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Unpopular opinion: Outrageous?


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I know I’m new and not really credible here but hear me out....

as quiet as it’s kept Outrageous is actually a banger and I feel it’s disliked so much and not really remembered because 1.) Britney hurt her knee during the video shoot and scrapped everything itz related so it’s viewed as cursed and 2.) The video was never released!!

Had the video been released I think everybody would have a different perception because we can all agree From the clips we’ve seen the video and choreo looks dope, the promo was there from the start with the appearance in catwoman, snoop in the video, r.Kelly on the track (at the time it was cool) I just strongly feel it could’ve been a top 20 or even top 10 had everything gone to plan and it could’ve set up I got that boom boom easily as next single... For all the success ITZ did have initially i just feel it would’ve done way better as Britney was still a force to be reckoned with sales even if they were lower than her usual  she was still above her peers and was also just returning to the singles charts after being blacklisted 

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Hi and since you say you're new to Exhale,

Welcome :hiii_britney_wave_glaad_2018_waving_hello:

Anyways I agree with you:

Outrageous is the sh!!!t yet is hated cause of her knee injury and

also I think its hated cause it was chosen to be a single  over Breathe On Me and Touch Of My Hand.

I think the video would've been another iconic video in her career cause it looked really cool

based off the remaining footage.

So no you're not the only one who feels that way 


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58 minutes ago, MeAgainstTheMusic_ said:

As Britney said - it’s a cool song but there was so much better on the album. Songs like BOM should have been a single over Outrageous any day. Plus Brit wasn’t feeling it so they should have respected her wishes :brityes_britney_yes_nodding:


I'm not convinced it was her idea to work with him. It seems like it was more a "label mate" situation and the outcome was forced. 

The scrutiny surrounding him was brought up during one of her promo interviews and from memory I think she hesitated to answer. That could have, and should have, been avoided.

He brought nothing to ITZ IMO. 

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The song is a little repetitive, although I like the sass of it. The performance makes up for it, though. 


1 hour ago, Tetris said:

This is the Outrageous mix I bop to:

Before that, it was always a meh track for me...but I was into Junkie XL remix for a spell. 

The remix is nice! I feel like Outrageous/Slave would be a killer combo because of the oriental sounds

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5 hours ago, MeAgainstTheMusic_ said:

As Britney said - it’s a cool song but there was so much better on the album. Songs like BOM should have been a single over Outrageous any day. Plus Brit wasn’t feeling it so they should have respected her wishes :brityes_britney_yes_nodding:

I love BOM to death, but it would’ve been a terrible single choice and it would’ve flopped and tarnished the songs image! 

I never understood the hate for Outrageous, when the album was first released it was one of my favorites and I had non fan friends in high school who liked it when they heard it on the radio. So a little fun fact about Outrageous, one of our local radio stations began to play it as the 2nd single before Toxic was released and then they obviously played it again when it was actually released as a single. 

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While I do agree that the song can be a bit repetitive and there are indeed better songs on ITZ,  Outrageous is still one of the better single choices it just seems like it was designed to be a radio/club hit and it had everything for it to be at the time. 

BOM is a bop but I also don’t think it would’ve have done well maybe internationally but not domestically. Video would be sick tho!

TOMH is my favorite from the album actually but defly not a good single choice

Early Mornin I would actually vouch that this song could’ve also been released and done well on airplay/club charts. Even tho airplay wasn’t Brit’s bestfriend its one of those songs u may not like at first and think sounds weird but later down the line the beat and chorus is stuck in your head

showdown a moderate hit/ promotional hit maybe but is fine as an album cut

i got that boom boom not the best song but it’s a bop and I sort of have the same views towards this song as I do outrageous.

MATM - I don’t really care for it, it is a nice opener for the album tho it sets the tone just wish it would’ve stayed as just that and not a single maybe more of a promotional one.

