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Watch Britney Rehearse New 'Domination' Choreography For "Slave 4 U" And "Break The Ice"


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4 hours ago, Steel Magnolia said:

Crop top.
Running shoes.
Moving her hips to the beat of the music.
Hot male dancers.
New choreo.

I realize she and her Team give fans so little...but at this point it feels like it's become cool to hate on her and pick apart every little thing she does. :juggingu:

Everything comes full circle, her fans have become what the GP was back in the day... :bthink:

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1 hour ago, Counting123 said:

I think when it comes to her dancing people forget she’s been dancing for 20+ years and probably has some knee issues or other limits. She can’t do everything her dancers are doing anymore like she did in her twenties. Yes she is in awesome shape but unfortunately she could have some limitations now. 

She could easily be doing what the dancers are doing if she can do this:


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The choreo for dancers look better than POM tho.

I always felt bad when POM they had to do the same basic moves along with britney.

If she dont want to do hard choero at least let her be the queen surrounded by it. Not like doing zumba together.

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3 hours ago, Dark.Knight said:


The difference is stage presence you know? She used to know how to stay still, look at at crowd, generate mood, reach a climax only by walking firmly, not two steps forward and three going back and shaking hands and then a random leg to the right and fixing her ponytail.

It is just NOT the same. Its about her anxiety and issues contaminating both the choreography and the not choreographed moments

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I didnt expect all the complaining... if someone is done with current Britney, its me. But I am not expecting prime Britney to suddenly show up. I just hoped for some passion and effort, a sign of some talent. I gave up on that. But this looks good. Indeed more street, no weird spastic moves, no tics. The beginning of BTI is indeed very weird but thats all. I dont expect much. She probably will wear heals during the show and it will al be kind like POM. But these videos gave me hope. If you all are expecting and hoping for prime Britney then the dissapointment is all your own fault. But hoping for some effort, passion and talent is only to be expected. She’s a lazy scam artist who isnt even a shadow of her former self. Shes a person and artist i dont even like anymore. Exhell.

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9 hours ago, Goku said:

I don't want to be that guy but her belly looks... weird?


She's not fat OBVIOUSLY, but that bubble looks like an hernia. :hideous:

I'm not complaining about her body, actually, it's the only good thing at this point. :orangu:


9 hours ago, Pfefferminz said:

Like I wrote in a previous comment, it’s her post-pregnancy pouch. I want her to embrace it and not cover it up with a girdle or spray fake abs on it.




9 hours ago, (You Drive Chris) Crazy said:

That’s what happens after having children please stop commenting on her body like that when she can’t control that. She’s so incredibly fit it’s insane. That is so common for a woman’s stomach after having kids.


9 hours ago, Goku said:


Actually no.

I think that's just the results of laser fat removing.

Her belly never looked like that before idk 2014 when....


Britney used to do like 1000 sit ups a day. I think she has  stopped. She has reduced her exercises to basically rehearsing and performing. 


this is why she isn’t as toned as before.

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