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Breaking: Britney's Co-Conservator, Andrew Wallet, Requests Court Approve His Request To Resign Immediately


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4 minutes ago, Mr_Steven_Spears said:

If Britney is getting out surely someone is helping her as in Sam maybe ? 

What would Sam do...

He should only be a support and nothing more. 

I would think Britney would have to go though evaluations to see how mentally stable she is currently. I would think the judge then would release her from the cship. Jaime also could say how she has improved and show evidence etc 

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14 minutes ago, Spearsfan said:

What would Sam do...

He should only be a support and nothing more. 

I would think Britney would have to go though evaluations to see how mentally stable she is currently. I would think the judge then would release her from the cship. Jaime also could say how she has improved and show evidence etc 

Well he is her boyfriend they have been together a while now and that’s what partners do they support each other. He could of been the reason behind this he properly saw some shady stuff going on and made britney aware. 


I hope jamie does help britney I mean he’s properly realised she is more the capable to be free now, and I’m sure if jamie says to the courts that britney is ready to live her life then that will help massively.

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8 minutes ago, Mr_Steven_Spears said:

Well he is her boyfriend they have been together a while now and that’s what partners do they support each other. He could of been the reason behind this he properly saw some shady stuff going on and made britney aware. 


I hope jamie does help britney I mean he’s properly realised she is more the capable to be free now, and I’m sure if jamie says to the courts that britney is ready to live her life then that will help massively.

I don’t think it’s as simple as that. 

It was a scary time when Jason was gonna be cship advisor. I hope that isn’t what is happening with Sam. 

We don’t know Britney though. There could be a lot going on we don’t know. 


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32 minutes ago, nels64 said:

Honestly there is nothing severe enough for a 37 year old woman to have unless she had downs or severe autism. Which clearly she doesn’t because A) downs you can tell visually and B) we know she doesn’t have severe autism because she was fine before 2007 and autism doesn’t just happen. 

So let’s go through a list of most severe psychological disorders that can start displaying themselves in the mid-20s:

- Bi-polar I and II: both easily manageable without being in a conservatorship. May make sense while someone is going through a life-changing rough patch to MAYBE be put in a temporary conservatorship like the one initially created until stable...but generally not necessary and just need to get help and be on the right meds

- Schizophrenia: same as above, a little less immediately manageable but again no conservatorship necessary unless you’ve completely lost touch with reality and are unable to regain it which clearly is not Britney as she is clearly a coherent person (aside from forgetting some dates here and there)

- Borderline Personality Disorder: pretty common in “creatives” usually appears during a stressful time in ones life, around the mid 20s. This is what I think is very possible Britney has. This is what frequently displays as a “breakdown” in a lot of people. I went to art school and saw more than a few people diagnosed with this and go through it before my eyes. Again, totally manageable by yourself once you’ve gotten out of your rock-bottom hole. Makes sense why you MIGHT need a conservatorship at the beginning or when you’re having your mental break and can’t think straight. But again plenty of people go through this and don’t need to be controlled for years later. A temporary situation could work. But there’s no reason she would need to be in it for 10 years. Hell there would he no reason she would need to be in it for more than a year. 


There is CLEARLY some abuse of power going on here. People aren’t put in permanent conservatorships unless they are debilitated, cannot make their own decisions, bed ridden, mentally disabled, etc. 

While Britney probably does have some kind of Psychological Disorder or issue, it’s nothing to be ashamed of and nothing debilitating to her character or ability to be a person. Just because she has a mental illness (not disability) doesn’t mean she is disabled. Think of it as idk having diabetes, you treat it, you take your insulin, you continue your normal life. Maybe when you first find out you have it you’re bed ridden and your health declines because you don’t know what’s going on and you can’t properly treat yourself. But once they figure it out and give you insulin and you take it appropriately, you live your normal life. 

There is no circumstance where she should still be in this conservatorship imo. Unless she got smacked in the head by a bowling ball and lost half her brain. She should have been released like 9 years ago. 

There’s a reason Britney fired Larry and disconnected from her family shortly before the “breakdown” and although that was probably due to her mental illness, there was probably some truth to why she didn’t trust her family. 

And that’s that on that. 

