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UO: Britney's Insta Posts Make People Dislike Her


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1 hour ago, DownAndUp said:

Yeah I agree tbf....a lot of my customers know I like her and say ‘she’s so weird on insta!’

Same. I was at a Friendsgiving last night and I played some Britney songs. She became a topic of conversation about how she acts like she's on *****, what is going on with her etc. Some of them don't fully understand whats been up with her, and having to argue with a few immature ignorant people about how "shes on *****" was just annoying. 

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I agree. I hate to say it after everything she's been through. She only deserves happiness. However, I find her instagram posts super immature, cringey, and unlikeable. It's made me almost want to stop keeping up with her as a fan the posts are so unlikeable to me. Part of the reason I became such a big fan was how genuine, sweet, and smart her personality was in FTR. Now, she seems more immature and shallow than she ever did, even when she was 17. It's embarrassing and makes me embarrassed to publicly support her.

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1 hour ago, Urbanney said:

Now, she seems more immature and shallow than she ever did, even when she was 17. It's embarrassing and makes me embarrassed to publicly support her.

Immature and shallow? Lol. Her instagram basically consists of inspirational quotes and some random pics and videos, if you consider it “shallow” I don’t even want to know what you think of the Kartrashians, Rihanna, Nicki Minaj etc. And some of you are really taking “stanning” too far. You remind me of those fanatics who obsess too much over their idol and end up killing them, ie Mark David Chapman.

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Yeah, idk what it is. Especially now more than ever, her IG videos either seem forced or she comes off as really lonely, which makes me sad for her. Like, that video with her picking up and holding her dog in different spots in a very stoic manner and glancing at the camera...Or the posts where she’s apologizing for having gained two pounds or apologizes for not wearing makeup (when she clearly is??). But then again, she lives such a different life than we do and maybe having been famous for so long, the things that seem weird to us are just how it is after being in that circus of Hollywood. Idk.

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15 minutes ago, Lorenzo said:

Immature and shallow? Lol. Her instagram basically consists of inspirational quotes and some random pics and videos, if you consider it “shallow” I don’t even want to know what you think of the Kartrashians, Rihanna, Nicki Minaj etc. And some of you are really taking “stanning” too far. You remind me of those fanatics who obsess too much over their idol and end up killing them, ie Mark David Chapman.

I don’t know how me having an opinion on her IG posts makes me a fanatic obsessive fan who might kill her. What the ****? 

I actually don’t have IG, but I wouldn’t follow any of those people you listed even if I did. But let’s compare to the IGs of other artists I like just based off of quick glances since I don’t have an actual IG:

  • Lana Del Rey: just different cool artsy things and some friends 
  • Billie Eilish: mostly career-driven posts
  • Tove Lo: career related along with some artsy photoshoots + friends
  • Ariana Grande: a cool *** aesthetic

But then you log onto Britney’s IG and find a ton of videos of herself just trying on different outfits and making weird faces, going on rants about how she’s trying to lose 2lb or how the media is photoshopping her to be fatter, she posts nonsensical captions with a bunch of emojis, and then literally random stock photos she didn’t, sometimes even with no caption. 

It’s honestly sad, because she always seems to be alone just stuck at her house trying on clothes or working out unless with she’s with Sam. It makes sense if she’s kinda regressed in maturity and confidence when she’s in her own world alone all of the time. 

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38 minutes ago, Urbanney said:

I don’t know how me having an opinion on her IG posts makes me a fanatic obsessive fan who might kill her. What the ****? 

I actually don’t have IG, but I wouldn’t follow any of those people you listed even if I did. But let’s compare to the IGs of other artists I like just based off of quick glances since I don’t have an actual IG:

  • Lana Del Rey: just different cool artsy things and some friends 
  • Billie Eilish: mostly career-driven posts
  • Tove Lo: career related along with some artsy photoshoots + friends
  • Ariana Grande: a cool *** aesthetic

But then you log onto Britney’s IG and find a ton of videos of herself just trying on different outfits and making weird faces, going on rants about how she’s trying to lose 2lb or how the media is photoshopping her to be fatter, she posts nonsensical captions with a bunch of emojis, and then literally random stock photos she didn’t, sometimes even with no caption. 

It’s honestly sad, because she always seems to be alone just stuck at her house trying on clothes or working out unless with she’s with Sam. It makes sense if she’s kinda regressed in maturity and confidence when she’s in her own world alone all of the time. 

She’s on a hiatus, what kind of career-driven posts are you expecting from her now? All those artists you mentioned are way younger than Britney (Billie Eilish is not even 20!). Britney’s posts are no different than any other woman her age, she didn’t grow up with social media and this is probably the first time in years that she has had the opportunity to post regularly on her IG considering that she’s taking a break. If she went the same route as Beyoncé, ie only posting when she has to promote something, y’all would be crying that Britney is not relatable anymore!!!!1!1!111! And yes, you come off as an obsessive fanatic. You’re a fan of Britney Spears the pop star, meaning that you should only care about her music/performances, why do you care so much about what she posts to the point that it makes you dislike her?

