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#FREEBRITNEY | Britney’s Gram Received Worrying Voicemail Regarding Britney

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21 minutes ago, northfacing said:

gross. Britney loves her sister. we must do the same.


18 minutes ago, Rickey3089 said:

I'm all for this free Britney campaign but once y'all start disrespecting her family y'all crossing the line, I see post of people calling Jamie Lynn ugly & her baby that is not cause for, Britney loved them very much! I don’t want this. I just want her free & we can do that without calling her family names 

No! We are not crossing any lines! Her family is disgusting for being quiet and ignoring us so hard!! So RUDE! Why can't they tell the truth?? Why can't they say something? :beynah: I'm 90% sure that they are also being guilty of something! Bring on the down-votes! I DON'T CARE! Her sister acting like NOTHING is happening for like 4 months now? and ignoring every question about Britney?? THAT IS NOT OK AND NOT NORMAL AT ALL. :holduplisten::bedtime:

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22 minutes ago, Lukass1896 said:


No! We are not crossing any lines! Her family is disgusting for being quiet and ignoring us so hard!! So RUDE! Why can't they tell the truth?? Why can't they say something? :beynah: I'm 90% sure that they are also being guilty of something! Bring on the down-votes! I DON'T CARE! Her sister acting like NOTHING is happening for like 4 months now? and ignoring every question about Britney?? THAT IS NOT OK AND NOT NORMAL AT ALL. :holduplisten::bedtime:

you can express your distaste for someone's actions without throwing around personal insults.. talking **** about someone's looks is a non-argument and the lowest one can go.. (which I've done my fair share of times too in the past so I'm not trying to act all mighty here.. let's just remember this from here on out, ok!?) :gtfo:

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2 minutes ago, colormefresh said:

None of this feels like “love”. It feels like scorned fans that just hate the way Britney’s career has gone for the past decade and want to burn Larry and Jamie alive.

I can't speak for other fans but the last thing I care about now is her career. I wish Britney the person the best and if she wants to retire, she should do just that for all I care. I want her to be free and be able to make decisions for herself. I don't think she needs to be protected like that. Imo conservatorship in Britney's case is inhumane and should be lifted asap.

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5 minutes ago, Britman512 said:

We dont know anything about britney's actual mental state.... if her team is so money hungry why would they cancel domination just to spite her?...I just hope this free britney campaign isn't doing negative damage to her and if it is I hope she can come back strong!

Lack of ticket sales?


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3 minutes ago, Lukass1896 said:


No! We are not crossing any lines! Her family is disgusting for being quiet and ignoring us so hard!! So RUDE! Why can't they tell the truth?? Why can't they say something? :beynah: I'm 90% sure that they are also being guilty of something! Bring on the down-votes! I DON'T CARE! Her sister acting like NOTHING is happening for like 4 months now? and ignoring every question about Britney?? THAT IS NOT OK AND NOT NORMAL AT ALL. :holduplisten::bedtime:

They don’t owe us anything, more specifically, Britney doesn’t owe us anything. 

Leave her damn family alone. You think she’ll appreciate her fans attacking her sister AND her newborn niece? Y’all are batshit crazy.

What y’all keep forgetting is that this is ALLLLLLL PURE SPECULATION.

We don’t know ****. This whole bs movement could affect Britney negatively, have y’all f**king thought about that?? Maybe she doesn’t want any of this to be public?!! She has said it time and time again that she is a private person.

She is not imprisoned. She lives in a mansion in LA. Spends thousands of dollars on dog clothes, goes on vacay whenever she wants, has many cars she can drive now wherever she wants, this whole thing is so overreaching.

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1 minute ago, I Always Sing Live said:

you can express your distaste for someone's actions without throwing around personal insults.. talking **** about someone's looks is a non-argument and the lowest one can go.. :gtfo:

But where did I say that I think we should insult her, or her baby? :wtfdidusay:

I'm just saying that Britney's sister should be blamed for ignoring questions about Britney and being so quiet (and doing paid promotional posts on her Insta instead...) I'm also against "insulting" anybody...

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2 minutes ago, CrystalDorris said:

Lets not slander Jamie Lynn as thats exactly what Lou Taylor wants us to do - to smear the fan base in the eyes of the wider public, and possibly Lynne. Dont fall for her trolling.


Picture how the fsn base gets perceived for talking **** about bsby pics.

To add - right now the fanbase is being portrayed in the media as simply "worried and concerned". If we go nasty agaist anyone except the key suspects (jsmie spears, larry, lou) we will be perceived as a crazy troll mob gone wild and it will put off the general public. This tactic is used in social media crowd control. Happened to the yellow vests reccently. A lure to incite a smear campaign against a social movement. Dont give into the bait!

Keep it proactive, keep it assertive, but dont be a ****!

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Just now, 2K16NEY said:

They don’t owe us anything, more specifically, Britney doesn’t owe us anything. 

Leave her damn family alone. You think she’ll appreciate her fans attacking her sister AND her newborn niece? Y’all are batshit crazy.

What y’all keep forgetting is that this is ALLLLLLL PURE SPECULATION.

We don’t know ****. This whole bs movement could affect Britney negatively, have y’all f**king thought about that?? Maybe she doesn’t want any of this to be public?!! She has said it time and time again that she is a private person.

She is not imprisoned. She lives in a mansion in LA. Spends thousands of dollars on dog clothes, goes on vacay whenever she wants, has many cars she can drive now wherever she wants, this whole thing is so overreaching.

Where did I say that we should in any shape of form "INSULT" anybody?

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6 minutes ago, CrystalDorris said:

Lets not slander Jamie Lynn as thats exactly what Lou Taylor wants us to do - to smear the fan base in the eyes of the wider public, and possibly Lynne. Dont fall for her trolling.


Picture how the fsn base gets perceived for talking **** about bsby pics.

I always get this vibe from her team. Let the GP get mad at someone else besides us. It’s so the wizard behind the curtain like “nothing to see here folks” she’s always taken the blame for their decisions and even though her own rebellion didn’t help but I always felt they hide behind her which is why she turn out the way she did. Larry can make a bad call and no one would be yelling or criticizing Larry, no they would blame it on Britney because she is the face of the company and same goes with Lou.

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6 minutes ago, Kalison Kimanda said:

Why would they force her to record an album, do promotion, and go on a world wide tour a year after an infamous breakdown and only a few months after getting out of rehab? I don’t trust her team. Even if we ARE wrong and Britney’s mental state is really bad, there’s no excuse for making someone so mentally ill work like there’s no tomorrow, especially when she’d rather be doing anything BUT. Conservatorship is nothing but a money grab at this point, they clearly don’t give a **** about her.

I posted this in another thread:

Her team was reportedly so controlling that they even picked out her underwear and lip gloss in an effort to maintain her sexualized yet virginal image, her pal alleged. In 2002 Spears told Rolling Stone that she wanted freedom to go to Starbucks and pump her own gas without assistants or bodyguards around, adding, "I'm supposed to take six months off, but I probably won't. The whole point of me taking a break is to be out of the public eye and not see my face on TV, because I'm sick of myself." Two years earlier, she told Rolling Stone, "My anxiety has just been crazy … Maybe I'm just changing and getting older, but I find I need to have my downtime, just to myself, or I'll go crazy."

Read More: https://www.nickiswift.com/149778/britney-spears-tragic-real-life-story/?utm_campaign=clip


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