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What do you think of Harry Potter?

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Harry Potter is with no argument, is the biggest book franchise of ALL TIME. Selling over 500 million books worldwide, and holding arguably one of the biggest, most loyal and craziest fans who were en-captured by the world of Magic, sorcery and wizardry. It has for sure turned heads, especially of conservative people who dont like the magic theme of the iconic series. Despite that, this wouldn't stop the franchise from expanding into a $7-billion dollar-grossing movie franchise, with the first movie nearly grossing $1 billion dollars. Not only is Harry Potter a movie or book empire, but is a brand! Warner Brothers got their highest grossing movie of their whole production company. They still milk the world of magic series with other films related to Harry Potter, such as the famous "Fantastic Beast" series (directors coming the third movie of the series will be coming out next year). Harry Potter is still to this day, read by children for its interesting concept and polarizing charisma, to make the reader want to know more and buy the next book to see whats next.

 Considering that most of you lived in the golden age of Harry pott-ah, have you ever read the book or not? If you have, how was the book, did you became a fan? Stan? Or air conditioner? :jj:

lemme know :sendinglove:harry.jpg.55e8f43c37d37605a0a902c0530b9e56.jpg

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I love the series. I was about eight when the first book came out. HP was everywhere butI wasn’t really into reading back then, I didn’t actually get into reading until recently as an adult.
The first one is rather simple but it has a really good plot and storyline. And the books get more intense and mature and complex as you read through them. They become more young adult novels rather than kids books.

Harry Potter mania was absolutely huge back in the day. It was such a phenomenon there had been nothing really like it before. And a lot of LGBTQ fans got into it, I think JK Rowling specifically added the “Living in a Closet under the stairs” detail on purpose. I was living in Utah at the time and a lot of Mormons did not like it. They were saying it was selling witchcraft and occult to kids. 

From what I remember the books are just as good as the movies if not better. And people waited years before the next one came out. Then the seventh and last book  was coming out like 2007, me and my dad and sister waited outside of Walmart until midnight. There were so many people. She read through it completely in less than 24 hours. It was an event.

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1 hour ago, MissSpearsSaysSo said:

Harry Potter mania was absolutely huge back in the day. It was such a phenomenon there had been nothing really like it before. And a lot of LGBTQ fans got into it, I think JK Rowling specifically added the “Living in a Closet under the stairs” detail on purpose. I was living in Utah at the time and a lot of Mormons did not like it. They were saying it was selling witchcraft and occult to kids. 



1 hour ago, Towelney said:

I watched some of the movies a couple years ago. I don’t really care about it and I didn’t finish the series. :bedtime:

This emote gets me EVERY TIME, and the way you used it for an actual book series :hahaha:

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Just now, Towelney said:

Take that back right now :bang:

That book is one of the most useless and boring books evar :bang:

I had to read and study that **** for my 6th grade exams and im pressed on how intolerable that **** was :ban:

The story of a girl named "Kat piss" goes to suicidal-competition where teenagers go and waste the reason they were born on earth :bang:

The book is one of the most overrated franchises of all timmmeeee :bang:

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6 minutes ago, Blackout2006 said:

That book is one of the most useless and boring books evar :bang:

I had to read and study that **** for my 6th grade exams and im pressed on how intolerable that **** was :ban:

The story of a girl named "Kat piss" goes to suicidal-competition where teenagers go and waste the reason they were born on earth :bang:

The book is one of the most overrated franchises of all timmmeeee :bang:

Lookin at u Twilight fans, ya in the same boat!

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