You make several good points here and I respect where you're coming from, however some of these issues are not easily manageable. I think the conservatorship has a lot of reasons for being in place that we don't know about. With some of these mental issues, Britney might not be capable of making logical decisions are her own. And I'm not sure that the conservatorship is in place to control her but more to make her life manageable for her. For instance, her kids are her world but considering how she was ten years ago, she was not capable of being a good mother at the time. Yes, ten years have passed and she has proven herself, but we have zero idea what happens behind the scenes and what she is capable of anymore. I think her issues are way more serious than we know and there are reasons why it's still in place.

But I agree with you, it's nothing to be ashamed of. I just wish she/or her team would be open with us instead of treating us like we are stupid and can't see the difference in her.

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2 hours ago, nels64 said:

Honestly there is nothing severe enough for a 37 year old woman to have unless she had downs or severe autism. Which clearly she doesn’t because A) downs you can tell visually and B) we know she doesn’t have severe autism because she was fine before 2007 and autism doesn’t just happen. 

So let’s go through a list of most severe psychological disorders that can start displaying themselves in the mid-20s:

- Bi-polar I and II: both easily manageable without being in a conservatorship. May make sense while someone is going through a life-changing rough patch to MAYBE be put in a temporary conservatorship like the one initially created until stable...but generally not necessary and just need to get help and be on the right meds

- Schizophrenia: same as above, a little less immediately manageable but again no conservatorship necessary unless you’ve completely lost touch with reality and are unable to regain it which clearly is not Britney as she is clearly a coherent person (aside from forgetting some dates here and there)

- Borderline Personality Disorder: pretty common in “creatives” usually appears during a stressful time in ones life, around the mid 20s. This is what I think is very possible Britney has. This is what frequently displays as a “breakdown” in a lot of people. I went to art school and saw more than a few people diagnosed with this and go through it before my eyes. Again, totally manageable by yourself once you’ve gotten out of your rock-bottom hole. Makes sense why you MIGHT need a conservatorship at the beginning or when you’re having your mental break and can’t think straight. But again plenty of people go through this and don’t need to be controlled for years later. A temporary situation could work. But there’s no reason she would need to be in it for 10 years. Hell there would he no reason she would need to be in it for more than a year. 


There is CLEARLY some abuse of power going on here. People aren’t put in permanent conservatorships unless they are debilitated, cannot make their own decisions, bed ridden, mentally disabled, etc. 

While Britney probably does have some kind of Psychological Disorder or issue, it’s nothing to be ashamed of and nothing debilitating to her character or ability to be a person. Just because she has a mental illness (not disability) doesn’t mean she is disabled. Think of it as idk having diabetes, you treat it, you take your insulin, you continue your normal life. Maybe when you first find out you have it you’re bed ridden and your health declines because you don’t know what’s going on and you can’t properly treat yourself. But once they figure it out and give you insulin and you take it appropriately, you live your normal life. 

There is no circumstance where she should still be in this conservatorship imo. Unless she got smacked in the head by a bowling ball and lost half her brain. She should have been released like 9 years ago. 

There’s a reason Britney fired Larry and disconnected from her family shortly before the “breakdown” and although that was probably due to her mental illness, there was probably some truth to why she didn’t trust her family. 

And that’s that on that. 

I don't want to start an argument, but I do want to point out that some of the things you've said here aren't completely true.

First of all, most people don't really know what autism is and how it manifests in women. It's possible for someone on the autism spectrum to look completely neurotypical to the outside world by masking their neurological differences. Most people on the spectrum reach periods of high stress in their lives when they temporarily regress and they may not function as highly in some areas for that period of time. Autism is a set of physical differences in the way the body's nervous system processes sensory information. That being said, people on the spectrum can experience problems with executive functioning, which includes things like organization, prioritization, and financial management. This doesn't mean that these people are less intelligent, they just need more assistance in these areas in order to be successful.


Borderline personality disorder is pervasive. It doesn't come and go, it is a constant in that person's life. Treatment can reduce a person's symptoms until they longer meet the criteria for a full DSM diagnosis. This disorder occurs when a person is not able to regulate their emotions and can be caused by childhood trauma and genetic. It does not randomly pop up one day, it is develops in adolescence as the personality develops.


I don't think it's CLEAR what is going on here in any way. We have almost zero information regarding her condition and equally, very little information regarding the legal context surrounding the conservatorship. Spreading misinformation about developmental disorders and mental illnesses is going to do nothing to shine any light on this situation.

