been thru hell and back and it's amazing that I haven't give up when I wanted to so many times. God is so dope!! Just wanted to share my victory. Oh and stream my new songs on YouTube for New Music Friday!!!! Future Starts Now
  16. My day has just mainly consisted of work! I'm just happy it's Friday and I can now relax for the weekend! I'm currently browsing Exhale and listening to bops whilst drinking some alcohol So i'm going to have a chilled night! What have you guys done today? or what are your plans for today?
  17. For me there are several that come to mind but I'll name 3 of them: 1. Tattoos - I DONT completely hate them, heck some are even pretty but when someone goes overboard on them (like Justin Bieber) or gets face tattoos (like all the idiot rappers today), thats when I hate them! 2. Beer- I drank it only 2 times and it was HORRIBLE! It tastes like pee or an old sock! It was so gross that I had to mix the beer with a diet coke to drink it. 3. Gages- Like with tattoos, I dont mind piercings (heck I even wanted Britney's belly one at some point) but I just dont like Gages cause they look really gross when you take them off and why stretch out a body part if you dont have to. Anyways those are my least fave things that every one likes. Im sorry if I offend you with my post but they are just my opinions! What are your dislikes?
  18. Addiction doesnt have to be dangerous vices, it can be anything. My addictions are: Diet Coke, Youtube, Phone, Britney, Music, Cats and Sweets. What about you guys? What are some of your addictions?
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