The Hook up I like the song but Idk how the song would have done even with a seanpaul remix/feature

Brave New Girl i honestly don’t know how this made the album i listen to it but it kind of feels out of place sonically on itz it fits the theme lyrically but eh I would have swapped the song for Don’t hang up or I’ve just begun(having my fun)

shadow gives me Kelly clarkson vibes and we know she kind of manufactured the mid 00s sound so I feel this song would have been comfortable charting and been used for lots of movie ads/ promotional stuff.

Everytime Love this song it’s fine as a single choice to me even if i prefer others over it

all in all I wish sis wasn’t so burnt out during this era it’s definitely a gem and in my eyes the album is still underrated even with the acclaim it receives and I would have loved to see how the follow up would have sounded before Blackout became a thing 


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2 hours ago, lustwecantcontrol said:

I love BOM to death, but it would’ve been a terrible single choice and it would’ve flopped and tarnished the songs image! 

I never understood the hate for Outrageous, when the album was first released it was one of my favorites and I had non fan friends in high school who liked it when they heard it on the radio. So a little fun fact about Outrageous, one of our local radio stations began to play it as the 2nd single before Toxic was released and then they obviously played it again when it was actually released as a single. 

I disagree about BOM it was the perfect single choice. I definitely think it would have did well here in the UK. Everything Britney seemed to touch at that time was doing really well over here. She had 2 number 1s and a number 2. I easily think BOM could have brought her similar success. It is quite a dark, **** song but I really believe people would have lapped it up. 

As for Outrageous I was the same when I first heard the album. It was a stand out track. It’s quite repetitive so maybe that’s why but I did like it to listen to. It’s a good song just not single worthy imo but her label seemed to be really pushing for it I’m glad she fought back!

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The song just sounds like something is missing. Any other remix of it is fine. But it’s never been my favorite song. It’s just so repetitive and sounds very “wannabe cool” IMO. Plus with everything involving R Kelly now it’s just made me like the song even less 

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I actually think ironically Britney dodged a bullet with this one. She’d probably have to pull it from her catalogue if released because you know how the world is in 2021. I didn’t like the song at all for years and one day it hit different. It’s definitely a straight forward banger!

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5 hours ago, MeAgainstTheMusic_ said:

I disagree about BOM it was the perfect single choice. I definitely think it would have did well here in the UK. Everything Britney seemed to touch at that time was doing really well over here. She had 2 number 1s and a number 2. I easily think BOM could have brought her similar success. It is quite a dark, **** song but I really believe people would have lapped it up. 

As for Outrageous I was the same when I first heard the album. It was a stand out track. It’s quite repetitive so maybe that’s why but I did like it to listen to. It’s a good song just not single worthy imo but her label seemed to be really pushing for it I’m glad she fought back!

Well BOM might have worked in the UK but it would not have worked here in the US. It wouldn’t  have fit well on 2004 US radio, which would result in it getting less spins. Honestly it would’ve fit better in more recent years, it was ahead of its time I suppose. I think it’s one of the best songs she’s ever done, but not all amazing songs are meant to be singles!

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People (nowadays?) seem to find the (unfinished) music video "cringe", "uncomfortable" and "weird".

Look at the comments, most people seem to agree with the same fact, it’s cringe and the video is making them uncomfortable:

(It’s not to promote my video or anything, just check the comments to see what I’m talking about)

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14 hours ago, Tetris said:

Before that, it was always a meh track for me...but I was into Junkie XL remix for a spell. 

12 hours ago, Geralt_of_Rivia said:

The remix is nice! I feel like Outrageous/Slave would be a killer combo because of the oriental sounds

Don't forget, Junkie XL actually did TWO remixes for Outrageous:



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59 minutes ago, MSTAR said:

People (nowadays?) seem to find the (unfinished) music video "cringe", "uncomfortable" and "weird".

Look at the comments, most people seem to agree with the same fact, it’s cringe and the video is making them uncomfortable:

(It’s not to promote my video or anything, just check the comments to see what I’m talking about)

It’s not cringe to me it just needs the dance scenes and the story. It’s very 2004 which is why I think it would have done well

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