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Disney debuts “The Little Mermaid” Live Action First Look


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6 hours ago, Alexanda said:

It makes sense! 

I didn't say she has to be european, but the old Disney one was european... 

I mean: 


But she looks more like: 


And i can't stand that, i like diversity, but it has to be the right place for it. 

Maybe you can't stand it and you "like diversity" but I personally prefer the black version but I guess you can't accept other people's opinions.... 

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38 minutes ago, GlitterRain said:

Everyone was expecting this hair spacer.png

which looks like it came right out of Party City. I love Halle’s hair! 

You can make a hair color look more vibrant, without it looking like a party city wig. It’s Hollywood and her hair is being CGI’d anyway. 


Well the movie is still in post production and in the full leaked clip of “POYW” the colors generally seemed more saturated. We’ll see once the movie is out. 

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14 minutes ago, cillaward said:

Can't wait! I'm interested to see how this film affects things at the Disney theme parks. Will the people playing Ariel have more diversity now?

Because a human looks like a cartoon? Why aren’t the princesses at Disneyland in cartoon costumes? They don’t even look like the cartoons anyways so it wouldn’t matter if they had a white and black Ariel 

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On 9/10/2022 at 3:41 PM, Axad said:

Ok I am the only one thinks mermaids are so scary and creepy :disappointed_thinking_oh_okay_glasses: I mean half human and half fish yeah so scary :jabba_monster_gross_ew_disgusting_chew: how did they exist? Did a man bang a fish and that fish get pregnant and give birth to a mermaid I need to Google it :typing_keyboard_computer:


Honestly this was my first thought. Are we about to watch a half human, half fish person swim around and sing? I understand a cartoon, but in live action its a bit unsettling. 

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She sounds great! I just really wish they wouldn't have her oversing the song.

The "wish I could be" part is just a little too Ariana/Demi/Xtina for me.

Alan Menkin even had to reel Jodi Benson in and taught her to just let the song breathe.


I still think casting Melissa McCarthy as Ursula is their biggest mistake. She only ever plays one character and has never shown the range to prove to me she can pull off Ursula, nevermind the singing.


None of these live action remakes have really been that good, so I'm not expecting much. The only ones I've liked have been the Villain perspective movies like Maleficent and Cruella.

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She has a good voice but I’m honestly not feeling it. I agree with user above that for this role I don’t need her to do extra things and take too many liberties with the vocals. It doesn’t fit the role in MY opinion. Also, where is the vibrance? I know we haven’t seen much but I just truly feel like once again I’m going to be let down. The original is one of the most magical and colorful Disney films. I don’t really care for the hyper-realistic look and how dark it is.

And I do not mind Halle but WHY couldn’t the hair at least be more red? Just doesn’t feel the same. Anddd why is wanting something close to the beloved original racist??? Aladdin wasn’t changed. Belle wasn’t changed. Idk. And no, Melissa wasn’t a good choice for Ursula either.

Honestly just over these remakes. Over half of them are certified rotten on rotten tomatoes…why is the quality so inconsistent?? I don’t get it.

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