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UO: Britney's Insta Posts Make People Dislike Her


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11 hours ago, DoSomething954 said:

Yeah, idk what it is. Especially now more than ever, her IG videos either seem forced or she comes off as really lonely, which makes me sad for her. Like, that video with her picking up and holding her dog in different spots in a very stoic manner and glancing at the camera...Or the posts where she’s apologizing for having gained two pounds or apologizes for not wearing makeup (when she clearly is??). But then again, she lives such a different life than we do and maybe having been famous for so long, the things that seem weird to us are just how it is after being in that circus of Hollywood. Idk.

MTE. The video of her picking up her dog while standing kinda sideways holding it I thought was her way of showing how skinny as a needle she is. She’s body conscious in very peculiar ways. But yet she still smokes, doesn’t appear groomed most of the time & the eye makeup is so unflattering. Does she understand that it’s not all about outward appearance?

Is she actually getting counseling besides reading self help books? Does Britney even feel comfortable or is she even allowed to really go deep in “therapy” to talk about painful things in her life & talk about the people in her life past or present who she may feel have hurt her? I’m getting the feeling this “therapy” she mentioned isn’t (for her) what it would be for someone who’s not her. You know? Idk.🙁

I agree that being in the industry for so long, her ups & downs as a celebrity in the public eye has had a lingering effect on her. But on top of that, the isolation that’s occurred these nearly 12 years during her conservatorship have had the utmost damaging effects on her psyche. Ugh I wish her dad and handlers had not cut her off from society the way they have. And who benefits from her isolation & limited contact with family, peers & her few close hometown friends?? It’s sure not Britney. 😞

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Sure, some posts can be a lil cringey at times but in no way should it make anyone dislike her and if it does, then u need to remove the frozen stick from your *** and stop being an uptight, judgmental *********, I mean, who needs haters when u have fans like some I see on here even in this here thread?!??! Not everything has to be serious all the time even if your an adult, in fact, considering the state of the world we currently live in, I find Britney’s version of cringe to be a breath of fresh air.

Even the posts I do find embarrassing, I just laugh it of and think to myself...oh Britney, just like I do with family and friends who post **** I consider embarrassing cuz it ain’t that deep, if someone’s social media is seriously making you reevaluate their worth ESP. if they’re not posting anything hateful or offensive, then you need to reevaluate your priorities. 

Also, to compare Britney to any other artist is EXTREMELY UNFAIR cuz those other artists aren’t under the UNFORTUNATE situation Brit has been under these past 12 years, they don’t have to live under the constraints she’s forced to, for Christ’s sake yesterday was Thanksgiving and she prolly didn’t even get to see her kids thanks to her own father, maybe she’s always posting fashion shows and workout videos cuz that’s all she can f**king do, so try to have some compassion and ease up on the woman, in fact maybe even open up your mind a lil bit, imagine you were living in her shoes, how would u be if you were a 37 year old mother of two and a worldwide known pop star forced to live under a conservatorship, simply cuz u made some mistakes 12 years ago, if those of u who judge her so harshly over something as petty as Instagram can’t even dig up the tiniest amount of compassion even after doing that, then y’all are clearly heartless.

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I really don't get this fascination of Insta like it is the epitome of peoples' lives. This culture of having your picture perfect lives displayed on an account is pretty sad and majorly superficial.

We all know that Britney herself and her life are somewhat..... different to a regular person.

Everybody wants Britney to be this Beyonce/Ariana/Lana type of person and she just isn't. SHE IS BRITNEY. I find it refreshing, she posts content that she wants to post, she doesn't do it for the clout or the popularity, she literally does not give a single ****. If you don't like the content, unfollow her ***. All of y'all content is probably also cringey and **** but nobody is complaining about it because you're a nobody so just move along.

I'm not popping off at anyone in particular btw, I just think her Insta posts is something hella stupid to be picking holes at, Britney has had people picking at every aspect of life her whole life and y'all literally adding to it.

Now go and fixate on more important **** in life like earning $$$ or inner peace :unbothered:

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5 minutes ago, MonaLisa613 said:

Sure, some posts can be a lil cringey at times but in no way should it make anyone dislike her and if it does, then u need to remove the frozen stick from your *** and stop being an uptight, judgmental *********, I mean, who needs haters when u have fans like some I see on here even in this here thread?!??! Not everything has to be serious all the time even if your an adult, in fact, considering the state of the world we currently live in, I find Britney’s version of cringe to be a breath of fresh air.

Even the posts I do find embarrassing, I just laugh it of and think to myself...oh Britney, just like I do with family and friends who post **** I consider embarrassing cuz it ain’t that deep, if someone’s social media is seriously making you reevaluate their worth ESP. if they’re not posting anything hateful or offensive, then you need to reevaluate your priorities. 

Also, to compare Britney to any other artist is EXTREMELY UNFAIR cuz those other artists aren’t under the UNFORTUNATE situation Brit has been under these past 12 years, they don’t have to live under the constraints she’s forced to, for Christ’s sake yesterday was Thanksgiving and she prolly didn’t even get to see her kids thanks to her own father, maybe she’s always posting fashion shows and workout videos cuz that’s all she can f**king do, so try to have some compassion and ease up on the woman, in fact maybe even open up your mind a lil bit, imagine you were living in her shoes, how would u be if you were a 37 year old mother of two and a worldwide known pop star forced to live under a conservatorship, simply cuz u made some mistakes 12 years ago, if those of u who judge her so harshly over something as petty as Instagram can’t even dig up the tiniest amount of compassion even after doing that, then y’all are clearly heartless.

