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Guy hiking in Thousand Oaks asked Britney for directions

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3 hours ago, Busybee said:

I love that that guy thought to ask if the directions were correct. Speaks to her being coherent and knowledgeable. 


Also how sweet! I'm surprised who I'm assuming is her body guard let them get that close. Maybe she is getting more of her freedom back. I wonder what her bodyguards think of all this they must see and know everything.

I dont think the bodyguard saw it as a "a person approaching megastar Britney my client" I think the dude just sayd "Excuse me, I'm lost, where is  ____ ???"


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1 minute ago, joanhs said:

I dont think the bodyguard saw it as a "a person approaching megastar Britney my client" I think the dude just sayd "Excuse me, I'm lost, where is  ____ ???"


True but you can never be too sure. There's crazy people out there who will pose as one thing to get close to you then go off.


I wasn't insuating anything by it but i was just shocked. 

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2 hours ago, OnlyBeyonce said:

Please this woman need her privacy, imagine if everyone now is  going in that place to try to meet her. She can do only few things, please don't ruin also these little moments outside her house. 

Fans doesn't give a ****. Some fans arent happy until she livestreams everything. They want papz to follow her again, they send police to her door, now they want to track her hiking routes, it's really creepy..

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