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48 minutes ago, nels64 said:

I’m sure eventually and I really hope this comes to pass, we’ll just talk about it like any other physical illness like the example I used of diabetes, or iritible bowel syndrome or crohns disease or like f**king idk allergies. Like it’s not like you’re suddenly not a person anymore. Your body (your brain being PART OF YOUR BODY) just needs some management. 

People need to realize the difference between a mental disability and a mental illness/disorder. Mental disabilities are DISABILITIES, similar to physical disabilities like being a parapalegic, or being blind, or deaf. You literally have less function. A mental illness or disorder is like any other illness, it’s manageable, you can still be a person and live a somewhat normal life albeit with some medical management.

And I’m sure you can tell us all that while her battle with it is probably an every day uphill battle and maybe even during the worst, family has to step in, no one is in charge of her like they are of Britney. 

Honestly it all comes down to money. Do you think if there wasn’t a multi-million dollar empire anyone would have even stepped in? Probably not. She would have probably been shuttled off to the 5150, held for a while, given the proper meds, probably gone to rehab for a while and would have probably had to figure it out on her own. The only reason people stepped in was to keep her money “safe”. 

I think it’s quite telling that her father gives HIMSELF a pretty hefty salary. Like c’mon. It it were purely out of love and concern for Britney, he would just be a conservator in name IN CASE anything went awry but let her make all her decisions and not constantly ask for a raise. 

This statement is also inaccurate. Mental illness are classified as disabilities in the United States.

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2 hours ago, GimmeBritney320 said:

You make several good points here and I respect where you're coming from, however some of these issues are not easily manageable. I think the conservatorship has a lot of reasons for being in place that we don't know about. With some of these mental issues, Britney might not be capable of making logical decisions are her own. And I'm not sure that the conservatorship is in place to control her but more to make her life manageable for her. For instance, her kids are her world but considering how she was ten years ago, she was not capable of being a good mother at the time. Yes, ten years have passed and she has proven herself, but we have zero idea what happens behind the scenes and what she is capable of anymore. I think her issues are way more serious than we know and there are reasons why it's still in place.

But I agree with you, it's nothing to be ashamed of. I just wish she/or her team would be open with us instead of treating us like we are stupid and can't see the difference in her.

THIS THIS THIS!!!! We have no idea what the conservatorship is in place for! But obviously, it's made her life more manageable so she can focus on the things that matter to her the most (her kids, her health, etc.)

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4 minutes ago, nels64 said:


The term ‘psychiatric disability’ is used when mental illness significantly interferes with the performance of major life activities, such as learning, working, and communicating, among others.

So while some mental illnesses can obviously become severe enough to be a disability, like say a severe case of schizophrenia where you've completely lost touch with reality and are unable to become lucid again, usually mental illness ≠ disability.

Mental illness is a reason though:

These conservatorships are only for adults who are gravely disabled as a result of a mental illness listed in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM). The most common mental illnesses are serious, biological brain disorders, like:


Bipolar disorder (manic depression),

Schizo-affective disorder,

Clinical depression, and

Obsessive-compulsive disorder.

LPS conservatorships are not for people with organic brain disorders, brain trauma, developmental disability, alcohol or **** addiction, or dementia, unless they also have one of the serious mental illnesses listed in the DSM.

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Maybe Britney suffers from this:



Related Conditions

A person with schizoaffective disorder may have additional illnesses:

It's not Schizophenia or Bipolar disoder. It shares symptons from both though.


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7 hours ago, nels64 said:

Honestly there is nothing severe enough for a 37 year old woman to have unless she had downs or severe autism. Which clearly she doesn’t because A) downs you can tell visually and B) we know she doesn’t have severe autism because she was fine before 2007 and autism doesn’t just happen. 

So let’s go through a list of most severe psychological disorders that can start displaying themselves in the mid-20s:

- Bi-polar I and II: both easily manageable without being in a conservatorship. May make sense while someone is going through a life-changing rough patch to MAYBE be put in a temporary conservatorship like the one initially created until stable...but generally not necessary and just need to get help and be on the right meds

- Schizophrenia: same as above, a little less immediately manageable but again no conservatorship necessary unless you’ve completely lost touch with reality and are unable to regain it which clearly is not Britney as she is clearly a coherent person (aside from forgetting some dates here and there)

- Borderline Personality Disorder: pretty common in “creatives” usually appears during a stressful time in ones life, around the mid 20s. This is what I think is very possible Britney has. This is what frequently displays as a “breakdown” in a lot of people. I went to art school and saw more than a few people diagnosed with this and go through it before my eyes. Again, totally manageable by yourself once you’ve gotten out of your rock-bottom hole. Makes sense why you MIGHT need a conservatorship at the beginning or when you’re having your mental break and can’t think straight. But again plenty of people go through this and don’t need to be controlled for years later. A temporary situation could work. But there’s no reason she would need to be in it for 10 years. Hell there would he no reason she would need to be in it for more than a year. 


