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Britney: Mom and Selena Gomez, I'm so happy to have such a supportive family

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3 hours ago, jokobish said:

This post is confusing.. she didn’t know her own wedding guest list?? Like what in the world? And is no one talking about how she has an old *** iPhone again??? 

I think she meant that she didn't know who confirmed that they were coming. She obviously invited her and everyone who showed up to her wedding, but my guess is that the wedding coordinator handled the rsvps, not Britney.

.. I actually didn't find her post that confusing. There are far worse posts that are way more confusing than this.

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You can love someone andto despise them. I don't think Lynne is a healthy anything. Actually, I think she is worse than her father. Lynne is a total hypocrite.  Just because someone is your mother, doesn't mean you need to make ammends. The best thing some people have done is break any contact with toxic caretakers. 


Having said that, this post is confusing. I bet she isnt, since she invited Selena to her wedding, but without that context, one could swear she is shading her.

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I took this as being sweet towards Selena and sarcastic towards Lynne. And she was probably surprised Selena was at the wedding because she invited her but didn’t expect her to actually take the time out of her schedule to attend 

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5 hours ago, G-unit said:

Y’all reach so much.  She literally shared a photo of her guests and said how happy she was to have Selena join.  She danced with her.  She said “she’s prettier in real life”.  She has nothing but love for Selena.  She’s saying this woman, who isn’t her family, says all she wants is for her to be happy.  It’s shady at Lynne.  She’s, essentially, saying…”wow mom, somehow you managed to get your words of “love” to me even though you weren’t invited…and they came from someone who isn’t actually my family, who genuinely wants me to be happy.  She follows Selena - if Britney didn’t want her there, she absolutely would’ve kicked her out and definitely wouldn’t have shared pictures with her in them.


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