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Would you like to have kids?

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No. No. No. Not even if u paid me lol.

Giving up my freedom for a teenager that thinks the world evolves around them?

Spending my hard earned money on somebody that takes it for granted?

Sharing my own bought house I'm in debt for them to wreck my doors?

Not. In. A. Million. Years.

The same goes for a partner honestly.

I LOVE being alone!

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21 minutes ago, sparrowhawk said:

my boyfriend and i definitely want kids. i'm 33 and he's 28, but we plan to have at least one biological kid each (we are gay icymi) by the time i'm 40. only downside is how expensive it is for gay men to have children naturally...:(

I wish you all the luck in the world with it. It is good to be reminded it is harder for some people than it is for others to become parents. 

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I never liked kids. I said they were annoying, I love quiet and hate the sounds of babies crying and kids screaming even if they’re laughing. 

I said I wouldn’t want kids cause I’m selfish, value independence, don’t want the responsibility, cost etc. 

well I just had one and she has lit up my whole world. I feel like my life got a booster shot lol. To have a sweet creature love you and depend on you is something I never thought I’d take pride or joy in but I do. I never thought of all the pure happiness and joy but here I am one of those annoying people…. 

I know it’s not for everyone. But If you think you don’t like kids, you may surprise yourself. It’s the love of a lifetime. 

that being said, I may just stick w one lol. The future; the economy and environment is so uncertain. I wanna give my all to my daughter. We will see! Don’t put yourself in a box :) 

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I hated kids.  Then I met my husband who came from a big family and wanted lots of kids.  We ended up with 2 little girls (who both love Britney!).  It's hard work and expensive and I've never been so sleep deprived in my life.  But those baby snuggles man.  They're addicting. Kids honestly radiate joy and love.

I don't judge people who don't want kids.  I was one of those people.  If I hadn't met my husband I probably wouldn't have had them.  I applaud people who are self aware enough to know that that's not what they want in life and aren't afraid to say it.

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I’m 31 & female. I feel like I should want them by now if I did. I don’t want my entire life to revolve around my child as awful as that sounds. It seems exhausting, impossible, restraining - I would NEVER stop worrying. It just doesn’t appeal to me. I hope I don’t regret not doing it one day but in the world today, it’s probably for the best,

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I never wanted kids mainly because it’s hard enough being responsible for myself but also because money and I don’t like them much. There’s already certain extra costs involved for gay men, but kids are just so perpetually expensive. 
So I met my partner young and he already had a child on the way. It was what I considered a massive drawback but I liked the guy enough to commit. Been co-parenting a child for 9 years. I have no regrets, I love them both very much and have a great relationship with the child. However, this is as close as I’ll get to having one of my own and I’m glad. It’s such. hard. work. And you miss out on so much.  Even though we share 50/50 custody, and therefore get one week “off” out of two, it still doesn’t stop. Dealing with schools and other parents sucks too. I could ramble on about the downsides outweighing the upsides but that’s just depressing. Basically, kids are hard work and it’s not all that rewarding in my experience :mhmnod_yes_agree_nodding: 

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No, not for me. My brother and his wife already have 4 boys and that’s plenty for my family. I used to think I wanted 2 girls, but with how my life and happiness has evolved over time, I’m happier focusing on keeping that and living it up with my husband. No kids for us. Plus, not everyone should have children, like do you think your genes and background are good enough to put more of that into the world? Especially with how things are going in our world? People need to think about that too. 

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On 11/18/2021 at 3:01 PM, MX3 said:

I said I wouldn’t want kids cause I’m selfish, value independence, don’t want the responsibility, cost etc. 

well I just had one and she has lit up my whole world. I feel like my life got a booster shot lol. To have a sweet creature love you and depend on you is something I never thought I’d take pride or joy in but I do. I never thought of all the pure happiness and joy but here I am one of those annoying people…. 

I know it’s not for everyone. But If you think you don’t like kids, you may surprise yourself. It’s the love of a lifetime. 

I can relate completely. I always knew I wanted to raise a family but when we hit 30 we didn't feel ready, but we decided to have our first this year anyway. I guess we were banking on the addage that you never feel 100% ready for a baby anyway lol. Now I am so glad we did as we're over the moon in love with our new baby girl. I've become one of those annoying people that feels the need to share photos and broadcast every milestone, I seriously need to tone it down haha.

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