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Britney's son Jayden: "relax it's not like she's held hostage she's fine"

Message added by Slayer,

Please keep comments respectful about Britney's children.

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I haven’t read the 8 pages, but I will say this…My mom ALWAYS put a strong front even though she was crumbling down, but she did it because she loved me and didn’t want to worry me in an already dark period in my life. I would have loved for my mom to open up to me, but I understand why she didn’t…Moms love in a way that other people just can’t and their love for their children is willing to sacrifice a lot of things just so mom sees a smile on their children.

I have no doubt, Britney doesn’t share the details with her sons and they also don’t have the mental capacity and understanding the horrible situation her mom is in. I hope when they grow up, they are able to assimilate and understand how deep is her love for them.

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2 hours ago, FlexAroundTheWorld said:

Yeah sorry you all but this isn't that complicated. Take away the whole Britney element and just imagine this situation as a typical divorced family. 

Parents divorce, father gets sole custody. Both children are male, living with their father, using his last name. That parent always paints a certain image of the other parent, that usually defines their perception, especially if they are on good terms with that main parent and live with them more frequently.

Unless you're from a divorced family you probably don't understand. My point is, Britney isn't going to share the nitty-gritty of her conservatorship issues with them, and they probably feel more 'comfortable' talking about it with their father, who most likely has a very skewed perception of the situation that he shares his opinion through... 

THIS 100000%

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13 hours ago, Jordan Miller said:

I hear you, but not loving the vibe of this comment :typing_keyboard_computer:

Arguably, they have much better insight than any of us. But that does not = Britney should stay in this situation.

But Britney herself literally said she feels like a prisoner and compared her life with s.e.x. traffic. How does that not equal being held hostage? She's literally being held hostage at least mentally. 

I believe Britney over Jayden. Britney's the one facing alm of it and not Jayden so sorry Jayden but Britney is a better source.

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with all due respect... he is nothing but a kid.

Should we immediately reprehend his position on this? Not entirely specially when Britney herself has very limited time with her children which narrows their direct experience with the situation A LOT. Although I do not think it's that smart to come across as almost defending  the conservatorship when you know your own mother is begging for something to stop - he is a kid, there's obviously a lack of maturity like in any other youngster at that age but he still has a brain and could've been more careful on filtering his take on it because at the end of the day this isn't helping the situation at all.

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The boys seems to admire their father so much. Kinda normal, but kinda sad that he is their role model.

K-Fed can say whatever he wants, they'll probably believe it because they don't know any better, and Britney's situation is normal to them.


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20 hours ago, Jordan Miller said:

I hear you, but not loving the vibe of this comment :typing_keyboard_computer:

Arguably, they have much better insight than any of us. But that does not = Britney should stay in this situation.

They have.:tbh_britney_nod_yes_yas_ftr_for_the_record_vma_2008_circus: But they grow up with Kevin,not Brit and we now what for a person he is. And I think that her children were brainwashed.:schoolingtime_talking_telling_glasses_preaching:

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The comments on this thread are vile. It took me a year to fully understand Britney's situation and I'm only 17. Jayden's a child, you guys are bombarding his girlfriends comments with Free Britney. Of course he's gonna answer in a snarky tone, I would too! Leave the kids alone.

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I normally just lurk but this thread has me some type of way. Guys - He's a kid. A slightly self absorbed spoiled kid, but his mom is a famous pop star who thinks the world of him. I wouldn't think he wouldn't be like that at 14. Think about how you acted at 14 and tell me you don't cringe at your old behavior. It's life.  

Also I can't find the user he was replying to at all and NO ONE has expanded on the multiple requests about seeing the context of the post. From what I understand that is his account but this looks a tiny bit fake since I can't find anything about it and it has a suspicious crop. Can anyone find the original post so we can see the context? 

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all this tells me is that britney does a great job of keeping things as normal as possible when shes with her children. shes obviously not happy or ok but it sounds like she makes sure she keeps everything positive when shes with them. it also makes me think that the kids can be fed some BS by kfed/others about the situation shes in.

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