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How do we feel about Lynne and “Through the Storm”?

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1 hour ago, Amandafat said:

Britney even made a restraining order on her mother so that she could not visit her grandchildren. She thought her mother was on Kevin's side and they were planning to take her children away together.

She was right.

Britney’s intuition is always right.

“There is this crazy lady Lou Taylor that has been sending stuff to my house. I don’t know her.  She is a stalker. We told her a million times to leave me alone and now she is saying she’s going to visit my drunk effing father in Kentwood.”


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6 hours ago, OnlyFacts said:

Yikes. So she said she had to drag Jamie to the house to confront Lutfi? Jamie didn’t want to go? What a mess. I kind want to read it...but scared the profit will go to LOUser somehow. And are there any threads from the fans Lynne brought into her house?? I’d love to hear those stories lol

I haven’t read the book in a long time but she had a falling out with Britney and that lead her to be cut out of Britney’s life. The tone of the book totally changes and the writing is like unnecessary dramatic to me.   She talked about Sam putting medications in her food and such and that she tried to break in. I just remember she said that she got Jamie to come in and handle the situation because she couldn’t do it. She also admits she has no spine and that why  she’s not a conservator and Jamie is. Again, excuses. So once again she sits back while others do her job. 

oh it was when she first started to become famous that fans that find out about her house would go there and Lynne would naively invite them in and like have tea time. Britney said in an interview that she had to tell her mom that it’s not okay and that she shouldn’t be bringing random strangers into their house. Some were taking their dirt. That’s not in the book but that always annoyed me too as who does that? Even as a little kid I’m like...why would you do that? What if they are serial killers? No wonder Britney is in the mess she’s in. Lynne never thinks about her actions. 


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8 minutes ago, puppylo16 said:

I haven’t read the book in a long time but she had a falling out with Britney and that lead her to be cut out of Britney’s life. The tone of the book totally changes and the writing is like unnecessary dramatic to me.   She talked about Sam putting medications in her food and such and that she tried to break in. I just remember she said that she got Jamie to come in and handle the situation because she couldn’t do it. She also admits she has no spine and that why  she’s not a conservator and Jamie is. Again, excuses. So once again she sits back while others do her job. 

oh it was when she first started to become famous that fans that find out about her house would go there and Lynne would naively invite them in and like have tea time. Britney said in an interview that she had to tell her mom that it’s not okay and that she shouldn’t be bringing random strangers into their house. Some were taking their dirt. That’s not in the book but that always annoyed me too as who does that? Even as a little kid I’m like...why would you do that? What if they are serial killers? No wonder Britney is in the mess she’s in. Lynne never thinks about her actions. 


Yeah that is so stupid to invite strangers into your home and you’re the parent of the biggest celebrity in the world. I feel bad because it seems like Britney’s family is a bit dysfunctional...which I mean, all families have issues, but these are kinda wild. Bryan seems normal and grounded, but then again, we’ve only heard him talk once or twice. It’s all really sad. I just hope Britney finds true happiness 

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3 minutes ago, OnlyFacts said:

Yeah that is so stupid to invite strangers into your home and you’re the parent of the biggest celebrity in the world. I feel bad because it seems like Britney’s family is a bit dysfunctional...which I mean, all families have issues, but these are kinda wild. Bryan seems normal and grounded, but then again, we’ve only heard him talk once or twice. It’s all really sad. I just hope Britney finds true happiness 

Yeah that’s why after finishing the book, I’m like this is why Britney went crazy. You relied on her to save you guys from poverty and your happiness which is something you should be doing not her (Britney paid off their debts with her first earnings) I think that’s why Bryan and her get along they probably roll their eyes with “parents are fighting AGAIN” 

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Just now, OnlyFacts said:

Is that Lynne? That can’t be real 🤣

It is! JL posted it on her Instagram story a few weeks ago. I couldn't let the opportunity slide. I had to gif it. :tiffcackle: 

She's moving more than Britney during the 2018 leg of POM. :tiffcackle:

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I love that Lynne gif, she has always seemed really sweet and down to earth. I wish she was conservator over Jamie, but Lynne has no back bone atleast back then. Maybe she does now and is fighting for her daughter I hope.

However I really WISH Britney had no conservator at all.

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9 hours ago, OnlyFacts said:

I don’t remember hearing about the bruises ☹️ This all makes me so sad. Britney is surrounded by mystery and we’ll never know the true story.

Segun TMZ, la LAPD escribi? un reporte de crimen en relaci?n al incidente que ocurri? en la casa de Britney cuando no quiso entregar a su hijo Jayden. 