You were just a couple of minutes ahead of me on this one, spot on :cardi::cardi::cardi:

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5 hours ago, BabyBabyBay said:

I really don't get this fascination of Insta like it is the epitome of peoples' lives. This culture of having your picture perfect lives displayed on an account is pretty sad and majorly superficial.

We all know that Britney herself and her life are somewhat..... different to a regular person.

Everybody wants Britney to be this Beyonce/Ariana/Lana type of person and she just isn't. SHE IS BRITNEY. I find it refreshing, she posts content that she wants to post, she doesn't do it for the clout or the popularity, she literally does not give a single ****. If you don't like the content, unfollow her ***. All of y'all content is probably also cringey and **** but nobody is complaining about it because you're a nobody so just move along.

I'm not popping off at anyone in particular btw, I just think her Insta posts is something hella stupid to be picking holes at, Britney has had people picking at every aspect of life her whole life and y'all literally adding to it.

Now go and fixate on more important **** in life like earning $$$ or inner peace :unbothered:

I really think this way, Britney should post whatever she wants. I even like that she is "kind of keeping it real".

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5 hours ago, BabyBabyBay said:

I really don't get this fascination of Insta like it is the epitome of peoples' lives. This culture of having your picture perfect lives displayed on an account is pretty sad and majorly superficial.

We all know that Britney herself and her life are somewhat..... different to a regular person.

Everybody wants Britney to be this Beyonce/Ariana/Lana type of person and she just isn't. SHE IS BRITNEY. I find it refreshing, she posts content that she wants to post, she doesn't do it for the clout or the popularity, she literally does not give a single ****. If you don't like the content, unfollow her ***. All of y'all content is probably also cringey and **** but nobody is complaining about it because you're a nobody so just move along.

I'm not popping off at anyone in particular btw, I just think her Insta posts is something hella stupid to be picking holes at, Britney has had people picking at every aspect of life her whole life and y'all literally adding to it.

Now go and fixate on more important **** in life like earning $$$ or inner peace :unbothered:

Excuse me but my inner is peaceful af tyvm. 

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On 11/29/2019 at 12:48 AM, Urbanney said:

I agree. I hate to say it after everything she's been through. She only deserves happiness. However, I find her instagram posts super immature, cringey, and unlikeable. It's made me almost want to stop keeping up with her as a fan the posts are so unlikeable to me. Part of the reason I became such a big fan was how genuine, sweet, and smart her personality was in FTR. Now, she seems more immature and shallow than she ever did, even when she was 17. It's embarrassing and makes me embarrassed to publicly support her.

bruh she's literally just like every other mom on social media?

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On 11/29/2019 at 3:05 PM, BabyBabyBay said:

I really don't get this fascination of Insta like it is the epitome of peoples' lives. This culture of having your picture perfect lives displayed on an account is pretty sad and majorly superficial.

We all know that Britney herself and her life are somewhat..... different to a regular person.

Everybody wants Britney to be this Beyonce/Ariana/Lana type of person and she just isn't. SHE IS BRITNEY. I find it refreshing, she posts content that she wants to post, she doesn't do it for the clout or the popularity, she literally does not give a single ****. If you don't like the content, unfollow her ***. All of y'all content is probably also cringey and **** but nobody is complaining about it because you're a nobody so just move along.

I'm not popping off at anyone in particular btw, I just think her Insta posts is something hella stupid to be picking holes at, Britney has had people picking at every aspect of life her whole life and y'all literally adding to it.

Now go and fixate on more important **** in life like earning $$$ or inner peace :unbothered:

THANKS FOR THIS! You took the words right out of my mouth.

On 11/29/2019 at 12:48 AM, Urbanney said:

I agree. I hate to say it after everything she's been through. She only deserves happiness. However, I find her instagram posts super immature, cringey, and unlikeable. It's made me almost want to stop keeping up with her as a fan the posts are so unlikeable to me. Part of the reason I became such a big fan was how genuine, sweet, and smart her personality was in FTR. Now, she seems more immature and shallow than she ever did, even when she was 17. It's embarrassing and makes me embarrassed to publicly support her.

I really don't get it. Posting pics you actually like counts as shallow but posting photoshopped and or out of this world perfect **** that only contributes to other people feeling super shitty about themselves (Beyonce, Rihanna, Selena, etc) is fine?

The problem is in fact that all of these fake posts seem so normal nowadays that they make Britney's everyday posts seem weird. When it is (or it should be) the other way around.

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Are we all still pretending she actually posts on Instagram? Bit hard for someone without access to the internet.... 

Her label make her look crazy as ****. End of. It’s not her posting because if she was allowed to it would be very different. We can all be delusional here and pretend she’s posting daily but that’s not Britney there’s way too much stuff on the internet to trigger her. Let’s be logical here we are talking about a woman who gets every decision made for her

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7 minutes ago, MeAgainstTheMusic_ said:

Are we all still pretending she actually posts on Instagram? Bit hard for someone without access to the internet.... 

Her label make her look crazy as ****. End of. It’s not her posting because if she was allowed to it would be very different. We can all be delusional here and pretend she’s posting daily but that’s not Britney there’s way too much stuff on the internet to trigger her. Let’s be logical here we are talking about a woman who gets every decision made for her

I suspect her "official" Instagram for her brand curates material borrowed from a personal account only her Team has access to.

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1 hour ago, MeAgainstTheMusic_ said:

Are we all still pretending she actually posts on Instagram? Bit hard for someone without access to the internet.... 

Her label make her look crazy as ****. End of. It’s not her posting because if she was allowed to it would be very different. We can all be delusional here and pretend she’s posting daily but that’s not Britney there’s way too much stuff on the internet to trigger her. Let’s be logical here we are talking about a woman who gets every decision made for her

Are we really having this conversation again? In December 2019? Stop making **** up. She said it herself she’s the one posting. Jeez

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