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Breaking: Gunman Opens Fire At Route 91 Harvest Country Festival In Las Vegas

Jordan Miller

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1 hour ago, I Always Sing Live said:

Not as easy but that still won't stop a psycho or an indoctrinated person, though as I said further in the thread, I do agree that the guns the shooter used should be outlawed. Handguns and shotguns should stay legal! :verycool:

This is how I feel too. No need for assault rifles, but people should be allowed to keep a handgun in their house for protection.

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2 hours ago, SlayOut said:

Agreed. Imagine if the U.S. had similar protocol to Japan?


I don’t want to turn this thread into a huge long debate, but something has to be done. Sandy Hook, Pulse Orlando, many other shootings, and now Las Vegas. :crying1:

It wouldn't prevent these kind of attacks sorry. If a terrorist  or whatever, wants a gun to make a massacre they will have a gun anyway, it's not some laws that will prevent them to illegally buy a gun.. Unfortunately.

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3 minutes ago, Caroline77 said:

It wouldn't prevent these kind of attacks sorry. If a terrorist  or whatever, wants a gun to make a massacre they will have a gun anyway, it's not some laws that will prevent them to illegally buy a gun.. Unfortunately.

Um... Sandy Hook happened because a woman that collected MILITARY grade rifles had a mentally challenged son living with her that one day woke up, killed her and took a rifle over to an elementary school to shoot CHILDREN.

Why did that woman need to have all those guns? Why was she allowed to have those guns while she lives with her mentally challenged adult son?

Point blank, YES these attacks can be prevented by not giving dangerous weapons with multiple ammo to at risk civilians. Who the hell needs a military grade rifle? A simple handgun will protect you from an intruder, if you're even at risk.

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54 minutes ago, danny1994 said:

This is how I feel too. No need for assault rifles, but people should be allowed to keep a handgun in their house for protection.


Just now, BoyToySoldier said:

 A simple handgun will protect you from an intruder, if you're even at risk.

i don't really understand why anyone would need a gun for protection. do u not think there are better ways to protect yourself? :gross: im not american but it would seem from an outsider's perspective that it would be better if guns were banned? not trying to argue im just genuinely interested to hear a different side

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Just now, CashmereCat said:

Guy had no obvious signs of being mentally ****** judging from the reports nor any military background but he had a machine gun pumping into the crowd...  

58 people gone.  and 500+ hospitalized.  550+ families destroyed with grief and anguish. 

This goes back to my earlier post. Who the hell needs a machine gun? Why is this allowed to be bought? :nicki2:

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Just now, Shadow. said:


i don't really understand why anyone would need a gun for protection. do u not think there are better ways to protect yourself? :gross: im not american but it would seem from an outsider's perspective that it would be better if guns were banned? not trying to argue im just genuinely interested to hear a different side

Personally, I believe in the constitution and people do have a right to bear arms. Break-ins are pretty common in the US and not everyone knows how to defend themselves in the case of a home intruder, most of which could be armed themselves.

However, I want a reform on gun control. Civilians should not be allowed to purchase military grade weapons. If you want to shoot one, go to a shooting range. You don't need to own one. What's the point. To protect yourself, a simple handgun will do the job.

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15 minutes ago, Shadow. said:


i don't really understand why anyone would need a gun for protection. do u not think there are better ways to protect yourself? :gross: im not american but it would seem from an outsider's perspective that it would be better if guns were banned? not trying to argue im just genuinely interested to hear a different side

I don't know about the north, but I know the south here loves their guns.  I don't mind simple glock for protection especially in high criminal areas.  Some people like a collection.  Some people hunt.  My father in law has multiple rifles, scopes, guns because  I think some people really just like the "collection" - he never uses them.

I wouldn't mind getting a handgun because I wouldn't take ANY chances with ANY robber, etc.  Especially if I have a child.  My life and my families life is worth more than a need for my TV and DVD collection.  (and you don't have time to get some mace/pepper spray or a knife especially if they're huge, or have a weapon themselves)

15 minutes ago, BoyToySoldier said:

This goes back to my earlier post. Who the hell needs a machine gun? Why is this allowed to be bought? :nicki2:

Have they even mentioned how he got those guns in the first place?  His brother was breaking down on national TV and he genuinely seemed absolutely shocked... 
The last text that he sent his brother was "how's mom" 
I can't imagine what managed to snap in his ******* demented head.  I feel so sympathetic towards all the families and to his brother. 

