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The Official Britney Spears Las Vegas Residency Announcement Thread


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Things to look forward to: 

New choreography, outfits, setlist  and production. 

Waiting for the setlist to leak, staying up for opening night to watch grainy instagram videos filmed on a trembling potato.

Greasy insiders and rumors seeping out of the walls for several months and all the meltdowns when people believe them. Again. And again.

Possibly a new album and single to promote the residency. Of course the combination of releasing BJ and residency created a poor rushed album but they never learn so expect the same. 



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3 hours ago, HarajukuGuy said:

I might be extremely delusional for this but I honestly just don't care, I'll never turn my back on Britney, I basically grew up with her and she helped me whenever no one else did by just existing and especially thinking after all she has been through and that I even have her name tattooed on me for ****'s sake just me seeing her smile will always make my day


Don't feel bad about that. What you're saying is basically how I feel about Falco and lately how I feel about The Carpenters. Music just brings me and a lot of other people a crumb of peace when you're going through a rough time. I think that's a theme with a lot of people. It's only the musicians might be drastically different for others. :)

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We still have many more years left of wondering when Apple pie will grace our presence. That’s something to look forward to. :meltdown:

Right? :well:


And Dominance related, I can hardly wait for the next scrapped dance routines y’all. 


More tomato instagram posts that have nothing to do with her music. 

More teacups and catwalks... more raccoon makeup... 

and the ponytail tour goes on.... 

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9 minutes ago, blissfuloutsider said:

nah that's a publicist and I saw him push her forward so she kept it moving.

He really does that, I always see him literally yank her away and dragging her to the next spot. It sucks cuz I can see in her eyes she really wants to new the fans and sign stuff. Her team is terrible.

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