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#FREEBRITNEY | Britney’s Gram Received Worrying Voicemail Regarding Britney

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7 minutes ago, Dollyg said:

She usually had them for overnights, then last year they cut these out of her life and the kids were only allowed to stay during the day. So obviously she had them less than fifty fifty back then already. Starting in November or December. Also during Christmas break. 


Then this year she didn’t have them at all for any overnights. I know she’s seen them for a few visits in January, for sure not in February or March. That’s another reason shh it could could be true that she’s been on the facility longer but I don’t know anything about that. When they said that they went back to fifty fifty it was another lie. She’s had them from Friday to Sunday afternoon (that week when she was released). Again no three days. Also notice that Lynne was there a few days before she left to the baptism. 

 Then she didn’t see them AGAIN! I don’t know whether they are with her now, that’s Lynne‘s back. Fact is : she barely saw them this year. They are living with Kevin. He moved to a better place already last year so now they got their own rooms and stuff. They visit their own mother.... 

****, that's disturbing. I feel so sorry for her, I'm heartbroken 

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1 minute ago, snakesayan said:

So I still don’t understand why they received another restraining order against Sam. They got one already back in 2009/2010 I thought? And he hasn’t been anywhere near Britney since her release from the facility in April. WTF is their plan?

The original one expired. They were only restraining and monitoring Britney since then to avoid her contacting him and the other way around.


However, because he’s been active lately and getting in touch with her family, they want to make sure he stays away by imposing legal consequences if he approaches them. 


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3 minutes ago, LiquoriceBabe said:

The original one expired. They were only restraining and monitoring Britney since then to avoid her contacting him and the other way around.


However, because he’s been active lately and getting in touch with her family, they want to make sure he stays away by imposing legal consequences if he approaches them. 


Thank you!!! 

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43 minutes ago, Dollyg said:

She usually had them for overnights, then last year they cut these out of her life and the kids were only allowed to stay during the day. So obviously she had them less than fifty fifty back then already. Starting in November or December. Also during Christmas break. 


Then this year she didn’t have them at all for any overnights. I know she’s seen them for a few visits in January, for sure not in February or March. That’s another reason shh it could could be true that she’s been on the facility longer but I don’t know anything about that. When they said that they went back to fifty fifty it was another lie. She’s had them from Friday to Sunday afternoon (that week when she was released). Again no three days. Also notice that Lynne was there a few days before she left to the baptism. 

Then she didn’t see them AGAIN! I don’t know whether they are with her now, that’s Lynne‘s back. Fact is : she barely saw them this year. They are living with Kevin. He moved to a better place already last year so now they got their own rooms and stuff. They visit their own mother.... 

They were at lynnes this past Christmas but we never know if Britney is there too as she’s purposely never in any photos.

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1 hour ago, snakesayan said:

So I still don’t understand why they received another restraining order against Sam. They got one already back in 2009/2010 I thought? And he hasn’t been anywhere near Britney since her release from the facility in April. WTF is their plan?

So a restraining order can last for a maximum of 5 years (usually between 3 to 5 years), which means the restraining order against Sam Lutfi that was issued on 01/30/2009 has probably expired around 2014. 

Just to remember back when the restraining order was obtained by team Britney in 2009 Lutfi was contacting Britney through a cellphone she obtained behind her team's back. They were arranging together a way for her to get free of the conservatorship and it ended up with her team getting 3 restraining orders (against Lutfi, ex-boyfriend Adnan Ghalib and attorney Jon Eardley). Her team used those contacts they were having as reason to file the restraining orders. 

Not so sure they can succeed on getting one now as Lutfi hasn't contacted or even tried to contact Britney. He has contacted her mom but she's not under a conservatorship so she's not protected by law or any of that. 


Edit: Oh, nevermind. They did get the restraining order as of yesterday but only temporary. This type of restraining order (civil harassment restraining order) is usually filed with around a 22 days expiration date and then a court hearing happens to make it permanent or not (with a 5 years max expiration). The court hearing was set for May 28th.


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38 minutes ago, breatheheavy said:

I just watched The Guardians on Amazon Prime. Ugh. And it was all based in Vegas which creeped me out even more 

So much sounded exactly like what Britney is going through. It was so heartbreaking and it being in Vegas creeped me out too :crying4:

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2 hours ago, smouthwick said:

So do you think she asked her team to petition for  restraining order?  If that's the case, God bless her.  If it's not, that's an issue.  In conservatorships her wishes can "legally" be discounted as dangerous for her.

Britney is a good-hearted person to a fault. I do not believe that she's ever filed a restraining order against anyone other than her mom. All the decisions post-conservatorship, legal and personal, has been made by her father. Jamie filed a restraining order against Sam for the first time the same month (Feb. 2008) he's given control over his daughter's finances. 

Beware The Con Game Of Conservatorships

What are the problems with conservatorships?

Conservatorships are not a bad thing; they’re necessary. It’s the execution of them that could be improved at times.

But people need to understand that conservatorships should be considered as the most restrictive form of court intervention. They can strip people of their individual rights.

And a conservatorship can create more complications; the family may need to sit on the sidelines because the conservator removes decision-making control from them.