Seg?n TMZ, la polic?a escribi? un reporte por poner en riesgo la integridad de Jayden, lo cual estar?a bajo llave en el LAPD. Sus fuentes dicen que este es un reporte preliminar, lo cual significar?a que la LPAD, incluso, podr?a arrestar a Spears si determinan que lo que cometi? fue un crimen. Nos dicen que el reporte se escribi? por todo lo que ocurri? en la casa - incluyendo su encierro en el ba?o con Jayden y la violaci?n de entregarlo. 
Usmagazine.com reporta que cuando la polic?a lleg? a la casa de Britney en Beverly Hills el 3 de enero para investigar sobre la disputa de la custodia con Kevin Kederline, ellos descubrieron que su hijo menor, Jayden James, ten?a al menos una mordida y varios moratones en su cuerpo. 

Seg?n una fuente, el reporte de la LAPD dice que cuando la polic?a lleg? esa noche a la casa de Spears, ella les grit? diciendoles que se fueran de all?. La polic?a que estaba fuera mir? a traves de una ventana y vio a Spears cargando a Jayden en el ba?o, observando que no est?n bajo alg?n peligro inmediato. 

La fuente dice que, aunque al principio la polic?a amenaz? con romper la puerda del ba?o, ellos se dieron cuenta de que la puerta no estaba cerrada con seguro, as? que no tuvieron problemas para entrar al ba?o. 

Despues de observar la marca de una mordedura y los moratones en el ni?o, la seguridad de Kevin, que fue a recoger a los ni?os, les dijo que esas heridad ya la tra?a el ni?o desde antes de ser mandados a la casa de Spears m?s temprano ese mismo d?a, y que su hermano mayor, Sean Preston, fue el que le provoco eso con una mordida. 

La fuente tambi?n a?ade que el examen que le hicieron a Britney en el Cedars-Sinai esa noche dieron como resultado que no ten?a ni rastro de drogas ni alcohol en su cuerpo. 
El LAPD ha negado que ellos fueran a la mansi?n en Beverly Hills de Britney Spears porque hubiera un arma en la casa. 

Un portavoz de LAPD dijo: ?No hab?a ning?n arma involucrada - esto es lo ?nico que nosotros sabemos.? 

Se hab?a relatado que el ex-marido de Britney, Kevin Federline hizo una llamada a la Polic?a reclamando que la cantante ten?a un arma de fuego y matar?a a tiros a sus dos hijos. 

Se cree que Kevin Federline tem?a que su ex usara una pistola Beretta 92FS para asesinar a Sean Preston, 2 y Jayden James, 1. Esta fue la raz?n por la que Federline hizo una llamada desesperada a la polic?a, quien lleg? con un equipo de de especialistas r?pidamente al lugar el jueves por la tarde. 

Pero el departamento de Polic?a de L.A, ha dicho que aquella no era la raz?n por la que la polic?a fue llamada. 

Un representante de LADP dijo: ?Llamaron a la polic?a a la residencia de Britney Spears para investigar cuestiones acerca de la custodia sobre sus ni?os - no porque hab?a un arma en la casa.? 

Fuente: Showbizspy & breatheheavy 
Traducci?n: Osdia.es

A pesar de que la polic?a inicialmente sospech? que Britney Spears estaba "bajo los efectos de sustancias desconocidas" durante el incidente ocurrido la noche del jueves, las autoridades han determinado que Spears estaba limpia y sobria. 

De acuerdo con la oficial de policia de Los Angeles, Ana Aguirre, no hubo evidencia de que la estrella del pop haya tomado o ingerido alguna droga durante el incidente del 3 de enero. 

"Nuestros pensamientos no fueron los correctos en el caso" ella dijo. 

"Hubo un momento en el que estaba en la residencia y no pod?a hablar con los oficiales aparentemente" a?adi? Aguirre. "No hubo un maltrato hacia los ni?os." 

Aguirre confirm? que ambos hijos de Spears fueron entregados a su ex-esposo, Kevin Federline y la estrella del pop fue llevada al hospital. 

"Nosotros no detectamos ning?n tipo de heridas" y ella no estaba agresiva con las autoridades, Aguirre dijo. 

CNN y otras fuentes supuestamentes confiables han estado reportando que Jayden James nunca fue al hospital. Esos reportes son falsos porque Jayden SI fue al hospital, pero solo para un chequeo general. Hay fotos de Jayden entrando a la ambulancia, llevado al hospital, y mostrando su cabeza por la ventanda del mismo. 

