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Britney's unreleased "Make Me" music video is actually horrible (opinion)


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I recently saw this fanmade one and thought it was pretty good.  I remember when the hype for the video started and she posted a video from the set.  I went to meet my best friend who was in Puerto Rico for work.  He asked me if I had seen the pic and told me a guy he knew was in the video.  That’s when I pointed out Mikey Pesante and asked if he remembered him from when Mikey danced backup at a club we went to frequently, and that I worked at for a short period of time.  He didn’t remember him.  A few days later we went to this hole in the wall restaurant and who was there but Mikey with his family!!  Britney was on a break from Vegas and he had just flown in that day.  Small world.  Anyway, here’s the video...


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The unreleased video is so much better than the official, not to mention Britney's comment when making the first video "Just put me in a cage" or something along those lines. Girl is literally serving conservatorship realness and ya'll be hating. britney spears GIF

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1 hour ago, puppylo16 said:

Honestly I’ll still take the unreleased one over the official one. It’s so unwatchable and embarrassing, at least that video had good visuals and that’s the point of a music video. They don’t have to make sense. 


1 hour ago, EasyThere said:

It literally isn't. The fact she was feeling herself says everything.

Plus her looking that good without any editing was mind blowing.

Some of the plot didn't really make sense. But we never actually got finished version. If anything they could've gone with dance scenes as official music video. Anything would be better than the cringe fest we got at the end.

Also OG MM mv was literally prime Britney in everything. Trashy yet ****. And quite controversial even for 2016. It would help the song quite a bit.


Taste has left the chat in this thread.

What my boys said. :barbie:

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1 hour ago, ovoxo said:

I’ve watched the unreleased version waaay more than the official one. I like it, imo it’s an exaggerated portrayal of Britney Spears the brand. It’s like the version of Britney that the world once thought she was.. walking around all glammed up, a bunch of muscular guys in her house, living lavish. I don’t know lol it felt very symbolic and I’m sure a finalized version would make more sense. As for the controversy, her whole career has revolves around negative controversy lol.. this isn’t something new. 

It’s miles better than the cringe fest they put out. 

you know, it's funny because just yesterday I was watching HSM behind the scenes videos, and as always, I couldn't escape from Britney appearing in some kind of form whenever I try to watch things unrelated to her.

At the beginning of the video, the director explains the Fabulous song is a wink to Britney and Madonna, as if they lived that way lol I don't know about Madonna, but we know Britney's lifestyle is anything but fabulous, at least in the sense the song describes. I thought it was kinda cute or flattering that they did so, but I kept thinking how distorted is the perception most people have of Britney. And this was in like, 2007?


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What is all this mess I'm reading... You talk as if you were referring to a newcomer or a wannabe. First of all, the song is amazing, one of her best. And second, there's undoubtedly some magic in the unreleased footage, and she looks absolutely amazing in the official version. So can we please chill and enjoy a Living Legend you can look but don't touch? Thank you.

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8 minutes ago, PokemonSpears said:

you know, it's funny because just yesterday I was watching HSM behind the scenes videos, and as always, I couldn't escape from Britney appearing in some kind of form whenever I try to watch things unrelated to her.

At the beginning of the video, the director explains the Fabulous song is a wink to Britney and Madonna, as if they lived that way lol I don't know about Madonna, but we know Britney's lifestyle is anything but fabulous, at least in the sense the song describes. I thought it was kinda cute or flattering that they did so, but I kept thinking how distorted is the perception most people have of Britney. And this was in like, 2007?


Omg yes exactly. Lol that song is the idea people have of her as a teen popstar. Looking at it now I can see how someone that doesn’t know her would think that. Like she was sooo big. 

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I think some people are too obsessed with correctness, or with everything having to make sense, or be "cohesive" or I don't know.

I believe it's fine to once in a while just do a random kind of video, to cause some controversy, especially for a lead single. David has said this isn't his cut, so probably had he edited, it would've made a little bit more sense, or things would've been edited to give it a different aura.

Look at his work


things just don't make sense with him lol

when you know his work and then go and watch the MM clip they leaked, even if it's not his final edit, THAT's when it makes sense. If Britney went and did all of that, it's because she agreed at some point to do all of that. Maybe at the end she didn't like the result, well, that's a different story, but there's many things and songs from her career she doesn't like and we do, so...

And we don't even know if the body double was supposed to be in the final edit either, and if she was, well, that's lame, but it's not the first time we got a body double, since that already happened with HIAM, TTWE, Perfume.


