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Reddit post attacking Beyonce gains momentum: "Beyonce is an overrated narcissist who is a mediocre singer at best."

Jordan Miller

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Lol, I saw that this morning. I agree she's overrated but I also think she's a great singer. :mj: If this shop owner situation is real, it's ridiculous. :cackling:

Also, trying to sell this image of the "artist" who releases "deep and personal music" for the black community, while having a million writers, most of them white, feels repulsive to me :awkblink:


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8 minutes ago, Marcanthony said:

"Lemonade is praised for being this black female empowerment album meanwhile there are literally 70+ credited writers on it and 80% of them are old white men."


The tea:makeup:

No way? 80% of them? Either way, the only 2 songs that i can think of at the top of my head that are specifically about black empowerment is formation and freedom. Who wrote those? 

plus beyonce never promoted as a black empowement album.. thats just what the media labeled it as... now the lion kinggg. How many white writers were on that? Honestly... ive had enough the race thing rn. We love everybody. 

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4 minutes ago, helloitsme said:

No way? 80% of them? Either way, the only 2 songs that i can think of at the top of my head that are specifically about black empowerment is formation and freedom. Who wrote those? 

plus beyonce never promoted as a black empowement album.. thats just what the media labeled it as... now the lion kinggg. How many white writers were on that? Honestly... ive had enough the race thing rn. We love everybody. 

She did tho, by performing Formation at the Super Bowl with an all black cast dressed in Black Panther inspired clad. The Black Panther movement, while points can be made that it was created out of necessity for protecting black citizens, was inspired and based upon a good deal "anti-white" sentiment aka racism, mostly by Malcolm.X... which is why her move to portray that was so negatively recieved by audiences who rightly pointed out that she was promoting a movement that claimed its fair share of racism all its own during its lifetime (further strengthening my OP). :mattafact:

Most of us have had enough about it. But unfortunately it lives on :mattafact:

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19 minutes ago, DanaDotte said:

#sorrynotsorry I dont buy into "innate privilege because of race" hypothesis:unbothered:

Case in point: Beyonce and Jay-Z are as privileged as it gets. They are the top 1%, they have power all their own. 

Their daughter Ivy League is more privileged herself than at least 99% of children in America, regardless of race.

Ironic you should mention Camila Cabello, a Cuban from Cuba... where the entire population is suppressed indefinitely regardless of skills or abilities, and where nobody gets an ounce of "privilege". :juggingu:


It definitely depends on the context for sure in every matter. Im basically the only person of color at one of my jobs. Ive heard countless of racist things by employees and customers. Im supposed to be protected by law lol... literally says on the wall with employee rights but its tricky when its a small company and my boss that has said racist things is basically HR. I obviously need to leave this job but i wont till i have a better job lined up.

obviously, being a filipino gay guy... if i was in a room full of white people and i was the richest one... then yes i would have some privelege in the room, but racial distribution wise would I? No. Id be the minority bc im the only filipino in that sense.

Look at say the oscars this year. Mainly talented beautiful white people in attendance and nominated... but by chance an asian film won best picture. The odds were definitely against them, but they won. How many asian films can you name in america thats not about martial arts? Asians are definitely underprivileged in entertainment i think.

its all about context. To say there isnt any privilege in race at all is pretty ignorant. I mean just look at history. Did slavery never exsist? We celebrate beyonce bc shes a successful black woman. Its been historically harder to achieve that kind of success as a colored person.

how many colored or female presidents have we had? One half black president and 0 women. 

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ok, but she IS overrated

I mean, she's talented, but there's a bunch of talented people out there and they don't get the same praise. Up until Single Ladies or so, she was a normal artist doing her thing, and I think she was getting the praise she deserved. After that, her overratedness skyrocketed to unimaginable levels for reasons I still don't understand. I don't have a problem with Beyoncé, but just like other stuff, my problem comes with the people that overrate her. Like, I would probably be more into her music and herself as an artist if it wasn't for all the people blowing up everything that she does. And Blue Ivy being an icon just for being Beyoncé's daughter, it's the most ridiculous thing ever. When have Britney's sons or any other artist's children been shoved down our throats just because of their famous parents? Not to mention, that the few things I've seen about Blue Ivy, she's come up as a spoiled brat and I can only imagine how obnoxious she'll be when she grows up if they continue treating her like this. Do I hate her or them enough to go on reddit or somewhere else to talk trash about them? Not really. But it doesn't surprise me at all. And if those accusations about the hospital and the copyright are true, then with even more reason.