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25 minutes ago, Lorenzo said:

She’s on a hiatus, what kind of career-driven posts are you expecting from her now? All those artists you mentioned are way younger than Britney (Billie Eilish is not even 20!). Britney’s posts are no different than any other woman her age, she didn’t grow up with social media and this is probably the first time in years that she has had the opportunity to post regularly on her IG considering that she’s taking a break. If she went the same route as Beyoncé, ie only posting when she has to promote something, y’all would be crying that Britney is not relatable anymore!!!!1!1!111! And yes, you come off as an obsessive fanatic. You’re a fan of Britney Spears the pop star, meaning that you should only care about her music/performances, why do you care so much about what she posts to the point that it makes you dislike her?

Lana Del Rey is only 4 years younger than Britney, and Tove Lo is only 6 years younger. Also, my point about their Instagrams wasn't that they were career focused. It was that they have a variety of things and they're all interesting, whether it's creative things, just an aesthetic, career-driven, or with friends, whereas Britney's just posting the same rotation of her trying on outfits alone in her mansion, working out and talking about how she's trying to lose 2lb, a stock photo, or her with Sam.

It's not that I only care about Britney's music/performances. I literally just said in my original post that part of the reason I became such a big fan was because she was so genuine, sweet, and smart in FTR.

The logic you're not using is not solid. You're saying that because her posts are making me dislike her means that I care too much and I'm too obsessed. So you're saying that if I did like her posts, I wouldn't be an "obsessive fanatic?" Makes no sense. You're the one that's sounding obsessive by refusing me to allow me to express my negative opinion. This thread was started to give an opinion about her IG. I didn't bring it up unprompted. I saw the post, and came in here to give my opinion.

News flash: we are fans or are not fans of an artist BECAUSE we have an opinion. The way people present themselves online and in general causes people to have an opinion. My opinion is that the way Britney has been acting on her IG makes me like her less and makes me want to be a fan less. This is because I don't connect to her or value what she seems interested in nowadays.

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I stopped caring. Yes it makes me cringe and yes it’s a bit embarrassing. I think fans that say oh she’s so badass or oh she’s sending hidden messages like those freebritney podcast girls are just delusional and reading too much into things.

im taking the posts for face value and I view it roll my eyes and move on. Could be her, could be her team. But Britney deserves her life and what she wants to do. I’m not even gonna bother with what she should do or what I’d like to see as a fan. It’s her life. I think moving forward Britney will be looked at like Michael Jackson - great entertainer in their early days but such a mystery. Almost stuck in that child like mind.

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Cringey, absolutely. But unlikable? I don't see how what she posts could possibly make someone not like her. She's just super awkward, which I find endearing on a human level.

I will say though, the posts about her being desperate to lose 2 pounds and obsessing about her weight were slightly disappointing, mostly cause of the sad realization that she still puts stock into **** like that. But those posts were more an exception than a rule, she's generally not like that. Immature and cringey, totally, but not unlikeable.

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40 minutes ago, Urbanney said:

Lana Del Rey is only 4 years younger than Britney, and Tove Lo is only 6 years younger. Also, my point about their Instagrams wasn't that they were career focused. It was that they have a variety of things and they're all interesting, whether it's creative things, just an aesthetic, career-driven, or with friends, whereas Britney's just posting the same rotation of her trying on outfits alone in her mansion, working out and talking about how she's trying to lose 2lb, a stock photo, or her with Sam.

It's not that I only care about Britney's music/performances. I literally just said in my original post that part of the reason I became such a big fan was because she was so genuine, sweet, and smart in FTR.

The logic you're not using is not solid. You're saying that because her posts are making me dislike her means that I care too much and I'm too obsessed. So you're saying that if I did like her posts, I wouldn't be an "obsessive fanatic?" Makes no sense. You're the one that's sounding obsessive by refusing me to allow me to express my negative opinion. This thread was started to give an opinion about her IG. I didn't bring it up unprompted. I saw the post, and came in here to give my opinion.

News flash: we are fans or are not fans of an artist BECAUSE we have an opinion. The way people present themselves online and in general causes people to have an opinion. My opinion is that the way Britney has been acting on her IG makes me like her less and makes me want to be a fan less. This is because I don't connect to her or value what she seems interested in nowadays.

I guess you missed the posts where she talked about how she felt insecure about her weight and her body and that’s why she keeps working out, or the ones where she discusses the books that she read. So don’t cherry pick to make your point. I don’t see anything wrong with choosing to live a healthy lifestyle and working out and sharing those videos on Instagram, instead of posting pictures of yourself wearing oversized clothes to cover your fat rolls, which is what some of her peers do. I’m not an obsessive fanatic because I don’t care about what she posts, I’m just happy that she’s interacting with her fans. If you find her posts so off putting to the point that they make you dislike her, then stop being a fan and go stan those other artists you mentioned, simple as that. 

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Wowww I fully expected a lot of hate for this I'm ngl. I'm just glad to see I'm not the only one who has this opinion.

I just want to make it very clear, I'm a huge fan of Britney and I will always invest in her life and anything she produces. But to say that her Insta posts aren't embarrassing is just a serious level of delusion. My friends and co-workers all laugh about her posts, unfortunately, she's becoming a laughing stock instead of the legendary superstar we all know her as.

And as for that unbelievable stupid voice (don't @ me, we all know that her voice has changed every year since 2007 lmao), I can't stand it. Like nails on a chalkboard. Hopefully this is just another Britney voice that will soon pass because what the ****:umomg: 

Anyway, my point is, she needs to get a grip on her social media. She's not a child, she's a grown woman and should act accordingly. God I wish we could go back to the days without having to worry about this lmao:frenchy:

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