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Christina Aguilera reportedly surprised at Britney's reaction and wants a private chat

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16 hours ago, maki93 said:

Christina's "Somos Nada" will probably cross 200k streams tomorrow on Spotify (it is at a total of 191k now) :umwtf_britney_wth_um_wow_eyes_big_okay:.

A private conversation may just push it over 500kΒ :lollipop_britney_sucker_dancing_party_2012:Β 

Don't get me wrong I love Christina's music and all, but I have no idea where all these Christina stans came from.. I thought they were extinctΒ :yesokay_britney_blush_blink:


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2 hours ago, ICouldntThinkOfOne said:

This statement reeks of PR Move, because all the language paints Xtina as a passive victim of unjust criticism here, but this is part of a bigger issue...

Xtina didn't just dodge the question; she signalled to her management that she wanted to stop questions. Her PR management didnt have to respond in such a rude, unprofessional manner, nor did Xtina have to smirk and say "I'm happy for her" while turning her back and walking away. These were all choices made by Xtina and her team.

This isn't about her engagement, it's literally about a human rights issue that involved someone who is a contemporary, an influence and a figure who was being forced to work against her will on some of the most public platforms globally.Β 

Xtina has a history of attacking her contemporaries in the naughties, and only after her sales and critical reception dropped, did she start her apologies, but that didn't stop her from still mentioning Britney during the later part of the 10's, but let's be real here, this is bigger than just Xtina.

Xtina joked about Britney's team, and Cher said it herself, they all knew what was going on behind the scenes in Vegas.Β 

Britney has every right to not only speak out, but call out anyone who used her name for their own benefit.

And it is hypocritical af post metoo when all of these celebrities pretend to be good human beings that won’t be silent enablers, for Christina to smile and refuse to comment on another woman being trafficked in the same industry, music genre and even one of her childhood β€œfriends”. I am 100% behind calling her out.Β 

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16 hours ago, gapeach704 said:

It’s not what you say, it’s how you say it. Had she said β€œI’m happy for her” none of this would’ve happened. HOWEVER, she said β€œI can’t. But I’m happy for her.” And said it with a condescending tone and a screw face. And let’s not forget she tapped her publicist the second they said Britney’s name. Would she have done that if they asked her about Adele’s album!? I think not. Xtina was being shady and she and her lip fillers deserve to be called out.

youtube pop GIF by Filtr Brasil

Yeah I'm torn on this. Part of me hates that Britney even cares but if she does, then she does...

On the other hand, Xtina kinda was shady, its not like she gave a brief answer, she screwed her face and grabbed her publicist like she has already prepared to ignore anything Britney related. Also the "iM HaPPeHh fo hEeeEr"Β  was fake afΒ :byetina_xtina_Christina_aguilera_pink_leave_bye_walk_leave_carpet_cheetah_hat:

I think Britney is being a tiny bit sensitive and idk why she cares when they aren't even friends.... But whatever.Β 

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Madonna hasn’t mentioned or spoke out on anything about Britney. I would of Β kind of expected to see a post or hear from someone she’s previously worked with a few times, yet she’s calling out Xtina who she hasn’t been seen in public with from 2003 and god knows when they last had contact πŸ™ˆ and considering Madonna is also all for women empowerment, women’s rightsΒ etc, just sayingΒ 

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5 minutes ago, zoe101 said:

Madonna hasn’t mentioned or spoke out on anything about Britney. I would of Β kind of expected to see a post or hear from someone she’s previously worked with a few times, yet she’s calling out Xtina who she hasn’t been seen in public with from 2003 and god knows when they last had contact πŸ™ˆ and considering Madonna is also all for women empowerment, women’s rightsΒ etc, just sayingΒ 

of course she has, search the web

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Britney should have never come for her the way she did. It was disrespectful and she was clearly uninformed.

With that said, Christina fans dragging Brit are just pathetic sad gays in their mid to late 30s attacking a woman and her children on twitter. Yall are so ugly and vile.Β 

I hope Christina and Brit have a talk and come to an understanding and honestly, I hope Britney PUBLICLY apologizes because this was a very bad look for her.

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15 hours ago, jennyj said:

Exactly.Β  Exhale can be so toxic tbh... but so are other fanbases too I guess.

Christina commented her support while the C-Ship was still going on when others didn't, and this interviewer was fishing for drama by mentioning Britney when it had nothing to do with the event. And Christina was about to say something but that douche behind her interrupted her. Which then she quickly slipped in her wishes for her before being rushed away.

I was super disappointed Britney posted that (if that was truly even her). I feel like that's something the old Christina would do, not Britney.Β  If Britney did indeed post that, I feel like she must have been reading Exhale or watched it out of context since the video she shared didn't even show the whole situation. She rarely ever says anything bad about anyone which is why so many people love her.Β  Unless she's changed now and she has a darkness inside now where her anger towards her family and team are taking over her and spilling on to others, in which case I hope she gets the help she needs to control that. But I don't feel like that's the case.Β  I feel like it's more a simple misunderstanding.

Β Β 

This. Here it is since people are lazy to look it up.Β  You can see in the top corner of the alternate angle... they grabbed her arm, that's why she looked back. And before she can even get a train of thought, they interrupted but at least she slipped in she's happy for her.


Exactly but people don’t want to accept the truth!Β 

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