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Britney Spears' June 23rd court hearing updates (FULL TRANSCRIPT)

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On 6/21/2021 at 2:41 PM, Slayer said:

Wouldn't put it past Vivian asking for the hearing to be sealed 30 seconds in :jl_jamie_lynn_awkward_cringe_eek:

I just hope the Judge actually listens and acts upon Britney's wishes, that is all I can ask and hope for.

Sigh... looks like it happened or some sort of restrictions are now in place to prevent live-streaming  :notfeelinit_ny_tiffany_pollard_miss_ms_new_york_meme_sunglasses_bed_mad_waiting_crossed_hands:

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8 hours ago, Onyxgirl17 said:

How much can be accomplished tomorrow? It’s a status hearing to hear her speak to the court about an “unrelated” issue to those brought up in April according to Ingham.

A lot, especially with The NY Times article that just came out. She's clearly been trying to let the court know for years that not only is she unhappy in this situation, but that she has the mental capacity to understand what's going on and wants to exercise her rights. 

Obviously the conservatorship is not going to end tomorrow, but with the increased focus on her case, the judge is going to be hard-pressed to just ignore whatever she has to say without making any kind of changes to the cship. Whether this means permanently removing Jamie, figuring out a timeline to ease her out of the conservatorship, etc., I'd be surprised if nothing substantive comes out of the hearing.

 no problem thumbs up GIF

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On 6/21/2021 at 8:48 PM, BRSM_jl said:

Ummm... What?? We NEED this kind of coverage and awareness from the general public. If this had been done sooner then she may have gotten what she wanted years ago. 

EXACTLY, wtf is it that people don’t understand fff


It’s not someone’s privacy at risk, it’s their literal human rights. This IS the business of anyone in the USA because it could happen to any single one of you. It’s straight up injustice 

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