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Exhale Reacts: Britney Spears Cancels 'Domination'

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I'm just gonna be the person to say it...

That said, Celine lost her brother and husband in the SAME WEEK and she was back on stage within 3 weeks. A true diva and professional if you ask me. Although I'm sure her father's health is the primary reason for her canceling the show, you can't not suspect that the lack of preparation and possibly excitement on her part also played a role. She probably thought, "well, I didn't really wanna do this anyway so this is a perfect time to exit..."


Everyone grieves and deals with serious issues differently though and I wish her and her family the best.

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23 minutes ago, f**knfurter said:

This can't be twenty-three pages of brinni fans wishing Jamie a speedy recovery. 

:orangu: I love you. 

23 minutes ago, f**knfurter said:

And if it was drinking that caused it.... that's your sign to stop, sir. Regardless, get well soon.

This was one of the very first things I thought of as well; he has a documented chronic alcohol dependence disorder, and men in their 60’s are right around that age wherein they become physically and mentally extremely vulnerable to all manner of severe (or even fatal) cardiovascular, liver, and gastrointestinal failure due to alcoholism. The cusp of a man’s senior citizenry happens to be right around the same time that unhealthy patterns of lifestyle choices, or “just” severe persistent stress, anxiety and/or depression, begin to really attack the immune system, cognitive abilities and proper organ functioning.

ETA: As an example, my own father has suffered from an extremely severe alcohol dependence disorder for the entirety of my life, and very recently upon turning 60, he suddenly lost all eyesight (actually transitioned from average visual acuity to becoming legally blind within 24 hours), had to be placed on the list for an organ transplant, and is now unable to remember my name or differentiate myself apart from my two older sisters. I wanted to add my personal experience simply because I don't want it to come across as though I'm shaming Jamie, or any of the Spears family, for struggling with the same vices and demons as the remainder of humanity. Addiction, unfortunately, is something that all the money in the world can't help. 

Of course, this is all unfounded speculation, and Jamie's illness could be wholly unrelated to his substance use. But as per usual, I felt incumbent upon providing my two cents (that no one requested).

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4 minutes ago, Queenreba said:

I'm just gonna be the person to say it...

That said, Celine lost her brother and husband in the SAME WEEK and she was back on stage within 3 weeks. A true diva and professional if you ask me. Although I'm sure her father's health is the primary reason for her canceling the show, you can't not suspect that the lack of preparation and possibly excitement on her part also played a role. She probably thought, "well, I didn't really wanna do this anyway so this is a perfect time to exit..."


Everyone grieves and deals with serious issues differently though and I wish her and her family the best.

This is completely different. Britney is under a CONSERVATORSHIP. If her conservator dies someone has to take his place. There are a lot of legal stuff that need to be done before anything happens.

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1 minute ago, Godney's Sweet *** said:

Plot twist: Daddy Spears saw the ticket sales and deviced the whole cancellation excuse himself with Brit reluctantly agreeing. The excuse was deviced to protect Brit's future career and spare her the humiliation of an empty theatre. Daddy Spears will make a miraculous recovery in 6 months but Domination is forever cancelled.



Time will tell 

Imagine if she is in Hawaii now with Sam laughing and doing Zumba in bikinis and we got pap pics tomorrow or something :jj:

It sounds ike a messy situation that has team Britney all over it. 


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