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Lou Taylor SUES LT Gay Demon Exorcist Website


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Fresh off the press new article from Daily Mail. Please go to source to see court docs.


Also, isen't it interesting that she is suing for the domain names being too similar to her own, and not disputing the information within the website.



Here are some quotes:

EXCLUSIVE: Britney Spears' business manager Lou Taylor SUES #FreeBritney supporter who bought website domains in her name and shared posts calling her the 'mastermind controlling the pop star'  

  • Britney Spears' business manager Lou Taylor is suing a man named Bryan Kuchar
  • The suit claims Kuchar bought the domains loumtaylor.com and loumtaylor.net to 'mislead internet  user' and 'tarnish Taylor's name'
  • The sites tout being 'Your #1 source for the gay demon exorcist' and 'Your 2nd source for the gay demon exorcist', which Taylor calls 'defamatory' 
  • The suit claims that Kuchar used the sites to 'exploit Taylor's fame and goodwill for Kuchar's own commercial gain' by selling ad space  
  • The complaint filed in Atlanta, Georgia, last week claims the domains are 'confusingly similar' to her real name and 'harmful to business interests' 
  • Taylor, who is a top entertainment business manager with celebrity clients, was implicated in the #FreeBritney movement in a series of 'fake' emails

Britney Spears' business manager Lou Taylor is suing a #FreeBritney supporter who bought two website domains in her name and began posting 'defamatory' claims about her and her relationship to the troubled pop star. 

Taylor filed a complaint last week claiming a man named Bryan Kuchar bought the domains loumtaylor.com and loumtaylor.net to 'mislead internet users' and 'tarnish Taylor's name and mark', according to court documents obtained by DailyMailTV. 

The site loumtaylor.com, which has since been taken down, touted itself as 'Your #1 source for the gay demon exorcist'. 

The other, loumtaylor.net, which is still active, is branded as 'Your 2nd source for the gay demon exorcist.'

The active site with #FreeBritney at the top of the page features articles that appear to paint Taylor as a master manipulator, with headlines that include: 'Lou Taylor mastermind behind Britney Spears conservatorship, then tries again with Lindsay Lohan' and 'The Britney Spears Foundation goes broke, thanks to an organization highly supported by Lou M Taylor'

Taylor, who is a top entertainment business manager, was implicated in the #FreeBritney movement earlier this year after emails allegedly written by Spears in 2007 described Taylor as a 'stalker'. 

Spears later claimed that the emails were fake and written by her former manager Sam Lutfi. 

The suit claims that both sites attempt to appear legitimate by reprinting articles about Taylor from known media outlets such as Billboard Magazine and Variety Magazine without permission.

She has, in fact, been in the media for her success in business after landing on The Hollywood Reporter's Top Business Manager list from 2014 to 2018 and Variety Magazine's Business Managers Elite list from 2014 through 2016 and again in 2018.  

The complaint filed in the Northern District of Georgia on July 1 says Kuchar registered the domain www.loumtaylor.com on May 21, 2019 and www.loumtaylor.net on June 29, 2019 without Taylor's permission or consent. 

One of articles on the now-deleted site is titled,'Britney Spears' Alleged Leaked Emails Attack Father, Call Business Manager a 'Stalker''.

Meanwhile, the new site has another article titled: 'Lou M Taylor hire a private investigator to take down loumtaylor.com ''Your #1 source for the gay demon exorcist'''.  


The complaint argues that using Taylor's full name, including her middle initial, is 'confusingly similar' and harmful to her business interests.  

'Kuchar knew, or had reason to know, such statements were false and would be harmful to Taylor and her business interests,' the complaint says.

It says that as a result of Kuchar's acts, Taylor has suffered damages in an amount to be determined at trial.

The suit also claims that Kuchar was using the sites to 'exploit Taylor's fame and goodwill for Kuchar's own commercial gain' by selling ad spaces. 


Taylor became tangled in the #FreeBritney movement after three emails were published which were allegedly written by the pop star to her attorney in 2007 criticizing how she was being treated by her management.  

