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#FREEBRITNEY | Britney’s Gram Received Worrying Voicemail Regarding Britney

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28 minutes ago, jokobitch said:

I’m telling you they are literally MAKING her more insane with all of this.. no wonder ppl have said they’ve seen her talking to herself.. 

Ugh that is seriously so sad. I mean we all talk to ourselves, but if she’s doing it to cope w loneliness... :crying1: my heart breaks 

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He looks sick to me too.

What bothers me is that I don't think he ever needed to be cared for the way the cancellation announcement made it seem. I believe he is sick, but almost 3 months and we didn't get one photo of Britney traveling to or in Louisiana? Jamie Lynn posts on IG every single day and not one photo of Britney? It screams lies. Britney did not look distraught in those paparazzi pictures at the drive thru, she looked the opposite.


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49 minutes ago, jokobitch said:

I’m telling you they are literally MAKING her more insane with all of this.. no wonder ppl have said they’ve seen her talking to herself.. 

I don’t think she’s talking to herself, but it doesn’t matter. We’ll never know either way. The documents are sealed.

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1 hour ago, jennyj said:

Yup! Even when she WANTS to give innocent fans an autograph at heavy security places like the airport or her Domination launch event... they say no and push her away.  I get that it's for her protection as many celebs have that too, but seeing them push her compared to other celebs is way more intense and looks very instructed as if they she's not allowed to communicate with anyone. It's so sad.

Keeping someone who is mentally ill protected is ok to an extent, but preventing them from living life and preventing them from exercising their mind and learning to figure out who she can and can't trust is dehumanizing to her (and to anyone else who's forced in such situations).  I have had close family who was forced into the mental department of the hospital, and while it was traumatizing seeing them like that, they did get better after a few weeks. BUT at least they were free to live their life afterwards, while having occassional appointments with a clinical therapist.  I myself have sufferered with depression as well, but thankfully I never had to get hospitalized and refused to take any medications, but what helped me the most was travelling and being free from my current routine life. Travelling opened my mind, allowed me to reflect and learn, and learn to explore on my own. Then everytime I return home, I feel refreshed and have a more positive outlook, even if life is shitty here lol.

I’m sure she would have been fine with it if she still got her career but even they have control over that so it’s like the poor can’t do anything but just stand there and look pretty. 

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Guys... this picture is from March 10.  Isn't that right before his colon ruptured a second time requring another emergency surgery?

Either way, he does look really ill, but still well enough to go to a wedding?  If it was his own daughter's wedding ok, but if you're gravely ill I don't think he would've went to just any relative/friend's wedding.

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Things need to happen in numbers, yet it only takes the 2 percent...

We need to get serious. Like having marches this weekend in mayor cities serious.

I’m in Phoenix. I can call out work Saturday morning. We can meet downtown. #FREEBRITNEY 

We have to think big. Keep the ideas coming.

The best friend we’ve ever had really needs our efforts right now.

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Wake up, people. I've been saying forever that it was an excuse to control her more. We were hearing about her possibly breaking free from this disgusting c-ship, and then they throw her into a mental instituion. It makes it look like she yet again isn't ready for her life to be taken back.

I don't buy a thing her team and father say. Her father is a leach who leaches off his daughters money. Get a job, bum.

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2 hours ago, Body ache said:

I think she wants out and her dad is trying to show her who's boss. Jamie probably ******** her or is afraid to get sued by her or something to keep her under the cship forever. Why can't he just let her go? He must feel threatened or something.

The molesting speculation is totally unnecessary and I HIGHLY doubt that happened.  She's always been super close and loving to her dad, even during their disagreements. I'm guesing he can't let her go because she's his daughter, and she was known to hang around the wrong people during her prime which is why she got into hard *****, ***, and  her crazy schedule didn't allow her to spend as much time with her family.

I think the issue is he's simply being TOO over-protective of her and doesn't want anyone to mess with her ever again.  And if the speculations are true about her being in a mental facility against her will due to not taking her meds, then I'm guessing it's because she broke that agreement with him and because he doesn't want her to fall down that path again, they're making her pay for that. The issue with that though is that now everyone in her controlled inner circle are messing with her (KFat, himself, Larry, her label, etc.).  Everyone's trying to control her so they can keep gaining their piece of her money to the point that she most likely doesn't even see any of it now because he controls all her finances.  Unfortuantely, while we're all hoping this #FreeBritney movement will make an impact, I feel she's going to be a prisoner of her past mistakes and her upbringing for the rest of her life unless she can get at least some reasonable freedom.

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8 minutes ago, 1inamillion said:

Can anyone tell me what the video is about? It's not available in my country:yelping:

It's just 3 entertainment hosts talking abuot the same stuff we're talking about in this forum. And the guy is an annoying jerk saying she should remain in the c-ship and that no one should be responsible for that much money. But that doesn't even relate to this.

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