There is CLEARLY some abuse of power going on here. People aren’t put in permanent conservatorships unless they are debilitated, cannot make their own decisions, bed ridden, mentally disabled, etc. 

While Britney probably does have some kind of Psychological Disorder or issue, it’s nothing to be ashamed of and nothing debilitating to her character or ability to be a person. Just because she has a mental illness (not disability) doesn’t mean she is disabled. Think of it as idk having diabetes, you treat it, you take your insulin, you continue your normal life. Maybe when you first find out you have it you’re bed ridden and your health declines because you don’t know what’s going on and you can’t properly treat yourself. But once they figure it out and give you insulin and you take it appropriately, you live your normal life. 

There is no circumstance where she should still be in this conservatorship imo. Unless she got smacked in the head by a bowling ball and lost half her brain. She should have been released like 9 years ago. 

There’s a reason Britney fired Larry and disconnected from her family shortly before the “breakdown” and although that was probably due to her mental illness, there was probably some truth to why she didn’t trust her family. 

And that’s that on that. 


Edit: I'm not going to edit the original text because it has been quoted a few times. But when I say EASILY, I do not mean EASILY in general. In this context I mean, things would be easily manageable in the context of NOT having a conservatorship or in other words. People go through the **** above all the time often extremely severe cases maybe even more severe than Britney's and don't need a 10+ year conservatorship. '

Also I did not mean to imply that these mental illnesses suddenly appear at 25, they obviously are genetic/environmental and stem from early childhood a lot of times. Mid-20s is just when symptoms become extremely obvious and when a lot of people are often diagnosed. 

Long story short and plainly what I'm trying to say is:

IF Britney needs the conservatorship because behind the scenes she really IS that f**ked up and really cannot control herself or her life or anything around her to the extent of needing a conservatorship for 10 years, then the conservatorship (Jamie/Andrew) should NOT be putting her on display and just forcing her out in public for "moments" where she is "seemingly stable". Just to pull a ruse on the general public, media, and fans. That would NOT be in HER best interest. So even if the conservatorship IS necessary. It is NOT serving its purpose in its current state. It seems like a clear ploy to earn money from this person.

IF Britney does NOT need the conservatorship because she can manage her own life at this point and has been able to for years. It is also not serving its purpose and being abused.

So no matter how you cut it. Either situation doesn't make me comfortable and doesn't convince me that the conservatorship is currently in Britney's best interest. She should either be semi-retired and should have been since Circus, or they trapped her in this and kept her in it after she no longer needed it. Either way it's f**king bad. 



“As long as she is bringing in so much money and as long as the lawyers and conservators are getting paid, there is little incentive to end it,” said Elaine Renoire, president of the National Association to Stop Guardian Abuse, an advocacy group. “Usually, the conservatorship just keeps going unless the conservatee makes a fuss or the family does.



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33 minutes ago, Catalin said:


“As long as she is bringing in so much money and as long as the lawyers and conservators are getting paid, there is little incentive to end it,” said Elaine Renoire, president of the National Association to Stop Guardian Abuse, an advocacy group. “Usually, the conservatorship just keeps going unless the conservatee makes a fuss or the family does.



Exactly :whatitellu:

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10 hours ago, nels64 said:

Honestly there is nothing severe enough for a 37 year old woman to have unless she had downs or severe autism. Which clearly she doesn’t because A) downs you can tell visually and B) we know she doesn’t have severe autism because she was fine before 2007 and autism doesn’t just happen. 

