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#FREEBRITNEY | Britney’s Gram Received Worrying Voicemail Regarding Britney

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Hey guys I don't post on here often but sound something weird. I was looking for some of that cut Jonathan Ross material about her conservatorship and came across this thread on this blog or something called lipstick alley. Anyway, check out post #106 from January 22, 2018. This guy seems to know the rundown on what's actually going on with Britney. Anyway, check it out... Kind of eerie. Seems like some angered person who used to be in the inner circle... 


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Has anyone noticed how many suicidal and self harm themes are in Brit's videos? Did you notice her obsession with bath tubs and drowning, and that JT had a Britney clone pretend to drown in a pool? JT told the truth about her to the best of his ability, but due to loyalty to Brit, no one believed him.

It's clear she had an indentity crisis of some sort. She always said that this was not her on the stage but a character. Fe says that she and Brit used to pretend to be other people on long car drives. When Brit wore the pink wig, she wasn't insane, she was merely acting out her jealousy for Natalie Portman the actual child star on broadway, while Brit was the understudy who quit. Natalie played a hooker in a pink wig in one movie. Brit was pretending to be Natalie. When Brit puts on glasses, she is just copying Marilyn Monroe. In fact, much of Brit's career she dressed and posed and stole choreography from everyone from Gia to Missy Elliott to Janet. Britney destroyed her voice before Mickey Mouse club, you can see that in her home videos.

Jive didn't know how to market a girl who could only sing songs from the 80's that she mimiced. Why do you think she has to sing Happy Birthday or Something to Talk About, or You Outta Know? It's because she can't sing. She simply mimics what others are doing. Jive perfected that when they hired back up singers (Myah and the others) to BE britney's voice, and then they layered Brit on top of their voices and she took the credit for their talent. It must have come as a shock when she was told that no she can't have creative control of her albums, because she had to come face to face with the fact that she was a manufactured pop star with minimal talent. That is why she clashed with Jive and began acting out. She came to believe the lie that she was a goddess and the most talented singer that ever lived, everything her childhood fans were taught to believe too.

Rebellion was not a mystery. As with other songs, she didn't even write it; and if she asked someone to write it, it was merely because she was repeating a word the adults had used to describe her mental health: adolescent rebellion.

Thanks to her fans worshipping her, she actually believed the lie that she could act. She wanted to be in Wicked. She was walking around angry that she couldn't be on broadway and writing "B wicked" on everything. That wasn't experimental what she did on Blackout. That was her pretending to be Elfelba. She hired start up and failed writers like Michelle Belle and simply mimicked the music she heard in the clubs while she was out not being a mommy to the kids she demanded that she should have young. Black out means the end of a scene or show. As with everything, they lied about what it meant to hide the suicidal ideations behind that term. She was sleeping around, and actively drinking and drugging.

She lacked real education and was always shallow, and then she went and fried her brain with the ***** and staying up all night. Then they placed her on a chemical labotomy or something. The biographies of Britney growing up claimed that Britney was in beauty pageants, a rumor that Lynn repeated on Oprah. Britney denied it. Did she forget that she was in beaty pageants or was that always a lie, and Brit simply forgot she was supposed to lie? We have all the pictures of Brit from her childhood, and none of them show her in a beauty pageant. It appears that her own mother asked her to lie about her childhood.

There was a blind item about a man who was using a celebrity woman. He called her "little fool." I have always suspected this was about Sam and Brit. Men don't want to babysit, and it's clear that Brit needs to be babysat. She's not ok, she is simply controlled. Young men who can date celebrities want a woman who takes care of herself and has pride in her appearance, they want a woman who can have *** with them without asking permission from her daddy. They are trapped by the fame and the money to date her, and then they realize it is a mistake. Older men want ***, and they want someone who will take care of them to bring home, if they marry anyone at all. They don't want to take turns babysitting with her father. Have you noticed that each time there is a predictable breakup that Brit is always painted as the victim, and the men never have a voice to explain their side of the story? This is completley dishonest and disgusting in every way. Does Brit even know these men have to jump through hoops?

