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#FREEBRITNEY | Britney’s Gram Received Worrying Voicemail Regarding Britney

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8 minutes ago, breatheheavy said:

My thoughts on Sam are that he is one of the only people not engulfed by Team B yet. I think his arm position was a little curious when they were walking to the car, but it felt more like he's trying to protect her? IDK I think he's one of the only links Britney has to the "outside world" world right now so hopefully he isn't just playing along with whatever her people are trying to do. 

i think if you watch carefully the video, it seems that both Britney and sam thought that may it would be alot of paps out there cause it seems that sam make a quick move with his hand so as to protect her from paps but when they saw that it's only one he slow down and put down his hand

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2 minutes ago, pieceofbritUK said:

Well she needs to stop turning a blind eye like everyone else around her is doing. I just feel like a super lawyer should come in scene and free her, WHERE IS ANNALISE KEATING WHEN YOU NEED HER :lessons:

I understand your point. But we don't know. Maybe behind the social medias and the public eye she is doing something for her sister. I'm a 100% sure Jamie Lynn and Lynn love Britney so much! They prove it before 

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I finally managed to keep up with the thread, thanks to everyone who contributed posting all this amazing information you guys are amazing, we can't back down now :hugs:

Also this has already been posted before but this is what we will have to go with through the evening and yes that's a screenshot from this very thread



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1 minute ago, Redhot said:

are you f**king serious??? her face................. great :awkblink: They're laughing at us and her.


the media is DELUSIONAL i swear to god the amount of delusion i have seen the media display since freebritney is INSANE.

it's like they absolutely REFUSE to see the reality of the situation. they swipe it under the rug. 

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