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⚠️ PLEASE STOP MAKING MULTIPLE THREADS ABOUT THE SAME TOPIC (and read the entire OP not just the title)⚠️

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1 minute ago, PinkyAndStinky said:

Not to bring up a touchy subject, but I do think there's a difference between dragging Sam and questioning how he fits into the equation. There's no doubt that he makes her happy, but after so many people have deceived her and her fans, it's hard for some of us to know who to trust. For example, those who don't believe Britney is posting naturally begin to speculate why Sam is commenting on her posts or posting her using her phone. I think it's important to clarify where the line is drawn, because I'm personally still unclear. 

For the record, I'm cautiously optimistic about Sam. Not that it should necessarily matter.

I think what @PokemonSpears says clears things up well.

16 minutes ago, PokemonSpears said:

I don't know the particular issue you're talking about.

However I do support the motion of not hating on Sam just for the sake of it. I don't love him nor I feel any particular way about him, all I know is that Britney seems to be happy with him, he's showed support of the freebritney movement and it's the longest relationship she's ever had.

As you say, this is a Britney Spears fansite, we shouldn't even be talking about her family, children or relationships, but here we are in this situation that feels like an alternative reality with her conservatorship, so it's obvious these topics are gonna come up, but let's keep it organized.  

I particularly don't think it brings anything positive or productive to wonder whether Sam is bad or not, fake or real. If in the future there's something that comes up as solid evidence of Sam doing something, or Britney herself says something about him, then it's justified to talk about it. But to bring negative topics about him every day just out of boredom, we just don't need that.


If you or anyone thinks something has been wrongly locked or given warning points or whatever, then discuss it with the Moderator privately, instead of creating a thread about it or derailing an existing thread. 



Most of these "rules" are also because these past few days and with all the members, there's been a flood of threads that are really unnecessary, conversations that could've been part of an already existent thread, or that really don't bring up any kind of discussion, like gossiping about Sam. This leads to actual news or articles or videos or whatever that remain buried 4 or 5 pages down, that aren't seen by anyone, or then are posted again like a million times, in a never-ending cycle. 

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:decisions_britney_thinking_confused_focusing_unsure_xfactor_bw_black_white: This thread is kinda anti-social-media .... I'm all for freedom of speech as long as speculations are written with words like allegedly and so on.. thats how they do that in TV.. nevertheless, i think it's also very wrong to keep certain discussions in private?!? (especially with moderators).... sorry but this control freakishness reminds me of team con. yeah I said it..

some of the rules make totally sense like with double or triple threads, or with the privacy of the children. but half the other rules are mostly opinion damage controlling, have double standards and way too framing... 

the discussion is bigger than the rules though:beynah_beyonce_talking_telling_preaching:


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3 minutes ago, rocXtar said:

:decisions_britney_thinking_confused_focusing_unsure_xfactor_bw_black_white: This thread is kinda anti-social-media .... I'm all for freedom of speech as long as speculations are written with words like allegedly and so on.. thats how they do that in TV.. nevertheless, i think it's also very wrong to keep certain discussions in private?!? (especially with moderators).... sorry but this control freakishness reminds me of team con. yeah I said it..

some of the rules make totally sense like with double or triple threads, or with the privacy of the children. but half the other rules are mostly opinion damage controlling, have double standards and way too framing... 

the discussion is bigger than the rules though:beynah_beyonce_talking_telling_preaching:


:lessons_preaching_telling_hand_smack: my thoughts exactly. I didn’t realize we were treated like children on here. They should be happy the threads are active and this site is being used :mhmnod_yes_agree_nodding:

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Im absolutely happy for moderating the posts. Sometimes when I’m looking for news on here I’ve stopped because of so many duplicates and the same comments within those posts. It has been getting too repetitive, and less impactful. Thank you moderators for working to keep a higher standard. 

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Thank you moderator and admin team for organizing and keeping things as clean as possible. 


I have noticed a lot of repeat threads about the Instagram lately and a lot of users being rude to each other in regards to their beliefs. We should all respect each other’s beliefs even if we don’t agree and keep the focus where it should be, on supporting Britney’s freedom. 

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Honestly, thank you. :urite_wendy_williams_red_yes_earrings_nod_proud_wow_impressed: Ever since #FREEBRITNEY started to gain attention from GP, and we stopped being just conspiracy theorists, the amount of new (and returning) members has been very noticeable. It's obviously good thing, but it has been major annoyance that there's constantly duplicate threads and people posting very old news as if it they were new, without adding anything to the topic :nonono_britney_nope_head_shake:


But I do hope understanding from moderators and users about different opinions. I hope that threads about the same topic but with different opinions don't get merged. For example the whole "does she control her IG" topic; if everything related to it would be merged into one big thread, different opinions and points about it would easily get lost in the massive amounts of one sided opinions. So hopefully the merging does not get too harsh:mhmnod_yes_agree_nodding:

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1 hour ago, rocXtar said:

:decisions_britney_thinking_confused_focusing_unsure_xfactor_bw_black_white: This thread is kinda anti-social-media .... I'm all for freedom of speech as long as speculations are written with words like allegedly and so on.. thats how they do that in TV.. nevertheless, i think it's also very wrong to keep certain discussions in private?!? (especially with moderators).... sorry but this control freakishness reminds me of team con. yeah I said it..

some of the rules make totally sense like with double or triple threads, or with the privacy of the children. but half the other rules are mostly opinion damage controlling, have double standards and way too framing... 

the discussion is bigger than the rules though:beynah_beyonce_talking_telling_preaching:


I mean, not to sound unwelcoming or rude, but that's what social media is for, so if y'all want to have those conversations, you can have them over there. This site isn't Twitter and shouldn't have to be like it.

Go to any other forum and they'll be much more strict than what we are in here. You'd never see a user disrespecting or fighting with the mods in other places, even less throwing tantrums in public in the middle of a thread that has nothing to do with it, or blatantly breaking the rules just for "freedom of speech". People just accept the rules or they don't join the forum, it's their choice.

This place used to be known as Exhell, and it's an image Jordan has been trying to eradicate for several years now, and those of us that were picked to be part of the staff agreed to help him with that goal.

And given the comments on this thread, it's obvious this isn't just something coming from the staff, but a lot of users are also tired of the direction the forum has taken lately.

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