Sam being gay means he's easier to work with as an employee. He isn't trying to sleep with her and he's immune to Brit's pleas for marriage and a baby. You can see in his face that he thinks he's above her emotional outbursts. He's there on business, not for love, and so he doesn't have to get involved with her emotions. He takes the money and he can hang out with his boyfriends at night. Brit gets undressed in public, so it's idiotic to think that she doesn't come on to her hired help. The Make Me video was pretty much a confession that Brit has hired people just to sleep with them, and she has a history of doing just that. Now she's not allowed to be around the dancers alone and her boytoy of the momet is cast in her videos in a move that is played out. 

If Brit has a broadway show, it will be simply because it is an easy way to market her without her involvement. Notice they claimed the show would be her songs, but not about her. And she won't be in it either. Brit has always been obsessed with Broadway, but never wanted to work for it. It's absurd that people act like she could get up there everynight, remember her lines, and not have to be carried around the stage by the actors like she does in Vegas.

It used to be that fans fought tooth and nail over the idea that she lipsynched, now they act like they always knew it, and you are a fool to expect anything else. Her career is dead. She's not capable of anything more than what she is doing,but they cover that with excuse that she is white, or a mother, or has nothing to prove. Insurance isn't something she can get much of due to her health, and likely they have to keep the cship to make hollywood feel comfortable enough to work with her at all. They are now using EDM and featured singers to minimize how much "singing" Brit has to actually do, and they are likely cutting and pasting old songs that she recorded years ago. Will I am was good at cut and paste, that is why they hired him to make Britney some Black Eyed Peas type songs. She doesn't want to work in the studio and her voice is very weak when she does. She will never sing live, and they must be running out of scrapped and unleaked songs to pretend are brand new. Each time her song fails, the other singer is blamed and each time a video fails, the director is blamed. No one of substance will ever work with her again, at least not without a huge paycheck and a clause to protect them from retaliation.

The Asian "tour" was laughable and a way to get money for a watered down version of Vegas, and Brit wasn't able to fare that without a tiny breakdown. The pressure was too much for her. The lack of sleep was irresponsible for her caretakers and they risk losing control over her, if a doctor should decide that they risked her health. That is why they keep her out of the public eye, to hide her from the public and anyone who could argue that they are not looking out for her best interest. This tour being too much for Brit, the rumor is that they are now trying to book her at festivals so that they have one less expense. They fly Brit out for 2 hours and tuck her into her own bed at night. This does signal that her health is not returning and that the producers are not willing to waste money or take risks with her.

It is not likely that she will ever get married, even though she still obsesses over that, mostly because it would end the cship. Very few men would want to juggle producers, lawyers, daddies and doctors. Any young boy who does is suspect. As long as there are royalties and licenses, it is not likely her parents will ever give up control of the income and narrative. And if they want to continue her career, they have to strike now, no matter how she resists. Once they put her out to pasture, there will be no coming back for her.

If I was Scary Rudolph, I'd be running scared. The Spears family has enough lawyers and he stopped his practice for her. They don't need him. If she has no career, then neither does he. He's worked with a lot of people, but never for long and Brit was his career. I bet we see a lot more desperate ploys to keep her in the limelight so he can have a job.

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It's so insulting for Britney Spears. If she really was this dumb she wouldn't have been 20+ years in the business... 

And I always found it funny when people say that videos are in fact reality, like the Make Me one on this post : "in the video she hires man for *** just like in real life" as if she/they would recreate exactly what it's like so everyone knows about it... lol... 

This post is full of bs I can't... :brityawning:

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2 minutes ago, summer2summer said:

I feel like we need to expose lou taylor even more. Let's dig harder , get more dirt on that ***** . I wish we can find a picture of her sucking trump's **** or something. 

I can smell that *****'s cockiness from a mile :badthoughts: 


Agreed. Let’s stay on her *** until she resigns. :mcwave:

I refuse to believe Larry and her dad are evil though. I think they’re just protective because Britney is fragile. She’s eternally 16 years old.

It’s hard listening to the Britney album now. It kicks off with Slave 4 U and every song after it just.... idk it makes me feel bad.

I’m finally starting to drink your guys’ koolaid :ehidk:

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