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#FREEBRITNEY | Britney’s Gram Received Worrying Voicemail Regarding Britney

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I think the "Britney is okay with it she wants the c-ship" is absolute bogus.

If Britney wanted her dad and lou and larry to do her finances and make  everyday decisions for her, well then she can give them that power herself, she doesn't need the court to do that. if she's out of the c-ship she can let them manage her and make decisions for her all she wants, VOLUNTARILY.

I think the only reason she would want her freedom to be restricted is when she thinks she could lose access to her kids if she didn't. People don't f**king give up their basic civil rights for fun you know.


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Oh wow, this was very informative and,  since I don't know much about law, helped me understand the nature of a conservatorship much better. Thank you for that! :kiss:

After reading this, it's clear that a c-ship is meant for those who really cannot take care of themselves and / or their finances. Britney doesn't seem like that. After this, I feel like her c-ship is even less needed.

Again, thank you very much for making this. :kiss:

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1 hour ago, Kiey said:

Does anyone have an actual file of the terms of her conservatorship? I want to read but can't be able to find.

But if she's so restricted to that degree, it's because the court orders it. Which means there's something seriously wrong going on. If she really hates it, she can always notify the Court Investigator or ask someone to do it on her behalf if she feels violated or abused.


Sweatheart, she tried and failed to get out. Regardless if it was yesterday or 10 years ago. Clearly there are things stopping her, either custody, visitation, contracts etc....

The court orders it does not mean that there are faults in the system, that people take advantage of loopholes that there might be corruption. Your assumption that everything should be fine just because it is and the court said so is ridiculous. 

She can't handle her finances and her personal matters? then she can Hire her own people to do that for her the way she wants it done like normal people of her stature do. Don't throw mental health issues excuses my way because that's also unsubstantiated, and she is not even diagnosed with anything. If she's diagnosed with something as serious as that that she should not make the simplest choices than she should be resting, taking care of herself and not working like a slave.

If her father doesn't approve with the people she hires with the people she works with with the way she runs her business and if you don't approve then that's your problem. She should have the power to run her business to the ground IF she wanted to. No one should force they're own points of view on anyone. 

Rock out with your ***** out

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29 minutes ago, Kiey said:


Are we absolutely sure it's for the person and not just the estate

because it's very different 

yes because official sources have said that many times. Her mom said in an interview back 11 years ago that they gave her an allowance of around 800 USD a month.

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8 minutes ago, Shadow2003 said:

Oh wow, this was very informative and,  since I don't know much about law, helped me understand the nature of a conservatorship much better. Thank you for that! :kiss:

After reading this, it's clear that a c-ship is meant for those who really cannot take care of themselves and / or their finances. Britney doesn't seem like that. After this, I feel like her c-ship is even less needed.

Again, thank you very much for making this. :kiss:

I feel like Britney definitely qualifies for be able to secure food, shelter, healthcare, clothing by herself. She's been in countless interviews, seems very coherent in talking. Been able to drive, get food, make music, record music videos, act, go on many tours, so she definitely is able to secure food, shelter and work.

Unless she has a tendency to be destructive to herself, harming herself and others, I doubt they can hold her in conservatorship of the person.


Finance and the estate is a different situation together though. This is where the gray area comes in. How do they judge whether she can handle her own finances? Maybe reckless spending in the past? By definition, she still OWNS her income. But they have the power to ration her spending budget? It's quite confusing and this is where it's fishy.





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7 minutes ago, janolapin said:

yes because official sources have said that many times. Her mom said in an interview back 11 years ago that they gave her an allowance of around 800 USD a month.

I want to read the actual documents though

Is it public information?

I don't want "sources"

Sources don't mean anything

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36 minutes ago, JordyAF said:

Is she completely by herself? So beautiful but you can tell in her face that she’s just so done, tired, and over it and my heart is breaking for her :crying1:

No she is not. Her bodyguard tails her, follows behind her in another car. Team cship is giving visual illusions to make it appear she can drive & drive by herself. Idk where the “she can’t drive” thing came from because we’ve seen Britney drive but usually the bodyguard is next to her with another driving behind them. Now (yesterday) it’s solely her in the car but you better believe she’s being followed. That’s how it’s been for 11 years. She goes nowhere alone even if it looks like she does. 

I wonder if Britney realizes these pics are set ups? Like hasn’t she noticed that suddenly she’s being photographed by paps AND she’s been driving or riding around more than usual? :jlostare:

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10 minutes ago, janolapin said:

Sweatheart, she tried and failed to get out. Regardless if it was yesterday or 10 years ago. Clearly there are things stopping her, either custody, visitation, contracts etc....

The court orders it does not mean that there are faults in the system, that people take advantage of loopholes that there might be corruption. Your assumption that everything should be fine just because it is and the court said so is ridiculous. 

She can't handle her finances and her personal matters? then she can Hire her own people to do that for her the way she wants it done like normal people of her stature do. Don't throw mental health issues excuses my way because that's also unsubstantiated, and she is not even diagnosed with anything. If she's diagnosed with something as serious as that that she should not make the simplest choices than she should be resting, taking care of herself and not working like a slave.

If her father doesn't approve with the people she hires with the people she works with with the way she runs her business and if you don't approve then that's your problem. She should have the power to run her business to the ground IF she wanted to. No one should force they're own points of view on anyone. 

Rock out with your ***** out


if she tries to get out and the court said no, and the court investigator said no.

Blame the court system. Not some stupid loopholes.

They are the ones corrupted if found guilty. They grant the decisions power over her. They examine and decide.

Now, there's another scenario where she tries to get out and withdrew her decision. That's more fishy. Has there been evidence of this. Do we know?

However, the worst scenario is when the people involve threatens her using her children and custody rights and it goes completely unreported and unknown by the court. THIS is where a lot of people would go to jail and I hope they do. Essentially blackmailing her to stay where she is. If said group people CAN do this they must be very powerful and can blackmail essentially all her family, contacts, friends to not go against them etc etc so the chance is very slim.

She's VERY well known. One simple message to the public directly from her to the public about such abuse would easily topple these people.



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I think Britney has a mental illness and needs medication. I also think she has a past of making really bad decisions.

However I do believe that she should be given a chance. If not permanent then at least make a deal like "2 years no C-ship. If everything goes well she is out permanently, If she goes batshit crazy and gets into ***** or whatever then get her back in."  We as fans do not have enough information to make medical decisions about her so I think that would be a good middle solution.

I just dont like the insanity of this whole fanbase and the way EVERYTHING no matter how mundane is now connected to her cship. I mean someone here was convinced she had a miscarriage because she had a red spot on her shoe... :slowdown: lipstick test strips were all of a sudden looked at as if she was cutting herself :slowdown: smudged makeup was "a huge bruise" :slowdown: I mean come on..

I also dont like that they have absolutley no doubt at all that they could be wrong about anything and that all the sources are right (eventhough usually people here mock sources with no evidence) and dont consider that their behaviour in that case might hurt Britney.

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