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why hasn't she posted about her sons bday?


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Honestly and I hope censors don't censor me.. I find it weird that she didn't mention them when she spoke to the court. 

They are teenagers and with that father I bet they are a pain in the ***, they don't even speak up to defend her. 

I think they prefer Keven and Britney knows this. 

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Maybe she wants to keep family things in private, it’s hurtful enough not having they at her side so it is pointless to post about their birthdays and stuff. They’re teens now and maybe they feel kinda embarrassing about being Britney Spears children, I don’t see weird if even they ask her to not post anything about them in her socials. Sad, but truth. 

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Because the court is on about how they are minors and deserve privacy...don't you remember how they were listed as one of the reasons by Jodi's attorney during the hearing that Britney's testimony shouldn't be heard...I think with kevin, the conservatorship, and court in general she needs to be careful when she posts about them...

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First of all they are teenagers and most likely they don’t like when mom mentions them too often or wish them b-days.. imagine when you are britneys son when a whole world can see you or read about you.. I’m not a teen and I won’t like my mom wish me bday on her fb with 100-150 friends/followers.. 🥴

besides the obvious reason there can be many and questioning her as a mom thing isn’t a good thing.. 


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4 hours ago, Lou said:

Honestly and I hope censors don't censor me.. I find it weird that she didn't mention them when she spoke to the court. 

They are teenagers and with that father I bet they are a pain in the ***, they don't even speak up to defend her. 

I think they prefer Keven and Britney knows this. 

as much as i hate to speak of thing or even think about it, but i fear that they


are becoming

will be more like their father. 

and we don't have much of a high opinion about him don't we.

Lets just hope they don't end up seeing her as an ATM like the rest of the people around her

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4 hours ago, Lou said:

Honestly and I hope censors don't censor me.. I find it weird that she didn't mention them when she spoke to the court. 

They are teenagers and with that father I bet they are a pain in the ***, they don't even speak up to defend her. 

I think they prefer Keven and Britney knows this. 

Didn’t she say something like she can’t see her kids or boyfriend without security?

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35 minutes ago, s&m said:


She didn’t quite say that about security in her testimony, but she did mention her sons briefly: If I didn’t do any of my meetings and work from eight to six at night, which is 10 hours a day, seven days a week, no days off, I wouldn’t be able to see my kids or my boyfriend.

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She does not have to post on social media to prove her love for them.

Her kids are probably getting enough un-needed attention and she may not want to add to that.

She can post or not post whatever she likes, she doesn't have to post about them - we all know how much she loves her kids.

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