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Exhale Reacts: Britney Spears Cancels 'Domination'

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1 hour ago, HairFlipQueen said:

I do try to be balanced when looking anything really so this is a valid comment imo.

Things haven’t seemed quite right with Britney since her Europe tour, her behaviour in the M&Gs as reported by the fans, her weirdness at the Domination announcement, the fact they asked for suggestions for the new show so recently, the eagerness to share the rehearsals....it’s just weird. 

I really think there’s a LOT behind the scenes with her, although I do think she’s cancelling this for genuine reasons. I just wonder if her dad being ill is the only reason, I think there’s probably a few things. Ultimately I do believe she’s over her career.

I agree, something was going on during POM Tour. The Marta drama, her facial expressions and ticks, the fact that she was wearing that coat in almost all of the M&G pics. I hope she gets well soon.

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3 hours ago, Daxx said:

If anyone of you really thinks she would use the excuse of her father almost dying to cancel a show because of the tickets, please leave the Internet, you are disgusting.

It even says it's put on hold on her website.

No wonder she hates us so much. :britdrown: 

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I had a weird feeling Domination wasn’t going to see the light of day. I highly doubt Britney is sick headed like that to use her dad almost meeting his end as an excuse to end the show guys...but if it was used tastelessly like that as a cover up then it would probably be under his strict order to save face for Britney.

Do I think this whole new residency has been over bearing for her? Yes. Coupled with her family issues I think she has chucked in the towel and good for her tbh because i would rather her do that than be up there hating it whilst adoring fans cheer for her.

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43 minutes ago, Lilith said:


Abomination is cancelled not postponed :cackling: hence the refunds too and she said it herself she won't do the show LMAO. otherwise they would be rescheduling the dates :cackling:

It's obvious what happened. Ticket sales were POOR and they waited till there was a month to go to see if the sales would spike but nothing changed so they cancelled it altogether :cackling:
It's f.ucking obvious they weren't ready and with very poor tickets sales too. No point to keep it going and best to scrap it.

That colon surgery papa Spears had wasn't even serious, how come and we only suddenly CONVENIENTLY hear of it nowww with the cancellation of Abomination??? IF it was serious and she wanted to cancel the show bc of THIS, she would have done it MONTHS AGO.
Like.... she didn't even cancel anything and went to an award show when Maddie was in hospital.

But somehow now she cancels the show for what? A surgery her dad had TWO MONTHS AGO that nobody even knew about? If it was serious we would know already. And why does she need to cancel the show at first place for her DAD? It's not like she will nurseeee him herself LMAO. Even these past 2 MONTHS she's been f.ucking around with her meatball boy Hesam :well:

Anyone that THINKS it was her daddddd the reason of cancellation is GULLIBLE plain and simple :cackling: They wouldn't cancel an ENTIRE residency for whatttt??? Her dad that had surgery TWO months ago. Gimme a break :cackling:

Britney wasn't even feeling it from the start let's be real LMAO. She didn't say ONE WORD during the announcement night.

Abomination is over. Next.-


i feel embarassed for you...:zoomzoom: Her father might have somenthing seriuous like a cancer in the final stages what do you even know? Sure he has something serious hence the reason she decided to dedicate more time to him most likely. Sure Britney and her family have the right to not tell the details... nonetheless i'm happy the show was scrapped, it already looked rushed and unnecessary before even starting...


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47 minutes ago, nels64 said:

Either way right now is not the time. Even if it was Britney or her team that lowered the budget, maybe it was due to what is going on with her dad. Less time to promote the show, lower ticket sales, less money for MGM, thus MGM puts pressure on Britney, lowers the budget, Britney's team lowers the budget, etc etc. 

I know Britney's been lazy and cheap in the past but like right now is not the time and whether you want to admit it or not yes she hates promo, but the fact that we were getting next to NOTHING about Domination and the fact that she was so quiet on social media, and the fact that she was working on an album and suddenly would "continue after the show starts". It all points to her not being able to give her full time and attention to anything but her family right now.

It's especially disgusting of "fans" to come on here and start these baseless rumors and conspiracy theories. There's a time and place to be a shady, shitty fan. Right now is not that time. It's rude, inappropriate and downright gross tbh.

Those people are not her fans. And now we have this thread as reference of who is irrelevant On exhale.

can ya’ll go any lower then being happy about this because you might get a “legit era” finally after it’s all said and done ?? 

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14 minutes ago, Lauralicious1 said:

How do we get refunds? 

Per Ticketmaster, “Internet and phone orders will automatically be canceled and refunded.”


But if you purchased your tickets from another website, or through a medium other than the internet or phone, I’m afraid I’m not sure how the refund process works. 

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18 minutes ago, xzede25 said:

A rupture of a colon means more internal organs were compromised cause the literal **** went everywhere inside him. It's infectuous and if not treated fast and properly the person could die.

A neighbor died casue of this. It's extremely dangerous when that happens causeliek i said before the infections spread through the otehr organs and kills you.

That’s true. It’s an extremely serious thing. Not everyone gets through it. Jamie’s lucky! They’re probably looking to see how well he recovers before they make any more career plans. I think her dad should be allowed to take all the time he needs to get better. He doesn’t need the added stress or pressure of dealing with another residency and business things right now. When you’re older you tend to not recover as quickly as you do when you’re young. There are 2 conservators. Andrew Wallet is more than capable of fully filling in on Jamie’s conservator role on his own while Jamie recovers. It’s likely they’re in contact with each other when necessary.

To answer peoples question, (“What will happen to the conservatorship without Jamie”) most likely Andrew Wallet would become sole conservator of Britney & her finances if Jamie were to, you know..., or if he becomes incapacitated. I don’t know for sure but if her family is okay with Andrew Wallet being the sole conservator of Britney & her finances then he could handle everything himself. If however another relative petitions the court to be added as new co-conservator it’ll likely be granted. I assume they have already made “conservator succession arrangements” in case something were to happen to Jamie or even to Andrew.

Anyway. Good luck and get well soon, Jamie.

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