So let’s go through a list of most severe psychological disorders that can start displaying themselves in the mid-20s:

- Bi-polar I and II: both easily manageable without being in a conservatorship. May make sense while someone is going through a life-changing rough patch to MAYBE be put in a temporary conservatorship like the one initially created until stable...but generally not necessary and just need to get help and be on the right meds

- Schizophrenia: same as above, a little less immediately manageable but again no conservatorship necessary unless you’ve completely lost touch with reality and are unable to regain it which clearly is not Britney as she is clearly a coherent person (aside from forgetting some dates here and there)

- Borderline Personality Disorder: pretty common in “creatives” usually appears during a stressful time in ones life, around the mid 20s. This is what I think is very possible Britney has. This is what frequently displays as a “breakdown” in a lot of people. I went to art school and saw more than a few people diagnosed with this and go through it before my eyes. Again, totally manageable by yourself once you’ve gotten out of your rock-bottom hole. Makes sense why you MIGHT need a conservatorship at the beginning or when you’re having your mental break and can’t think straight. But again plenty of people go through this and don’t need to be controlled for years later. A temporary situation could work. But there’s no reason she would need to be in it for 10 years. Hell there would he no reason she would need to be in it for more than a year. 


There is CLEARLY some abuse of power going on here. People aren’t put in permanent conservatorships unless they are debilitated, cannot make their own decisions, bed ridden, mentally disabled, etc. 

While Britney probably does have some kind of Psychological Disorder or issue, it’s nothing to be ashamed of and nothing debilitating to her character or ability to be a person. Just because she has a mental illness (not disability) doesn’t mean she is disabled. Think of it as idk having diabetes, you treat it, you take your insulin, you continue your normal life. Maybe when you first find out you have it you’re bed ridden and your health declines because you don’t know what’s going on and you can’t properly treat yourself. But once they figure it out and give you insulin and you take it appropriately, you live your normal life. 

There is no circumstance where she should still be in this conservatorship imo. Unless she got smacked in the head by a bowling ball and lost half her brain. She should have been released like 9 years ago. 

There’s a reason Britney fired Larry and disconnected from her family shortly before the “breakdown” and although that was probably due to her mental illness, there was probably some truth to why she didn’t trust her family. 

And that’s that on that. 


Edit: I'm not going to edit the original text because it has been quoted a few times. But when I say EASILY, I do not mean EASILY in general. In this context I mean, things would be easily manageable in the context of NOT having a conservatorship or in other words. People go through the **** above all the time often extremely severe cases maybe even more severe than Britney's and don't need a 10+ year conservatorship. '

Also I did not mean to imply that these mental illnesses suddenly appear at 25, they obviously are genetic/environmental and stem from early childhood a lot of times. Mid-20s is just when symptoms become extremely obvious and when a lot of people are often diagnosed. 

Long story short and plainly what I'm trying to say is:

IF Britney needs the conservatorship because behind the scenes she really IS that f**ked up and really cannot control herself or her life or anything around her to the extent of needing a conservatorship for 10 years, then the conservatorship (Jamie/Andrew) should NOT be putting her on display and just forcing her out in public for "moments" where she is "seemingly stable". Just to pull a ruse on the general public, media, and fans. That would NOT be in HER best interest. So even if the conservatorship IS necessary. It is NOT serving its purpose in its current state. It seems like a clear ploy to earn money from this person.

IF Britney does NOT need the conservatorship because she can manage her own life at this point and has been able to for years. It is also not serving its purpose and being abused.

So no matter how you cut it. Either situation doesn't make me comfortable and doesn't convince me that the conservatorship is currently in Britney's best interest. She should either be semi-retired and should have been since Circus, or they trapped her in this and kept her in it after she no longer needed it. Either way it's f**king bad. 


I'll wait for the movie

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2 hours ago, Catalin said:


“As long as she is bringing in so much money and as long as the lawyers and conservators are getting paid, there is little incentive to end it,” said Elaine Renoire, president of the National Association to Stop Guardian Abuse, an advocacy group. “Usually, the conservatorship just keeps going unless the conservatee makes a fuss or the family does.


There’s theories that Britney has been made to feel as if she’s reliant on them. They’ve fed her ideas telling her that she needs them and that she’ll lose her kids without them.. We don’t know what goes on behind the scenes :whatitellu:


Imagine you were in her shoes, you had a public meltdown across a year where no one helped you, your father comes along and “saves” you and readies you up to go back to your career, and reunites you with your kids.. She’s probably scared of her dad not being around because of everything that happened :crying2:


I think she’s felt for so long that she needs them and without them she’ll go “crazy” again, but has finally snapped and has had enough and wants her life back. End of. :sendinglove: 

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