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Britney posts another topless photo (and reposts it, TWICE)

Message added by Slayer,

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4 hours ago, limecakes said:

Why do you care more about what her sons feel than what she feels. At their age, they will probably have seen women on instagram showing more. They would just keep scrolling past this if at all…. 

I never claimed that I care about her sons’ feelings more than her own. But, as a parent, you do consider your children’s feelings when making decisions. I could imagine a scenario where this might bring discomfort for them, given their adolescent age. And, I don’t care what the boys have seen on Instagram. It’s certainly plausible that they’ve seen much more on the internet given their age. That doesn’t detract from the fact that they might feel odd seeing their mom smoosh together her ***** on Instagram.  But you’re right. Maybe they don’t mind. I do think it’s sorta strange that you’d suggest they won’t mind these pics, because they’ve seen “more” on Instagram.

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1 hour ago, Reluctant said:

I never claimed that I care about her sons’ feelings more than her own. But, as a parent, you do consider your children’s feelings when making decisions. I could imagine a scenario where this might bring discomfort for them, given their adolescent age. And, I don’t care what the boys have seen on Instagram. It’s certainly plausible that they’ve seen much more on the internet given their age. That doesn’t detract from the fact that they might feel odd seeing their mom smoosh together her ***** on Instagram.  But you’re right. Maybe they don’t mind. I do think it’s sorta strange that you’d suggest they won’t mind these pics, because they’ve seen “more” on Instagram.

Reporters have asked her what her sons think about her s** image and she’s said they are aware it’s part of the job. She also said they are at that phase where mommy isn’t cool and so either way they would be embarrassed by her even if she put on a jumpsuit and sing Disney songs. Come on, we were all their age and would find every reason to be embarrassed by our parents. Her son went online to do a Q&A so why are you making a big thing? Let her have her freedom to express herself. She loves and cares for her kids, so why are you judging her? This sounds like what her team would say yet they think sending someone to a mental ward is okay.

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7 hours ago, Ashwin said:

She's wearing multiple earings in her ear. Thats new. Last time I saw that was in Sometimes video.

Good point! I don't think we've seen her wear multiple earrings in a very long time.  She doesn't even seem to wear single earrings that often.

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... but that's the point, she OWNS her body and will do whatever she wants with it, whether daddy likes it or not. They been owning her ******* body the last 13 years. Didn't you hear the court recording? If you can't see this, then you should learn about the freebritney movement. 

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