'There is a crazy lady Lou Taylor that has been sending stuff to my house,' Spears allegedly wrote. 'I don't know her she is a stalker.'

She continued to write that Taylor believed Spears was 'possessed and that she needs to come and kill these spirits.'

Spears responded in April where she claimed the emails were fake and actually written by her former manager Sam Lutfi. 




Statement from Loumtaylor.net-

DailyMail published an article claiming that Lou M Taylor was suing Bryan Kuchar over website loumtaylor.com “Your #1 source for the gay demon exorcist” but also over this website loumtaylor.net “Your 2nd source for the gay demon exorcist“. We would like to state and clear this for you Lou and anyone else , Bryan Kuchar does not own the webdomain loumtaylor.net, he never did and was never involved with it at any time .

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I mean, you can't just make things up and post them. However, like how dump is she this supposed entertainment genius not owning those URL's already! It is no wonder that Britney's promo is so old fashioned.  All of this is funny and the law suits are complete crap...but their pockets are deeper than Fan's sooooo all yall posting conspiracy theories better watch out


...like I said only post confirmed facts/public records

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This drama is giving me life :gimmemoar:


Lou and Jamie 2008-2018 - "Hey let's milk Britney for every freaking cent. Push her on stage to perform like an animal at a circus no matter how drugged up or depressed or anxious she is. Make her do expensive M&Gs even though she clearly HATES them. Make her do perfumes and lingerie and every other possible thing." 



Lou and Jamie 2019 - "Holy crap she's stopped. How do we make our money now? Ah, let's just sue anyone who criticises us." 



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18 minutes ago, colormelou said:

I wonder which account Loucifier will log in to first to justify this mess, Just Because or colormefresh... :joanne:

Nah, she's going to bring cheesebrits back to condescend to us all. I'm excited.

39 minutes ago, Britneyarmy8 said:

i mean did he think that wouldnt happen?

'Your #1 source for the gay demon exorcist'. 


He doesn't seem scared, lmfao. She doesn't really have a case at all, frankly. He's not profiting from it.

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It's all these people ever do - sue others when things don't go their way. I hate everything about Lou Taylor and Britney's entire team. Everything has to be so controlled and planned... The freebritney thing was the only spontaneous thing in years. It was entirely out of their control and they hate it and freak out at the thought. This lawsuit is the proof. I mean how many visits could that site have had daily? 100? Maybe 200? It's nothing these days and still they came for this fan... Pathetic. I also hate the fact that when James Spears sues somebody, he's always doing it on behalf of the conservatorship, so basically on Britney's behalf and using her money. I mean have some dignity. f**king losers, all of them. Rant over.

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39 minutes ago, breatheheavy said:

I caught wind of this a few days ago as well and I gave them the same advice as I gave Anthony. Apologize, retract / attempt to work it out amicably and out of court. This all seems like a giant headache and unnecessary stress for both parties. No one wins here. :bedtime:

the thing is, had anyone even caught up on that fake website before this? I think if any, suing him just puts more attention on the "fake claims" they're doing against Lou Taylor, thanks to sites like DailyMail writing about it. 

But of course, being a normal people, I wouldn't want to be involved in any legal matters, if I don't have the money to defend myself, so probably it's better to just apologize, but we'll see. 

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55 minutes ago, marioh said:

It's all these people ever do - sue others when things don't go their way...

Yeah snd lets not forget who is paying for all these lawyers - its coming out of Britney's pockets. So they dont care if they lose.

If they win the cases - its a win for them publicly 

If they lose - oh well, add that to the conservatorship expenses. 

Lou and Big Jamie lose nothing. Its not they're money they are throwing away. So of course here comes the frivolous cases.


Remember the musician Danny Tate who was reduced to bankruptcy after coming out of conservatorship because of his conservators legal fees

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So funny they expect us to believe their narrative that Britney can barely breathe on her own and they have her best interests at heart when, instead of clearing anything up or being remotely honest with us over the last 10 years, they just sue anybody who disagrees with their tripe. 

I’m loving the guilty conscience jump out. Burn, Loucifer, burn. 


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