Britney looks awesome, ****, she's having fun, I don't see anything horrible in that. I wouldn't even call it raunchy, like, in a trashy way. That's the Gimme More video for you, especially the alternative versions. MM is so much better than some of her official videos, maybe not the best she's done in her career, but I think it would've helped a lot to kickstart the Glory era.

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 oh gosh haven't you heard Dula Peep advice ? Don't start now honey :tiffeyeroll:

Just kidding :tongueney: I agree, I like the video and it's 100% better than the one we had but there is something strange. They tried to do some sort of storyline but there is nothing at the end?? Maybe we don't have the full video (maybe missing footage etc) or maybe they didn't have a proper storyline. Who knows? 


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I don't think she would have been dragged, she looked incredible. I loved her costumes. The storyline didn't make sense and the choreography was kinda wack but overall I thought it was great. However, I also like the official video. It has some cringey moments (the old man dancing, Britney barely speaking at the beginning, the Asian girl at the beginning, all the product placement) but she looked hot and wore some awesome costumes! The concept was simple but cute and damn there were some fine men lol.

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2 hours ago, ovoxo said:

Any controversy is good controversy :uknowit:

I still think the Gimme More video is lowkey trash lol, it’s only redeeming factor is that it captures the energy around the time. 

at least with MM we would have had expensive trashy. It could of been a turning point to save her videography after Perfume. Ugh idc what people say it’s iconic, maybe the fact it’s unreleased makes it more iconic. 

I mean the GM video has grown on me, at least it matched the vibe of the song. 

it definitely would’ve been iconic, honestly all her zany ones always end up being memorable. Look at people using that scene of her throwing the tv out for their gifs. 

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3 hours ago, G-unit said:

It is awful...I’ve read that what leaked wasn’t a finished version, but literally I don’t think anything could save that mess.  The fact that they had a body double at the beginning with a bigger, faker looking as* cracks me up (no pun intended).

The official is equally as disgusting.  If she ever works with Randee St. ****colas again I’ll die.

It’s sad because Make Me is literally a ******* gem.

the censorship on this website is annoying, Jordan. 🙄

The censorship is annoying. What are we in north korea?

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Omg... :gtfo:

The "Unreleased" version of Make Me...I can't even call it "music video"... :nochillbrit:

Actually, what was the point of that "mUsIC video" if it have to be censored in almost all countries, and have to be broadcasted in the TV at least at 10PM of the night? :decisions:

Furthermore, it shows Britney as a vulgar person. She is a singer first of all, excuse me but this version shows a bad image of Britney. There is no story, almost all scenes are vulgar. Like, I don't imagine a family seeing this mv, and also it don't show Britney as mature she was +20 years ago. She was, wow, mature, just compare Sometimes, Lucky, OIDIA, Overprotected, to Make Me (Official or Unreleased, both are trash). :receipts2:

It makes me sad to say that, and it's not for fun what I'm saying, but it's my opinion, these last years, Britney do so much vulgar contents, this image don't represent Britney as we knew her before. Yes, she is now an adult and not a teen anymore, but excuse me, but if I see the Sometimes mv, it's just beautiful, there is a story, there is something to tell to people, it was fun... And for Make Me? Vulgar images? That's all?

Some says that David do projects which don't have essentially any sense or idk, but he did Everytime and it has a lot of sense. Everything depends on the first idea of the project. Idk if it was Britney' idea or her team's but it was a bad idea. Some would say you don't like her musics etc., but even if we like her musics doesn't mean find everything perfect from your prefered artist. She might do mistakes, as everyone do.

Without talking all the hates after the unreleased version (essentially) would be released officially. :xfactorlook: It would be a pure :flop: as the current official mv. Sorry to say that, but there's nothing beautiful or amazing or any good content on the original version... For me the last good music video of this decade was Scream and Shout or at least Pretty Girls (even if Hold It Against Me is far better and more iconic!)

Well, I hope Britney stops to do those types of music videos, it doesn't represent Britney.

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3 hours ago, Blackout2006 said:

being a 30 something mother of two kids for doing a video like that

I agree with you, I don’t like the unreleased version either, but this part is ageism in its true form. Madonna released Erotica when she was at her 34yo. Women should be free to express they sexuality doesn’t matter they age. They own it and it’s rude to assume that a 30yo woman can’t show her body and be ****** about it. (And use her children as an argument). We are in 2020, it’s really sad that nothing has change since 1992. :decisions: (I’m not criticizing you, to be clear, but those who would think this way) 
But yes, the overall mv is terrible. 

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22 minutes ago, QZeusLiquorQ said:

I think the official version is more beautiful than the unreleased version :mhm: 


In all cases, the official version is better than the original. :nervousney:

But still, the official is still awful, compared to the oldest music videos of Britney. :britoverit:

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