2 hours ago, smouthwick said:

The whole idea that somebody making a fortune by keeping a person in conservatorship is saying that's it's not unusual for people to be in conservatorship for life makes me sick.  i probably shouldn't feel this way, but every bone in my body is saying WTF

From what I understand, it's rare. 

"Conservatorships are established for impaired adults, most often older people. Adults who are developmentally disabled or the victims of a catastrophic illness or accident also may have a conservatorship."

"Roughly 1.5 million adults are under guardianship, according to a 2013 AARP estimate. Of course, many court-appointed conservators are wholly reputable; some, such as the one Mickey Rooney had, are even brought in to quash alleged elder abuse." - #1f1f494da89b" rel="external nofollow">Beware The Con Game Of Conservatorships

Why has Britney been placed under a conservatorship for more than a decade, you ask?

“As long as she is bringing in so much money and as long as the lawyers and conservators are getting paid, there is little incentive to end it,” said Elaine Renoire, president of the National Association to Stop Guardian Abuse, an advocacy group. “Usually, the conservatorship just keeps going unless the conservatee makes a fuss or the family does.” - Is Britney Spears Ready to Stand on Her Own?


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44 minutes ago, Miss_R said:

@PokemonSpears OOT, but how did you put your text into hidden content? After the update, I can’t find it anywhere. :( 

I had to find an old post with a hidden tag and copy it :gloria: It's so obnoxious.

Also, for some reason I'm unable to see Twitter / Instagram embedded posts. I thought it was my adVloq but, I deactivated and the posts won't show even then


Edit: the hidden content tags are back




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2 hours ago, Applejack said:

Remember the Brand Sense lawsuit or even the Lutfi one. Brand Sense sued her, but couldn't sue her directly but her team, and their case was that the cship was a sham - that Britney was not incapable in anyway and they named Jamie and Lou as the real wrongdoers. They wanted Britney to testify in court to prove their case so but they were denied. In Lutfi's case, he had her testifying against him to prove he wasn't formally her manager - but, due to being incapable, Britney CANNOT testify, yet she did that in 2016. Weird huh? That conundrum is a great addition too.

2011 - #539af7446ec8" rel="external nofollow">Is Britney Spears Hiding Behind Her Conservatorship?

Most people who are familiar with conservators (or guardians, as they are called in many states) think of them as being used for elderly people who are no longer competent. Indeed, the large majority of adult guardianships and conservatorships in our country are for senior citizens with dementia or Alzheimer's disease, or those with lifelong developmental conditions or a serious brain injury.  Britney falls into none of those categories, and she seems to be functioning well in life now, so why does she still have a conservator, overseen by a court of law?

That's exactly the question that a company called Brand Sense wants to know. It sued Britney Spears and her father earlier this year because it claimed that it was shut out of $10 million in profits.  Brand Sense says that it brokered the deal between Britney and Elizabeth Arden for her successful perfume line.  In the lawsuit, the company has tried to take a deposition of Britney, during which its lawyers would question her under oath. But Britney's father and their lawyers prevented the deposition from happening, because of the conservatorship.

In other words, team Spears convinced the judge that Britney was not mentally competent to sit through the questioning.  Brand Sense thinks that this is nonsense because Britney is able to perform in concert, do media interviews and parent her children.  Surely, she can answer a few questions, the company's lawyers argued.

2012 - #5359fc3c3e5d" rel="external nofollow">Oops! ... Britney Spears' Conservator Did It Again

Several months ago, we wrote how her father, Jamie Spears, was using the conservatorship to insulate Britney from lawsuits, including one by a company called Brand Sense.  The company had sued Britney for breach of contract, after Team Britney cut Brand Sense out of profits from her perfume deal with Elizabeth Arden. Because Britney had been declared mentally incompetent, which justified the conservatorship, her father and their attorneys were able to keep Britney from being questioned under oath in a deposition for the lawsuit.

Recently, they've settled the case and agreed to give Brand Sense a confidential amount of the profits.  The Daily Mail in Britain reported that the settlement  added up to $10 million for Brand Sense.

Then came reports that a third lawsuit, by Britney's former manager, Sam Lufti, did not settle but instead is set for trial, in September of 2012. Because of this, Britney's wedding date had been postponed.  Lufti is suing Britney and her parents for breach of contract, libel and defamation.   As in the other lawsuits, Lufti's lawyers also want to take a deposition of Britney.

2016 - Is Britney Spears Ready to Stand on Her Own?

There are recent signs, in fact, that the conservators are now acknowledging the great progress she has made. After successfully fighting to keep her from testifying in at least three prior lawsuits — (a probate judge had previously agreed that doing so could cause her “irreparable harm”) — Ms. Spears’s conservators allowed her to testify on Monday in a case filed against her by a former self-described manager. They agreed that “giving such testimony is not likely to cause harm to her,” according to court papers.

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33 minutes ago, PokemonSpears said:

I had to find an old post with a hidden tag and copy it :gloria: It's so obnoxious.

Also, for some reason I'm unable to see Twitter / Instagram embedded posts. I thought it was my adVloq but, I deactivated and the posts won't show even then


Edit: the hidden content tags are back

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Where? :britlol: I still can’t find :yesokay:

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