Jayden fue al hospital para un chequeo general despues de que Britney le dijera a los param?dicos que le encontr? un moraton en su cuerpo, y esa es la raz?n por la cual Britney no quer?a devolverselos a Kevin. Ell no le provoc? el moraton. 
El peque?o Jayden fue hospitalizado con su madre porque la propia Britney dijo que lo hab?a herido, seg?n Page Six. Sin embargo, un miembro de la familia fue claro al respecto: ?ella no lo hizo?. Jayden fue examinado en el hospital y al no encontrarse indicios de maltrato, fue dado de alta y llevado a casa de Kevin. La fuente tambi?n dijo que ?los ni?os est?n bien, simplemente conmocionados?. 
TMZ informa que el abogado de Kevin, Mark Vincent Kaplan, acudi? a la corte a las 8:30 AM (hace apenas una hora) para pedir que se le quite a Britney Spears los derechos de visitas a sus hijos. Los motivos/pruebas ser?an m?s que obvios y lo m?s probable es que acepten el pedido de Kaplan. Tara Scott representar? a Britney de parte de la firma The Trope and Trope. 

Britney est? ahora mismo en el centro Cedars Sinai y hay evidencias de que es ella es un peligro para si misma y para los dem?s. 

TMZ ha estado reportando durante meses, que Britney no tiene un problema de drogas ni alcohol, en cambio el problema es mental, no qu?mico. Fuentes confiables dicen que lo que pas? anoche no fue por drogas, y que su estado mental ha sido deteriodado en los ?ltimos d?as hasta tal punto, que no fue sorpresa lo que pas? anoche. 
This written in Spanish is news translated by the Web Osdia (old Britney forum in Spanish) talks about bites and bruises, this was said by Kevin's lawyers and publicists.

The famous night is Kevin's car with Lonnie Jones being reckless putting their lives, that of children and other people in danger.(In this video, all the comments are praising him instead of saying that what he is doing is a real recklessness and a risk for them, for the babies, for the paparazzi and for the people who drive in the other lane and come in the opposite direction)

9 hours ago, jordeezy said:

Is that the same bodyguard who sued for ****** harassment?

It is not different.
Lonnie Jones was Nsync's bodyguard (even he is on the cover of the Celebrity album) then he was JC's bodyguard, and after of Kevin of course later worked for Britney and her team.(Can you imagine what this means).

8 hours ago, Amandafat said:

Britney even made a restraining order on her mother so that she could not visit her grandchildren. She thought her mother was on Kevin's side and they were planning to take her children away together.

That's right...When you read more about this family, you know that lack of root, toxic, ignorant, and dysfunctional is ...

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Why does no one ever mention that Lynne literally says toward the end of the book that Britney and Justin "are currently working on a song together"? That has aways blown my mind that that got overlooked. I just found the passage again in my copy to reconfirm I remember it correctly.


Also- Lynne says Lou tried to send JL off when they learned she was pregnant. Lynne was packing her bags to go when Lou told her no, only JL was getting sent off and Lynne then stopped it. Why are they so thick when it comes to this woman? Cut her out. She's not safe, wholesome or has any of their best intentions at heart....how does she have SUCH a hold on this family....

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17 minutes ago, RavenRose said:

Why does no one ever mention that Lynne literally says toward the end of the book that Britney and Justin "are currently working on a song together"? That has aways blown my mind that that got overlooked. I just found the passage again in my copy to reconfirm I remember it correctly.


Also- Lynne says Lou tried to send JL off when they learned she was pregnant. Lynne was packing her bags to go when Lou told her no, only JL was getting sent off and Lynne then stopped it. Why are they so thick when it comes to this woman? Cut her out. She's not safe, wholesome or has any of their best intentions at heart....how does she have SUCH a hold on this family....

Religion is a powerful thing. Both of them seem to be very religious. I think that’s why Britney pushes *** so much in her career. Maybe it’s because she challenged the idea of religion because I remembered she once said that the more she learned about other beliefs and religion the more she is leaning towards spiritual like she still believes in God and that there is a divine being but she was feeling open to other teachings (I guess with khabalah and all) so Lou probably told her parents that Britney is spiraling into the “dark” side and that she’s abandoning her faith and God will not accept her in heaven or Satan has brainwashed Britney. I wonder if they dunk her in holy water as her punishment and Lou shouting “wash away satan’s influences over you! Cleanse you of your sins! May it purify your soul and none of this chakra nonsense in your music!”


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I didn't read the book. I don't know how much personal stuff esp about Britney  is there. But it kind of felt she wanted to set her record straight by publishing that book. Yet i think as a mother she shouldn't write anything regarding her famous daughter. It felt like she was trying to get money from the situation. Idk exactly then it came out. But it certainly had to do with Britney breakdown. And imagine ur mother wrote a book about certain things from ur life which u prob didn't want to share. I would feel terrible.

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