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Britney went to dinner at Nobu and was photographed with a baby

Message added by Slayer,

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If BRITNEY SPEARS came up to me and complimented my baby (yes I have one) I would be thrilled, star struck and so flattered. I would absolutely offer her to hold her and get a photo. It would be like me getting a photo w Britney - but way better cause Britney would be happier to hold my cute baby rather than pose awkwardly w another fan lmao and then it would be a special keepsake for me and my baby to have for the rest of her life. She smiles for one, and then kisses my baby on the cheek for another. 

I guess in a post covid world maybe concern? But regardless I’m in a restaurant and am not really worried for my baby’s overall safety and I am just thrilled Britney Spears noticed my family and was kind enough to pose for a photo. 

like…. What is wrong with some ppl acting like that was ANYTHING wrong with that? 

I truly believe someone in the cship team approached that woman after and offered her money to speak about that interaction and act like it was negative. Someone who truly was put off by someone approaching your child wouldn’t be like “ want to pose for a couple pics??” they’d say “thank u” and be curt/dismissive. This girl is a nasty *****. And the cship needs to end this bot campaign. It’s not 2007. 

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8 hours ago, iZacaree said:

Okay, so I have some THOUGHTS.

First of all, if those pics are real, then Britney does NOT look okay. Why is she going out to Nobu in ratty extensions, dirty hair, trailer park outfit, dirty face, and smudged makeup? That’s not a drag, that’s just literally what she looks like in the pics. She looks unwell and like something sinister could still be going on with her. 

Secondly, after watching the video, it seems like the mom of the baby didn’t really have an issue with Britney holding the baby until she posted on Instagram later that day that she had the flu. After that the mom was pissed because Britney was literally kissing the baby on the face (if the pics are real). Obviously it’s not okay to go kiss a stranger’s baby on the face, especially with flu, COVID, and RSV going around. 

Thirdly, IF this is real, then it doesn’t look good on Britney because she should know better. It’s honestly like she’s a child sometimes and has no awareness of what’s going on in the world or how to interact with people - which is a sad result of her conservatorship. 

Overall, I hope Britney’s okay, but it’s not looking good. 

Do you know what depression or anxiety look like?

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1 hour ago, joe sp said:

This is not the first time tho

I would never let a stranger hold my baby and definitely I would never ask a couple to hold their child, she even kissed him...

I hope she'll have her child when she's mentally prepared.

There was no first time. It was a lie made up by B-Anon. The mom herself had to unprivate her Instagram to tell the world Britney didn’t snatch her child but Britney was in fact super respectful and at all times she asked the mom if it was ok to hold the baby. 

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6 hours ago, Kaitlyn Johnson said:

Absolutely. He knows his place and has probably seen how quickly she cuts people out of their life and drags them. One insta drag would end his entire “career”. Sam is a very conscious person. It’s absolutely none of our business, but their relationship seems very transactional. Sam wants what Britney has had her whole life. 

Dude, just stop. It’s getting very tiresome calling you out all the time with your negativity. If you hate Britney that much then you can easily log out and never come back on here. Like seriously

Season 1 Paolo GIF by Friends

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