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Why did Madonna use Britney?


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31 minutes ago, zxcvb said:

Her Confessions album/revival NEVER happens without Britney.

Madonna was flopping like hell in 2003.

that's the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard.. it was all thanks to "Hung Up" being an INCREDIBLE song that appealed to a very wide audience (especially Europeans) + let's not even get into how genius the ABBA sample was.. :idkney:

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"kissed her for publicity".. you're making it sound like she randomly kissed Britney without consent, as if the whole thing wasn't a preplanned publicity stunt by all 3 of them.. delete this stupid thread.. unless we're making jokes about how Madonna sucked out Britney's life force with that kiss, I won't stand for this Madge shade, y'all are sinners, respect the Queen of Pop.. :bichpls:



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Both parties benefited from their collaborations. Who's to say that Madonna, while benefiting from working with Britney, didn't also care about her? Who's to say Britney didn't use Madonna? No need to shade Madonna when she has been good for Britney's career, pre and post breakdown. Whatever her true intentions were, we'll never know.

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1 hour ago, zxcvb said:

Her Confessions album/revival NEVER happens without Britney.

Madonna was flopping like hell in 2003.

Britney had nothing to do with Confessions' success. Stop being a delusional Britard. "Hung Up" was what carried that era simply because it was an amazing song. "Sorry" and "Jump" were as well. And Madonna was promoting that era like crazy and it helps that Confessions was an amazing album.

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Well, Madonna was actually promoting American Life (not Confessions) when the kiss happened. The album may not have done great, but its content certainly made a huge impact and is remembered today as one of Madonna’s most hard-hitting albums. Confessions got huge on its own merit, because it was a HUGE and BRILLIANT pop album after something outside of the box (a more recent example of this is Rihanna’s transition from Rated R to LOUD).

Some younger fans may not remember, but something was bubbling with Britney and Madonna years before when they showed their love for each other by wearing each other’s merchandise. It escalated around the Britney era when Britney started citing Madonna as an influence and her music was included in Crossroads.

Apparently Britney and Xtina weren’t even the first choices for the 2003 VMAs and were brought in after the first choices couldn’t / wouldn’t take part. It got huge because Madonna is arguably the biggest pop star of all time and Britney was the biggest pop star of that age. MATM happened organically when Britney asked M to hop on the track when they were in rehearsals for the VMAs.

So, rather than M using B, it was more a case of two huge artists who had a lot of respect for each other coming together for a MOMENT that benefitted them both equally.

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2 hours ago, Godney's Sweet *** said:

Fact: Madonna and Britney created lesbianism in 2003 and LGBTQXMH+ never had the L until 2004 thanks to Britney and Madonna's kiss. 



What "LGBTQMHPXZY+++" stands for:

  • L - Lesbian
  • G - Gay
  • B - Britney Spears
  • T - Transgender
  • Q - Queer
  • M - Madonna
  • H - Heinoussexual
  • P - Potato
  • X - the parallel axis to Y
  • Z(zzzzzzzzzzzzz) - the sound bees make
  • Y - y tho


Also, the iconic kiss was clearly planned beforehand and was a stunt Madonna, Xtine and Brinni consented to. Have a look at the recording, you can clearly see that Brit and Madge both lean in for a kiss.

And as for Madonna not reaching out to Britney during 2007, I don't know, maybe it was because they weren't really that close in the first place? Now, correct me if I'm wrong, but I haven't really heard about her closest family (for example, her dad or brother) helping or reaching out to her that much. If that's the case, and even her family didn't do much to help, what business did Madge have in helping her. Let's also remember she was caught up in recording Hard Candy. :yaknow:

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6 hours ago, SkinnyAsANeedle said:

Madonna clearly used Britney for publicity... she kissed her for publicity (while permanently sacrificing Xtincta), and then “came to her defense” by parading her around on stage to sing with her once... but never reached out or spoke up for her when she was having her breakdown. Why is that? :hugs: 

because with that kiss Madonna took her 'primetime starlight' and gave it to xtina in a ceremony called 'VMA' and next to that perfomance you can clearly see how xtina gone back to basics.. 
and also the song 'Hollywood' is a subliminal.. Hollywood is known for MK Ultra and all this stuff.. hope you all know what I mean and of course don't take it too seriously but it's just a thought of mine

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While I definitely agree that Hung Up carried that era and that Confessions as a whole was great, this statement is also absolutely true

6 hours ago, PokemonSpears said:

Because Madonna "uses" anyone that's famous at the time

Which is actually really smart and Madonna usually does good job at doing it.  Due to ageism and sexism it's so much harder for her to get airplay and **** regardless of her legendary status.

I really feel Madonna expertly knows how to use the current artist to remain relevant while still retaining the artistic vision and message that she wants to put out.

A true icon.

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2 hours ago, Dark.Knight said:

How? It only put Britney in a worse spot than she was

The VMA Kiss gave her yet another iconic performance moment to add to her career and helped launch the successful ITZ era. Tacking Madonna onto MATM may or may not have contributed to the song's worldwide success. Getting the chance to perform alongside Madonna again in 2008 and doing the music video for Human Nature boosted both her public image and her confidence.

I'm confused as to how working with Madonna negatively impacted Britney in any way TBH :ineedthetruth:

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1 hour ago, KrustyKrab said:

The VMA Kiss gave her yet another iconic performance moment to add to her career and helped launch the successful ITZ era. Tacking Madonna onto MATM may or may not have contributed to the song's worldwide success. Getting the chance to perform alongside Madonna again in 2008 and doing the music video for Human Nature boosted both her public image and her confidence.

I'm confused as to how working with Madonna negatively impacted Britney in any way TBH :ineedthetruth:

Her successful ITZ era was due to Toxic, and besides that song, her era was nowhere as big as the previous 2. Britney was already in her decline from the 55-hr marriage and her breakup with Justin. Madonna gave her the kiss of death cuz she likes to take advantage of whoever is in the spotlight at the time and it didn't help Britney at all, it just created more bad press for her.

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