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What do you think of Harry Potter?

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11 minutes ago, Blackout2006 said:

That book is one of the most useless and boring books evar :bang:

I had to read and study that **** for my 6th grade exams and im pressed on how intolerable that **** was :ban:

The story of a girl named "Kat piss" goes to suicidal-competition where teenagers go and waste the reason they were born on earth :bang:

The book is one of the most overrated franchises of all timmmeeee :bang:

The Hunger Games is an allegory of society :bang:

It’s a modern classic whether you like it or not :bang:

5 minutes ago, SumoCyco2017 said:

Lookin at u Twilight fans, ya in the same boat!

Twilight is entertaining, but it's definitely basic :tiffanynod:

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I remember waiting and queueing every time a new book was released, sweet times. I agree, it was huge phenomenon and i think it still is, little kids become obsessed with it too, as soon as they watched the movies.

But i have to be honest,  for me, The lord of the rings is a better creation and much more complex than harry potter, even if the books are difficult to read (specially the first one).

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I remember falling asleep in the cinema while watching one of the movies a few years ago.:airpls:

Honestly, I've given it a try too many times and it simply doesn't click with me. I find the movies boring. The lore is interesting and okay.:cheese:

I read the first two books. They were fine but that's about it. 

I prefer Lord of the Rings. :tiffdrink:

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I loved it as a kid. I read all of the books, but I read them so young that I don't remember them tbh. I have all of the movies. I used to go to the midnight premieres of the movies.

I always want to do a re-watch marathon but I never get farther than Goblet of Fire. :katycry:

This thread is kinda making me want to try again though.

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I’ve seen all the films and loved it. I started reading the books in 2018 after having watched the movies. To date, I’ve only read the first 4 books. It’s astonishing to me how different the books and movies are... tbh I think I enjoyed the books more. Far more vivid and detailed and it gave some backstory to some of the things I didn’t quite understand from *just* watching the movies. 

My bf, on the other hand, LOVES harry potter and he’s the reason I started reading the books. He read all the books the moment theybwere released and it basically defines his childhood/teen years.

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I grew up with and love Harry Potter. I already loved to read when I was little and it just carried me through my adolescence.

The first book was read to us in like grade 3 story time? lol and I loved it and then continued from there. I would devour the books as soon as I got them and re-read them constantly and go to all the midnight showings of the movies. the movies weren't as good obviously but still fun to see books come to life like that. 

I actually listen to the audiobooks on a quiet volume to help me fall asleep every night - just something familiar and soothing so I don't go into an anxiety spiral lol. highly recommend! 

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