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#FREEBRITNEY | Britney’s Gram Received Worrying Voicemail Regarding Britney

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4 minutes ago, marioh said:

I know things are not black or white. I'm not denying that she needs help. But I hate when people assume she wouldn't be seeking help without the conservatorship. She could still go to treatment without her dad, the judge, Larry Rudolph or whoever telling her to. Plus, you can still help a person or guide them in a right direction without using the ultimate tool that is the conservatorship. Frankly, I don't believe her to be a deranged person who is so irresponsible that she would ignore whatever illness she may have. Maybe she refused to take her pills because of the situation she's in, because of the conservatorship. Maybe the whole drama could have been avoided hadn't she been under all the restraints. 

Thing is it's very common for people who are doing better with their meds to think they dont need their meds anymore, and once they stop taking it they dont realize they're not fine and how serious it is, and that makes them kinda lost reasoning about what's important and what's not. And the fact that she didnt want to take her meds nor did she want to try another says a lot imo. 

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I don't think people realise what they are doing to papa spears right now. You can't just say all these things without PROOF, it can really damages people. 

Even if this is true, it could still be in the best interest for Britney. Looks more like fans are super excited that the whole world is paying attention to britney again. Yall creating big drama only because of an anonymous voicemessage. 

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2 hours ago, COCKy™ said:

Welcome to 16 hours ago.  :NYsassy:

This is bigger than a podcast.  It has been picked up by major media outlets, too.

Perez just posted the story earlier today.

Not to mention, I'm pretty sure it's trending on twitter.


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7 hours ago, nels64 said:

I also think it’s really important that even if we do get a video of her to continue saying it. 

We don’t stop until we see legal action being taken in the courts to evaluate her mental health. 

We can also tell when she’s being forced to say ****. But of course if a video like that were to happen half of us here would say “SEE SHE’S FINE” and the other half would say “SHE WAS CLEARLY BEING FORCED TO SAY THAT” 

We need her team AND her to blatantly and candidly talk about the conservatorship. SHE clearly doesn’t care about the world knowing cus she’s mentioned it before for it to get f**king cut from interviews. So it’s her team hiding...and why? 

Jesus......You really watch too many tv series......

Maybe you should first get some real proof before making papa spears and her whole team look so bad? We have absolutely no idea whats going on with britney and how bad her mental health is. Mabye they all doing this to help her. We don't know the f**king truth but yet you all start judging her papa spears. It can really damage people, you should be carefull with it tbh.

I am not saying its all a lie, but before everyone starts judging people we should get some real proof. 

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3 hours ago, Body ache said:

I believe this even more now. Lynne is finally exposing everything. It also makes sense that Britney disappeared for a few months because she was in a mental facility. And what did she do when she got out? She got a makeover. Any sane person who spent months in a mental facility would do the same.

I don’t believe Lynne is exposing anything

she and JL seem to think that we are talking of freeing britney from her pain or something

lou Taylor is very much in the pockets of Jamie lynn and lynne, Lou constantly posts on JL social media

britney pays Lynne a salary to this day of 2k a month. Remember before the Cship - Britney gave a restraining order to lynne.

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Tbh I'm not really quite sure what to make of this situation. Something is definitely fishy though. IMO the conservatorship is clearly something Britney wants to end. Her being in a conservatorship for this long solely for bipolar disorder is highly unusual. I don't really know what the end result of #freebritney will be. Hopefully it won't just blow over and be forgotten about, I think she'll go to court soon. But who knows she may well be content with her father's interference with her life. 

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35 minutes ago, Hiatus-ney said:

and maybe I'm just pessimistic af due to all their lies and deceit but does anyone else feel this whole Britney situation is just a cover up for the low ticket sales and as a result of Britneys/Team B's ego being hurt?

Britneys entire success rests on her being a legend and a success so when things start to decline, Lady Gaga swoops in to the same venue and after seemingly appearing well and the best shes been performing in years things change as soon as there is low ticket sales...

On the other hand that podcast kinda did break through my pessimism and I kinda believed it so I really don't know what to think.

However what is the liklihood a woman is being held against her will in a psychiatric unit? I'm kinda fed up with the whole Britney as a victim saga. One thing is for sure - we sure have forgotten about the low ticket sales now... If they've used her previous mental state and played on it to cover this up and to garner interest for a new residency then shame on them and Britney for being a part of it. One thing that podcast got right was their lust for money - would it really be out of the realm of Team B to pull such bullshit as this? I really don't know at this point...

Look, Larry, Lou and her father etc... are responsible for this; particularly since the Femme Fatale era (Ironically, I wasn't even paying attention to her then or pop in general but in retrospect, to me this is when it went downhill).  I mean, her father tried to renege on her fragrance deal.  What does this have to do with protection?  Yeah, maybe they wanted to help 'ensure' her wealth but they were still forced to settle.

But why would anyone be surprised at the low ticket sales?  She just announced a new residency less than a year after the previous one ended.  Maybe Britney didn't care (Femme Fatale tour had half-empty stadiums.)

I believe their actions since 2011 have been to simultaneously protect her and make money off of her.  That's the issue.  Bottom line is that Larry has lots of explaining to do.

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