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What do you think of Harry Potter?

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The books are the most amazing pieces of contemporary literature that I've ever read. The movies are trash though for the most part, except the first two and DH part 1, and only because those stick very close to the plot of the books unlike the others that are basically 75% fan fiction scenes. I don't follow anything that happened after Deathly Hallows, though; all the extra info that we got on Pottermore is irrelevant to me unless it's eventually released in physical form as part of an HP encyclopedia. I also didn't bother reading Cursed Child or watched the Fantastic Beasts movies.

Also not y'all claiming that The Hunger Games is better. The first two books were great sure, but Mockingjay is fecal matter. :girlbye:

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The books are my childhood and something I love so incredibly much.

The movies do vary in their quality but I still love the movies as well.

I have never had a book or series transport me as much as this series.


I do wish J.K. would just shut up though and stop ruining all these memories with ridiculous comments.  Crazy someone who created such a beautiful, magical world can be so close minded.

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Love Harry Potter. I felt like I grew up with those books and movies. When the final book came out I remember I locked myself in my room and read until it was over lmao. But it was an EVENT. 

I bet in 10ish years they’ll remake the movies with new actors and “reboot” it. It’s a cash cow. 

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The books were everything to me growing up.

I still remember how magical it felt going to see the first movie on opening night.

ive been to both wizarding worlds park and the studio tour in London. 
 But have been recently turned off by it due to some unsavory remarks by she-who-shall-not-be-named. 
Funny how someone that can think of a whole new world, can’t open her mind enough to realize that trans women are women. 

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TBH i didn’t like reading that much when I  was a kid and they were coming out but all of my friends in grade school were crazy about the books. I think it was a great thing because it got most kids excited to read but I was more into music, computer games, pokemon, anime and being outside. I have watched all of the movies because my marching band friends got me into going to the premieres etc. I really like the spin offs so far. I kind of like them better tbh...

Anyway, the only franchise series i read/watched was twilight and I just wanted Jacob and Edward to cut Bellas head off and run away together :makeup:

 I have heard The Hunger Games series is a good read though, but I have watched the movies. Thoughts? 

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1 hour ago, ColdAsFire88 said:

TBH i didn’t like reading that much when I  was a kid and they were coming out but all of my friends in grade school were crazy about the books. I think it was a great thing because it got most kids excited to read but I was more into music, computer games, pokemon, anime and being outside. I have watched all of the movies because my marching band friends got me into going to the premieres etc. I really like the spin offs so far. I kind of like them better tbh...

Anyway, the only franchise series i read/watched was twilight and I just wanted Jacob and Edward to cut Bellas head off and run away together :makeup:

 I have heard The Hunger Games series is a good read though, but I have watched the movies. Thoughts? 

Did u not see all the hunger games movies? How could u read all the books when its literally the same plot on repeat for all the movies, j assume that means the books r on loop as well...

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12 minutes ago, SumoCyco2017 said:

Did u not see all the hunger games movies? How could u read all the books when its literally the same plot on repeat for all the movies, j assume that means the books r on loop as well...

You make a good point and I actually remember falling asleep during the last one. It was beyond depressing :ugh:

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