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Exhale 30 Day Song Challenge [DAY 9]


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8 hours ago, Roxxy said:

TRIVIA: The oldest entry comes from the year 1978

#WhoIsIt :britlol:  :jj: 

maybe i'll change my name to "Daddy-O" :imacat: :queenflopga:


For today i choose

The Wings - Gustavo Santaolalla, from Brokeback Mountain :tifftear:

This film affected me in a way that I spent months as if I was mourning :crying1:

and couldn't watch it again... BUT I LOVE IT :howdareyou:


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10 minutes ago, BuckyKatt said:

#WhoIsIt :britlol:  :jj: 

maybe i'll change my name to "Daddy-O" :imacat: :queenflopga:


For today i choose

The Wings - Gustavo Santaolalla, from Brokeback Mountain :tifftear:

This film affected me in a way that I spent months as if I was mourning :crying1:

and couldn't watch it again... BUT I LOVE IT :howdareyou:


Omg I lowkey forgot about this song. I remember that after watching Brokeback Mountain I kept on blasting this song and cried several times when I did because this is such a sad movie.

Very good choice for a sad song :crying1:

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16 minutes ago, xfactorsam said:

Omg I lowkey forgot about this song. I remember that after watching Brokeback Mountain I kept on blasting this song and cried several times when I did because this is such a sad movie.

Very good choice for a sad song :crying1:

Sad but Beautiful :yasqueen:

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8 hours ago, ColdAsFire88 said:

I have a personal story regarding this song. Its too personal :crying3: but yeah...i can’t listen to this song however its the first song that came to mind when you mentioned ‘sad’


and the music video is just gorgeous....I'm always left sniffling at the very least :otears:

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I struggled with this choice as there’s a handful of songs I could’ve picked. A lot of you guys are doing newer songs, so I thought I’d throw in an oldie. This came out the year I was born. My mum is also a big into music, so I grew up listening to a lot of 80s and 90s music that I still love to this day.

My other choice would have been The Dance by Garth Brooks. I want it played at my funeral. It basically says life is full of challenges and heartache, but to not have that, you also wouldn’t have “the dance”, which symbolises all the happy and amazing things that have happened in your life. The special moments. All the pain makes those moments in life worth it. 

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From the haunting piano sample of nadia's theme taken from the soap opera young and the restless (she also hints at it :bwink:) to how personal the lyrics are to me and to feel Mary's emotions through her strong vocals. It's a good coping song for me at my deepest darkest times being in a toxic family




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