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#FREEBRITNEY | Britney’s Gram Received Worrying Voicemail Regarding Britney

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2 minutes ago, ImperfectAngel said:

Someone needs to say this point to ON AIR at TMZ and all these crooks profiting off of promoting the conservatorship...

YOU CAN'T HAVE IT BOTH WAYS... you can't say that oh she NEEDS this conservatorship so she can continue to make money and be financially successful and have an insurance policy for a residency and blah blah blah. those two facts just don't add up. either you have ONE or you have the other.

either you're capable enough to work a full time job and you don't need the conservatorship, or you're not capable to work a full time job and you do need the conservatorship.

there's really no in-between. it just doesn't add up. for these people to ignore that sentiment, but act all-knowing is ticking me off big time.

The thing is, even though we all assume it's Team B giving this info to TMZ, technically it's all TMZ's opinions and officially her team isn't giving any statement, so there isn't much that can be done off of that :yaknow: But it does give us a path to keep searching (or waiting just for another bomb revelation to drop out of nowhere in the next half hour like the past few days :orangu:)


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Is this AP? Another CDAN blind item. Notice that Blind Gossip’s BI sounds straight from Team Britney? Is Blind Gossip pro-Team Britney...for pay a la TMZ? I know it’s a BI so take it or leave but after the candids we got well I mean, HELLO!! :whatitellu:

Monday April 22, 2019 BLIND ITEM #3

The waitress yesterday serving this permanent A list "singer" yesterday said she was essentially a zombie because she was so filled with *****.



Blind Gossip #more-98423" rel="external nofollow">https://blindgossip.com/why-she-is-out-of-sight/#more-98423

ETA Blind Gossip BI that scream it’s Britney, *****. Reminds me of TMZ & The Blasts report. I didn’t watch TMZ Live but they usually save it so I’ll watch it later. Anyone have video of it from the live airing because they could always edit out the part about Britney not being diagnosed as bipolar but taking bipolar meds.

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I don't know if some people is crossing the line. Maybe I'm that 1% that believe Britney's family is innocent. A normal person can't do all that to a daughter/sister. So we have to chill and relax. And wait for more reliable information. By the moment Jamie Lynn is avoiding Britney fans comments on her Instagram, which is really sad. I'm a 100% on the #FreeBritney campaign BTW. 

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1 minute ago, generation glory said:

Is this AP? Another CDAN blind item. Notice that Blind Gossip’s BI sounds straight from Team Britney? Is Blind Gossip pro-Team Britney...for pay a la TMZ? I know it’s a BI so take it or leave but after the candids we got well I mean, HELLO!! :whatitellu:

Monday April 22, 2019 BLIND ITEM #3

The waitress yesterday serving this permanent A list "singer" yesterday said she was essentially a zombie because she was so filled with *****.




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8 hours ago, annalai23 said:

how can anyone walk in public with that messy hair.... I hope she would at least comb her hair before going out....

Shut the **** up. Seriously. At best, she is currently so mentally unwell that she recently tried to kill herself and remains suicidal; you cannot wind up involuntarily institutionalized for any duration of time without having tried to kill or severely harm yourself or someone else.  She’s been there for months. I’m a psychologist; the implications of that are very grave.

And at worst? She’s being drugged and/or otherwise being held against her will. 

What is wrong with you? Is this 2007 again? Is she a “bad mom” too? Wow, how far we haven’t come.

ETA: You do all realize, right, that THE BEST CASE SCENARIO IS BRITNEY TRIED TO KILL HERSELF. When a suicide attempt is the "best case scenario” in any scenario, I hope you would all comprehend the gravity and severity of the situation.

And people here are bitching about her HAIR. I’m actually speechless. 

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