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Britney shares heartbreaking post about her relationship with her sons: I can't process how I dedicated 20 years of my life to those kids

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11 minutes ago, Explicit said:

Quincy makes a good point. I don't think Britney did it to be insensitive, she probably doesn't realise the history of w**d and Black men in America. I am sure she's going to delete or edit her post soon enough when someone mentions it to her 

Britney referenced Miley smoking w**d in her testimony as well - and she’s referencing artists she has been around/knows. It’s not racist - maybe a stereotype sure but that’s the image lots of artists put out - w**d, hook-ers and w-h-ores

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6 minutes ago, KrisJ said:

Britney referenced Miley smoking w**d in her testimony as well - and she’s referencing artists she has been around/knows. It’s not racist - maybe a stereotype sure but that’s the image lots of artists put out - w**d, hook-ers and w-h-ores

As a Black woman who has loved Britney since day one, I know she isn't racist. Far from it. I wouldn't stan a racist but it doesn't negate the point I have made and I stand by it. Some of the people she mentioned in her post aren't even known for smoking w**d yet she named them which is hella weird. She should stay off social media, it is toxic and making her say/do things which she normally wouldn't. This isn't healthy/it isn't good for her. The fact we are even having this conversation about someone that doesn't have a racist bone in her body proves my point.  

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This is heartbreaking. 

I'm not going to vilify the boys. I don't know the entire situation or how they feel, but I do know that teenagers rebel against their parents. It's a complicated time in life and probably made 1000x more complicated for them with everything that's happened. I truly hope that in time they come back around and understand that they DON'T know everything they think they do.

The going straight to the room thing rang so true to me for when my brother and I were that age. Our parents grated on us. We (me, way more than him) were teenage know it alls. My brother would go into his room and shut the door immediately. But we grew up. They probably are so wrapped up in their worlds that they don't understand it breaks their mom's heart every time they do something like that. I am so sad for her that the closest people in her world have turned against her.

I do know that my dad is now gone and I'd give anything to have one more conversation with him. I wish the boys understood that time is fleeting and one day you'll grow up and wish you could have it all back.

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Britney we love you and more important we understand you!

You deserve to be loved and heard!

You worked so hard your whole life!

You sacrificed a lot for those boys! 

They are brainwashed by K-Fed and the Spears family to not respect you! It’s disgusting and horrible! 

If they don’t want to be around you it’s their loss because you are an amazing mom and a really good person!

Maybe one day they’ll realize that you went through a horrible experience for more than a decade, that left you completely traumatized.

They should have patience and understand that what you went through left you scarred forever. You need time to heal, it hasn’t even been a year since your regained your freedom!

I hope you are able to focus on the good things in your life and keep trying to heal your heart. Live life on your own terms, no matter what!

You deserve to feel like an adult woman. You deserve peace, happiness and love! 

We love, respect, listen and understand you Britney!




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41 minutes ago, do the thing said:

you're being delusional if you think that the kids of one of the biggest popstars on this planet are going to a normal high school. 

most kids from female celebs have moms that have done/posted much worse (Kim K has literally a s3xtape online). I'm genuinely wondering how you can be shocked by censored nude pics when she literally had hundreds of photoshoots naked, BDSM music videos, a BDSM song with Rihanna, songs that literally talks about *******s, and one of her most iconic songs is her having s3x in the toilets with a guy and rubbing his ****. and her shows? she took a guy on a leash on stage. she stripped live on TV. she performs in underwear (and tongues). she licked milk on all fours in her most recent MV. helloooooo, Britney has done much much much worse than her recent IG posts lol. that argument is silly af. if these teens want to embarrass them, then they have literally hours of content to do so. 

and please, stop with the "teens are stupid." in high school they're grown ups. Britney was raised by an alcoholic man with divorced trashy parents. look how she was at 16. so mature and articulate. 

What celeb is currently posting naked photos on social media though, besides Kim K whose kids aren't teenagers and are too young to be embarrassed by it or care yet? All the things you're naming is stuff that happened years and years ago when the teens now were babies, that you have to go out of your way to seek out to see. Nobody in '22 is actively discussing Britney shooting sparks from her ***** in 1999. It's not the same. Things happening in real time hits little differently

Every kid in class isn't simultaneously googling a specific photoshoot from 20 years ago but every kid in class has a phone, with instagram and social media and can see that your mom is trending today for naked pictures she just posted an hour ago

Teens are immature and bratty and emotional. That's a major part of being a hormonal teenager. It's not an excuse it's just what it is. 

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GIF by The BarkPost

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Of all the things Ive heard from Britney... this is definitely the most raw and heart-breaking.

The absolute betrayal by those who mean the world to her. The fact that theyve been poisoned against her non-stop since the conservatorship began. And the fact that she did and provided everything for all of them.

The ungratefulness is sickening.

Britney's best course of action is to move on, hold her head up high, and continue to radiate strength to the world around her.

In the end, the universe knows what its doing.

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Honestly disgusted that her boys would do this to her publicly. Their father has put them in a very dangerous position. If public opinion goes against the family after such a crass move then the boys could face consequences from youths that are outraged at them. Kevin is a failure of a parent in all forms and it appears the apple doesn't fall far from the tree, they are not 9 and 10. They know better. 


Edit : britney needs to proof read because the w**d bit and rappers is cringe. Love her so much and not policing her but she needs to choose her words with a bit more care. 

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Of course her boys prefer Kevin, they all idolize doing nothing and smoking w.eed all day long. We were all like that. Well, one day the w.eed won’t make them feel the same anymore and its effects will stop working the same way it does now. And one day they WILL see the value of their mom and how value isn’t just about who can have the worst grammar, speak like a gangster, and skate by in life doing the bare minimum 

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