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Breaking: Gunman Opens Fire At Route 91 Harvest Country Festival In Las Vegas

Jordan Miller

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59 minutes ago, Body ache said:

Its just so astonishing to me how easily this could have been prevented.

Agreed. Imagine if the U.S. had similar protocol to Japan?


I don’t want to turn this thread into a huge long debate, but something has to be done. Sandy Hook, Pulse Orlando, many other shootings, and now Las Vegas. :crying1:

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2 hours ago, I Always Sing Live said:

Why should they tho? It would make no difference. If someone wants to shoot up a school they can get a gun legal or not. :mhmsureny:

I'm reading in the news that the guy had "at least 10 firearms" in his hotel room. Do you really think that getting that many weapons would be as easy with stricter gun controls? :juggingu:

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2 minutes ago, If U Seek Me said:

I'm reading in the news that the guy had "at least 10 firearms" in his hotel room. Do you really think that getting that many weapons would be as easy with stricter gun controls? :juggingu:

Not as easy but that still won't stop a psycho or an indoctrinated person, though as I said further in the thread, I do agree that the guns the shooter used should be outlawed. Handguns and shotguns should stay legal! :verycool:

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This has me livid; seriously.

People wait all year for festivals, save for the tickets, travel money and spending money, and some self centered, bitter, weak minded piece of **** with no connection to them just shoots to kill as much people as possible, psychologically ***** people up as collateral damage too.

These loan gunmen always do these things for stupid shallow and selfish reasons. **** any mental health issues they have theses no excuse. Did the **** kill himself too like any pu$$y that would do this rather than accept responsibility for their shitty lives and their *******. Absolutely vile ****, I really hope something like hell exists. Those poor families that would've seen loved ones looking forward to this festival and sadly never to return home. Ugh

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