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Britney shares heartbreaking post about her relationship with her sons: I can't process how I dedicated 20 years of my life to those kids

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2 minutes ago, Ofcoursenot said:

This must be fake

I would like to believe the same. but how to explain that photo inside britney's old house, look at the background for photos with the red background ... it's her house, and that photo I have never seen before. 💔😔😔 jesus !I grew up having a difficult relationship with my mother, and I never dared to think of her with that offensive word. 🥺

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12 minutes ago, ivosoares said:

I don't wanna sound terrible, but If I was Britney when those kids turn 18, I would immediately protect myself from them taking my money, or my house or wtv 

They are gonna be trouble...

Hard agree. I’m not just saying this now. I held my tongue for a while up until the wedding when I made one remark and got **** for it. But in regards to these two young men, the writing has been on the wall for a VERY long time. All it took was this interview and photos to reveal it. The truth always comes to light. And IF it’s true that Lynne was there at KFed’s house under the guise of “loving Memaw just visiting the grandkids” but rly there to take part of this hit piece against her daughter in which she - once again- sides with Kevin over Britney then Britney should throw Lynne’s azz outta Serenity mansion right F’n now!!! Make her pack up her **** and move in with the Watsons!! :jl_jamie_lynn_awkward_cringe_eek:

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22 minutes ago, LizeS_ said:

That's every country in the world 🤣

Not really. It's mostly the US. I'm from Venezuela originally....They value personal life over work enslavement. My family always get Christmas break (entire month of December and half January) with continuous salary (granted with communism not all companies were able to continue operating following this schedule) but the bigger ones still do this. They also get summer break, again, all paid, as well as prolonged holidays. My friend in France also has an envious work/life balance AND she gets the entire summer off. It's only here in the USA where there's no work/balance...Some companies are changing, but there's still a long way to go.

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4 minutes ago, summer2summer said:

Britney should've kept this in the drafts. The SJW are calling her racist for "Naming 4 black men and profiling". She should've just consulted her lawyer and put out a documentary instead or an official statement. 


She needs to delete her instagram as well. Stay away from.the drama Britney and work on music and documentaries instead. 


Shut up Ellie.

Go find some clickers.

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5 minutes ago, Darec said:

I would like to believe the same. but how to explain that photo inside britney's old house, look at the background for photos with the red background ... it's her house, and that photo I have never seen before. 💔😔😔 jesus !I grew up having a difficult relationship with my mother, and I never dared to think of her with that offensive word. 🥺

The caption might have been edited though.

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1 hour ago, KrisJ said:

“He would sit down and say nobody likes you” That ‘he’ was Jamie whenever she did or said something that was seen to be a ‘problem’. I hope he rots. The rudeness and mental put downs are disgusting. 

he can really rot until his entire body is consumed by worms...Remember the story where he would call her fat in her living room?!? He's a disgrace and a waste of oxygen.

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12 minutes ago, GODNA IS A QUEEN said:

Also, age plays a huge role in this. A 26-year old naked women is seen as more socially acceptable than a 40-year old. Not to mention, professional shots are not the same as taking your top off and covering it with some tacky iPhone emojis. Britney fans love to be selective like this, rather odd. Anyway, I personally don’t mind what Britney does but her Instagram, in general, can be seen as exhausting and repetitive to the general public. I don’t make the rules but rather apply common sense from an outsider perspective.

Ya I don't understand the "well nobody cared when she was nude in her career 15 years ago" argument at all. They probably didn't care because...they were babies. 

And I believe there's a difference between there being pictures and stuff from the vault 15 years ago and pictures currently on everyones timeline and being discussed. On top of that technology and social media a decade+ ago was a little different than it is now in terms of how instant and easily accessible everything is to kids now. Kids today have cell phones by 3rd grade with 5g and all social media platforms at their fingertips and everyone in school has one in their pocket plus tablets and laptops.

I don't see any issue with her posting whatever she wants but I'm also not a teen and Britney isn't my mom. I can understand why a teenager may feel weird or uncomfortable about their mom posting naked pictures on social media in real time.



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7 minutes ago, ivosoares said:

Teenagers call their momma *****es when they take fruit from them? That's news to me lol. They are weird. Even calling their own grandfather 'pretty gay', like what is that? They might as well call him demon, or monster.

Open up a child psychology book. Teenagers who grow up spoiled, privileged, and with a rich parent(s) (and to a certain extent — sheltered ) do, yes. That’s not Britney’s fault though. Also, parents’ who always “yes” their children — or for better words — do a bad job at raising their children (likely Kevin), do feel more entitled. Teenagers also use terms like “gay” to describe something they don’t like. This has been going on since I was a teenager in the late 2000s/2010s — and likely before that. Nothing new. Every teenager does and says that. 

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2 minutes ago, ivosoares said:

She needs to do whatever she feels like doing, you're not her boss

And she wasn't being racist, everyone knows that and nobody took it like that, shut up

Im not being her boss calm down. You're coming off abit too strong. Im worried about her first and foremost. She can't have the whole back and forth with her family in public. Eventually it will get to her.  And im not saying she stays quiet either. 


She has an incredible lawyer she can consult. She's only fueling their fire at this point. This is a perfect time for her to sit down with Oprah or anyone and make a constructive vent docu and call everyone out. Our girl is hurting every time they come to drag her. And i think you haven't checked twitter or blogs. They're dragging her to hell and back for that w**d comment. 


She NEEDS to conduct an interview or make a documentry. Everyone has been telling her story except her and she's on instagram venting. 

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My first thought when I saw her post this was "oh no".... Not her dragging her own sons...

But you know what FXCK It.

This woman has been hurt by absolutely everyone, and why should she not respond publicly when KFed has actually went on fxcking tour to make this information public news!!!

The absolute last thing she needs is her own sons being brats but in order for her to heal she needs to just let people be and focus on her own healing. Anyone who is not supportive should temporarily be cast aside, including her sons if they are choosing not to see her for absolutely no reason.

Moody teens can be an absolute nightmare but I don't see what else she can do, especially if they are surrounded by individuals who actively do not respect Britney or what she's been through. Hopefully their balls drop soon and once puberty is over they will be able to show their mum respect and some support for what she's been through.

Let's see just how close the boys and KFed remain once the child maintenance for them is stopped :tired_so_there_head_tilt_annoyed_see_rose_mcgowan:


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11 minutes ago, petermaxforreal said:

Great manners lol...... anyway it was rather stupid of them to do so in public, I can only imagine how easily they could be manipulated

If that screenshot is in fact real, I don’t think we should be blaming or pointing fingers at them like this when every other teenage boy behaves and acts the way they do. There isn’t anything exceptional going on here. I’ve had teenage family members curse their parents’, steal, and go behind their backs to do some bat**** crazy stuff. I don’t know how old you are but Generation Z is quite practically unhinged, shameless and don’t have many boundaries. The digital age and social media has caused a lot of harm to kids/teens and young adults.

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