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50 minutes ago, helloitsme said:

I wouldnt even feed in to this jordan tbh

i dont wanna make it racial

but i find its usually white people that are hating on beyonce and i usually feel like its bc of jealousy. Not everyone ofc. I feel britney is amazing bc shes just an unjealous beautiful being. I dont mean to trigger people, but i just wanna Speak my mind a little more unfiltered than usual. I literally love everybody, but white people have offended me the most when it comes to racial insensitivity and racism. dont get me wrong! There are many white allies, like britney 💘💘💘, & some of those allies are my best friends, but the rest im just speaking freely which i dont usually do bc I dont wanna offend anyone. Im filipino btw.

Beyonces literally one of the best pop sing/dancers ever. Period. And i think people are mad at that. I also think people are mad bc her last 2 albums celebrates black power empowerment, which is a different way of expressing black struggle. Beyonces not the type to be like wahhh wahhh me. 

people are probably gonna come for me for my unfilteredness but i also think people triggers are telling. When u or I get triggered... it really just speaks for itself. I really do love everybody im just speaking my experience... with a lot of racist comments said to me and to other people, sometimes theyre not even realizing their ignorance and that its insensitive, demeaning, or racist. 

britney and mariah are my favs and i feel like britney is more iconic without even trying but beyonce tries a lot harder. i think britney just has this infectious personality. Beyonce is just a fcking hard worker... so how can anyone hate on that?

haters and low lifes can hate all they want... but u can never take her talent from her. 

i do worry if the hate gets too extreme for no reason. Ik this is a jump of an example, but people like martin luther king... all he wanted was love and equality and you would think no one could take his spirit... spiritually, that was never ever taken away, but physically it was... and it stills shakes me that something like that could happen.

& jordan, mentioning her as someone that steals w/o credit, one could argue gaga does that just as much or more, but doesnt get as much flack for it. My best friend that loves gaga, has made some rude comment about beyonce and it felt like it came from jealousy!

gaga is amazingggg in her own way. The way she plays instruments and her costumes and whatnot and commitment to characters. But to bring beyonce down in vein of that? I honestly feel like people are jealous of beyonces dancing and singing abilities. Its just hard to top that pop singer wise. So why hate? We all have our strengths and weaknesses. 

I love Rihanna.

Beyonce bores me as a person, her music for me is nothing special and I find her dancing quite repetitive and easy high school workout stomping that was created by others, and not her. I do not think you have to be super talented to learn her routines and do them properly (though I can give props that she can do these routines and sing boring songs beautifully at the same time from as much as I've seen from her performances).

Now, this is my opinion. Why do I have to be jealous of her? Why does it have to be racist? I do agree she is a hard worker, but I do not find her special or very creative (alas I can give props to the teams of writers and choreographers). Also, she ruined Lion King.


Can people not like celebrities and not be hated for it?

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10 minutes ago, helloitsme said:

It definitely depends on the context for sure in every matter. Im basically the only person of color at one of my jobs. Ive heard countless of racist things by employees and customers. Im supposed to be protected by law lol... literally says on the wall with employee rights but its tricky when its a small company and my boss that has said racist things is basically HR. I obviously need to leave this job but i wont till i have a better job lined up.

obviously, being a filipino gay guy... if i was in a room full of white people and i was the richest one... then yes i would have some privelege in the room, but racial distribution wise would I? No. Id be the minority bc im the only filipino in that sense.

Look at say the oscars this year. Mainly talented beautiful white people in attendance and nominated... but by chance an asian film won best picture. The odds were definitely against them, but they won. How many asian films can you name in america thats not about martial arts? Asians are definitely underprivileged in entertainment i think.

its all about context. To say there isnt any privilege in race at all is pretty ignorant. I mean just look at history. Did slavery never exsist? We celebrate beyonce bc shes a successful black woman. Its been historically harder to achieve that kind of success as a colored person.

how many colored or female presidents have we had? One half black president and 0 women. 

Hope you sort that job stuff out:)

What Im trying to convey, is that the very fact that there are people who defy the stereotype of "privilage"; the rich black people, the poor white people, essentially wipes out the premise wherein "_____ privilage" is a thing. Imo. Because if the very claim that something such as "white privilage" exists is true, then there should be 0 poor white people.

I know thats a very basic and undetailed way of putting it, I just dont want to turn this into a political discussion so I wont write out a detailed analysis :-)

btw. Im not "white" ftr.

