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Has Taylor Swift surpassed Britney?

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8 hours ago, TakeYourHand said:

Exactly! This thread wouldn’t have so many replies if it weren’t true. Taylor is the moment of number #1 it girl. And she’s bigger than Mt. Everest. I am a fan now (not a Stan like Brit) and I wasn’t for the longest time but her music has grown on me and I appreciate the lyrics a lot. I also have massive respect. She taught the world it’s not what happens to you, it’s how you handle it and she went above and beyond that. I mean the eras tour parking lots are becoming sold out from all the people watching sold out stadium shows! Since when? She’s doing some stadiums three nights in a row sold out. I’ve never seen anything like that. 

Good for you girl.  I’ll be honest I don’t like her music but I have no desire to diminish her accomplishments 

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i really dont get the hype about taylor.

voice: there are way better singers with better voices.

dance: lets no go there. she cant dance.

performances: i dont see anything special or iconic.

song/music: they are not for me, i like a few songs but thats it. they do not effect me that deeply as others mention or i do not find her songs iconic or ground breaking. just regular pop songs.

and her art is not timeless or iconic imo. does she even have any iconic look, iconic performance or music video? i hardly remeber her videos or songs.

so i think she is overrated.

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you’re all delusional. talking about britney’s oops album sales like that matters or is even a fair comparison in today’s digital world. plus if you need to rely on one album from 23 years ago i don’t know what to tell you. 

taylor’s been popular for almost 18 years. her tour is bigger than any of britney’s tours. she’s more respected and globally known across various generations. no one really cares about britney’s music career anymore. there’s sympathy towards the person, that’s about it. 

Edited by neko
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If Britney was like other big celebrities she would leverage the Free Britney hype to create the biggest comeback ever with the biggest and most epic high-grossing tour, and that is what a lot of people expected her to do. (and why they're so angry that she doesn't)

Obviously people still care about her, but she's lived long enough on the other side and sees her career differently than the average person. She's been through it and her priorities are set differently now. Upholding an image and pleasing others is at the bottom of the list. Money is still a consideration, but more importantly she's focusing on herself, her well-being, her body, and -- doing the right thing -- her soul. Good for her. :rihannayas_weave_pull_cocky_smirk_proud:

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On 7/29/2023 at 12:09 AM, Sia said:

I personally don't care much for the Taylor hype (to each their own), but what I do find kind of comical is that people in this fan base still act like Taylor is some fresh new artist to the scene.

The girl has been doing music since 2007 and she's arguably gotten more popular with each album release. Are we going to ignore the fact that the Eras Tour has single handedly outsold all of Britney's tours COMBINED.

Taylor is 16 years into her career. Ask yourself, where was Britney 16 years into hers. In a conservatorship releasing Glory with a Vegas residency. 

Britney is iconic in her own right and has her lane, just like those before her have as well. That said, if you're going to sit there and imply that Taylor Swift is nowhere near Britney's level of fame and success, then you're downright delusional.

Like come on...

This. I only wish Britney's career etc was like Tay 's. 

Britney is my forever #1 but Taylor surpassed her long time ago

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taylor is beating literally everyone, madonna used to be the biggest touring act and taylor will eventually pass her no matter what. Now, I ask you, is taylor a bigger pop star than Madonna? I dont think so, but time will tell, we'll see where taylor is when she's 60 yo. So far, she's on another league different than anyone, she has surpassed Adele in sales, Beyonce in popularity and touring, Ariana and Dua in streaming, she's pretty much beating everyone at this point. So I don't see the point in comparing her, who is an active artist, with britney, who basically gave up (rightfully so) many many years ago. 

edit: I forgot to add that she has more grammys than everyone listed too, minus B, but taylor has won AOTY like 3 times and she's on track to win it again. She's got the best management in the world, she has the smartest team, and very important, she never alienated her core fan base. Britney was a different era, she lost many fans from being an innocent girl to becoming Blackout Britney. Taylor never changed, yes you could say reputation taylor is not the same as her country roots, but lbr, it's just the same white girl thing but with electronic pop music. I like and consume her, but the reason for her becoming so big contrary to britney is that she never changed, whether that's good or bad idk. 

Edited by Richie
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Nah, but in terms of marketing and popularity yes, but this is also because we are in the social network era. If this technology were on those times all of The Britney tours would be only stadium tours too. Remember how britney was dancing 99-2004 eras plus the hits. Taylor is kinda boring on stage and im sure is nice to sing along to her 456 millions breakups hits but she's not being remembered by her performer power at all. Like Brit.

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Britney will always be the icon of her generation and the Queen but Taylor is royalty too. 

To quote Taylor 

“We see you over there on the internet, comparing all the girls who are killing it, but we figured you out, we all know now, we all got crowns, you need to calm down” 

Fashion Crown GIF by Miss Malta Official

Edited by KatieKat
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Taylor is very popular and more global then ever, nobody should deny that whether she sells 15 variants of one album she knows her fans will buy and that's what make her big. 

And tbh, Taylor deserves all ounces of her success really she has been putting out albums on albums - re recordings with new songs and touring and giving you music videos nobody is working harder than Taylor today and she's success hungry so why shouldn't she get? 

Britney was always of a different caliber act, I do believe if everything went right with her after 2007 she would've retired long ago from this scene and made music once in a while like she's doing today. One chases number other doesn't, Britney shouldn't be compared coz Britney will never work like Taylor will. 

Britney is more iconic and always will be at least to me. 

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