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5 minutes ago, Shadow. said:


i don't really understand why anyone would need a gun for protection. do u not think there are better ways to protect yourself? :gross: im not american but it would seem from an outsider's perspective that it would be better if guns were banned? not trying to argue im just genuinely interested to hear a different side

In an ideal world, guns wouldn’t exist. But unfortunately there are so many guns in circulation in the United States that it’s very easy for criminals to get their hands on them. I personally don’t have a gun, but I understand if people want to keep one for protection. It sounds a bit excessive, but most people would just shoot an intruder in the foot or leg and they would fall down.

However, automatic and semi-automatic weapons definitely shouldn’t be sold. They’re used in every mass shooting and there’s no reason why people need them.

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8 minutes ago, Shadow. said:


i don't really understand why anyone would need a gun for protection. do u not think there are better ways to protect yourself? :gross: im not american but it would seem from an outsider's perspective that it would be better if guns were banned? not trying to argue im just genuinely interested to hear a different side

Guns just scare me in general, it doesn't matter what kind they are. But, at the same time, I believe in someone else's right to protect themselves with them if they choose to, and the fact is, trying to ban them completely wouldn't work. (I live in the South; it definitely will not work here.) Too many opposers, including the government itself (it's well known they take money from the NRA), etc etc... I mean, if they did ban them completely, that doesn't stop the black market sales and distribution, either. So I do believe reform on gun control would be what's best. And no high-powered automatics or semi-automatics in a no-combat/war zone, are you kidding me? The fact that citizens can own them bothers the hell out of me.

We've had so many mass shootings, and still, nothing ever gets changed because the second its brought up, people start screaming about their rights and NRA lobbyists attend every gun control meeting in every state, etc, that they can to prevent it from happening. And then it happens again. It's just... a really sad cycle.

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5 minutes ago, fucknfurter said:

Guns just scare me in general, it doesn't matter what kind they are. But, at the same time, I believe in someone else's right to protect themselves with them if they choose to, and the fact is, trying to ban them completely wouldn't work. (I live in the South; it definitely will not work here.) Too many opposers, including the government itself (it's well known they take money from the NRA), etc etc... I mean, if they did ban them completely, that doesn't stop the black market sales and distribution, either. So I do believe reform on gun control would be what's best. And no high-powered automatics or semi-automatics in a no-combat/war zone, are you kidding me? The fact that citizens can own them bothers the hell out of me.

We've had so many mass shootings, and still, nothing ever gets changed because the second its brought up, people start screaming about their rights and NRA lobbyists attend every gun control meeting in every state, etc, that they can to prevent it from happening. And then it happens again. It's just... a really sad cycle.

There's countries out there that haven't had a mass shooting since the 1920s... and we're here with a yearly occurrence. :gross:

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2 minutes ago, BoyToySoldier said:

There's countries out there that haven't had a mass shooting since the 1920s... and we're here with a yearly occurrence. :gross:

I know. :gross: I get a little anxious going to big events now because of this. Movies, concerts-- I'm relieved that I'm no longer in school, frankly.

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Still so sad :( Rip and i hope the other people in the hospital will get well soon.


According to my newspage, it was a IS-attack? I mean anything is possible. At least they confirmed it, no proof.

P.S. Who cares about anyones reputation on BH right now? Come on, there are more important things.

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5 hours ago, fucknfurter said:

You think they will? Because I don't. It'll be something bandied about, people will scream at one another about their rights, and nothing will change because it's not in the NRA's interests: which means it's not in the government's interests. But, agreed. Agreed for years now.

This. Since the massacre of 6 year olds apparently wasn't sufficient to affect change regarding American gun culture, nothing will. Once again, the NRA, and the politicians who stand behind them, continue to accumulate blood on their hands.

RIP to the victims.

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1 minute ago, Alexanda said:

Still so sad :( Rip and i hope the other people in the hospital will get well soon.


According to my newspage, it was a IS-attack? I mean anything is possible.

P.S. Who cares about anyones reputation on BH right now? Come on, there are more important things.

No.  ISIS is just gloryhunting.  If they could take responsibility for your flat-tire running you off the road & causing you bodily harm, they would.

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