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I'm surprised Beyonce and Jay-Z are still a thing. Like... I just can't imagine any self-respecting woman staying with a known cheater who's cheated many a time. I know people have different principles, but cheat on me once - you're out of my life forever. :donewithit: If they weren't the ultimate celebrity power couple, they would've broken up a long time ago. :tired:

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6 minutes ago, DanaDotte said:

She did tho, by performing Formation at the Super Bowl with an all black cast dressed in Black Panther inspired clad. The Black Panther movement, while points can be made that it was created out of necessity for protecting black citizens, was inspired and based upon a good deal "anti-white" sentiment aka racism, mostly by Malcolm.X... which is why her move to portray that was so negatively recieved by audiences who rightly pointed out that she was promoting a movement that claimed its fair share of racism all its own during its lifetime (further strengthening my OP). :mattafact:

Most of us have had enough about it. But unfortunately it lives on :mattafact:

Malcom x to many people in general and many colored people as myself see him as  someone that created something to protect black folk. The same with black lives matter. There may be a few people that have done bad things in that group but thats not what the group stands for. Thats like saying trump said something racist so all white people are racist. Or some cops are being brutal so all cops are. Thats not true.

what beyonce did at the superbowl was beautiful in context with what was going on with colin capernick (sp?). Did u know that black people couldnt even be on film so white people in entertainment did black face which was a mockery? 

I see nothing wrong with celebrating black people with as much opression, slavery, hate on their skin, faces, noses, belittlement to their humanity. We have done so many things to delete blackness in society... darker skin, making black people change their hair. 

it was awesome to have an all black cast at that superbowl. It was a statement needed to be said. Weve had plenty of all white casts. Our presidency has been that, except half black half white obama. 

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2 minutes ago, helloitsme said:

Malcom x to many people in general and many colored people as myself see him as  someone that created something to protect black folk. The same with black lives matter. There may be a few people that have done bad things in that group but thats not what the group stands for. Thats like saying trump said something racist so all white people are racist. Or some cops are being brutal so all cops are. Thats not true.

what beyonce did at the superbowl was beautiful in context with what was going on with colin capernick (sp?). Did u know that black people couldnt even be on film so white people in entertainment did black face which was a mockery? 

I see nothing wrong with celebrating black people with as much opression, slavery, hate on their skin, faces, noses, belittlement to their humanity. We have done so many things to delete blackness in society... darker skin, making black people change their hair. 

it was awesome to have an all black cast at that superbowl. It was a statement needed to be said. Weve had plenty of all white casts. Our presidency has been that, except half black half white obama. 

Let's leave the discussion here all right? I dont see exhale as a proper place for in-depth race related discussions. Plus Ive just taken my sleeping pills and am gradually shutting down for the day :demi:

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I personally enjoy her as an artist and performer, and her music is cool, but I do think people exaggerate their appreciation, which is not healthy because she obviously believes she's the ****, and the Blue Ivy trademark situation proves it. It's ******* ridiculous.  

She deserves her fame, she deserves recognition, but she's far from the best artist ever. 


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I cannot STAND the woman, she's absolutely unbearable as a human being, and I still dispute the popular opinion that she has an immense cultural impact: she's definitely culturally relevant, but I'm not as sure that her impact will last. Apart from the "Single Ladies" video, what do people really remember about her? And I mean people in the world, not gays and black women from the US.

The other stories about her (the hospital story and the trademark thing) are simply despicable.

Having said that... She IS a good singer: she can belt, sing softly, whisper, go up and down, sing ballads and dance tracks, whatever. Sometimes all in one song.

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36 minutes ago, Mantequilla said:

I personally enjoy her as an artist and performer, and her music is cool, but I do think people exaggerate their appreciation, which is not healthy because she obviously believes she's the ****, and the Blue Ivy trademark situation proves it. It's ******* ridiculous.  

She deserves her fame, she deserves recognition, but she's far from the best artist ever. 


Her talent singing/dance talent and artistry is among the best. Within those 3 aspects. 

the only time i see cockiness from her is onstage and playing a character. In real life she seems sweet and humble.

if were gonna talk about narcissism and into themselves in real life... i dont wanna drag anyone bc i love them, but madonna and lady gaga. In interviews theyre so into themselves. Beyonces not like that. Shes actually pretty damn shy. She just kicks it up in high gear on stage and plays this empowering character. “Sasha fierce” so dont come for beyonce that wayy!!! 😭😭😭😭

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