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Cher At Balmain Paris Fashion Week


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On 9/29/2022 at 5:30 PM, Alex Murr said:

As she is 10 years older than Madonna and looks much better :watrusayin_britney_xfactor_confused_shocked_surprised_um_what:

more natural, without being extravagant, without Madonna's fake big ***....
Cher does know where to go when she wants to do "fun things"

What was the point of bringing up Madonna just to criticize her…?

not nice.

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1 hour ago, britney_rocks said:

See Madonna, you can age gracefully, be beautiful, and not have to act like a tacky try hard circus clown. 

You're seriously stupid. You forgot how many plastic surgeries Cher has had done? Sure one could argue that she got better treatments or better advice than Madonna but she definitely does not look natural for her age. 


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15 minutes ago, Turogue said:

You're seriously stupid. You forgot how many plastic surgeries Cher has had done? Sure one could argue that she got better treatments or better advice than Madonna but she definitely does not look natural for her age. 


I know she had ton of work done du*****. I was talking more in the sense that Cher is not acting like a tacky *** clown going through a mid life crisis for attention. But yeah the whole world knows they have both ****ed up their faces. 

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7 hours ago, Jordan Miller said:

Such a serve! She looks amazing

If we all had the moola for plastic surgery we would all look that amazing too… you know, work benefits should cover plastic surgery since being the “face” of a companies brand is arguably important. Companies should value how beautiful they can make us to represent them and might as well toss in free gym memberships and personal trainers while we are at it! 

What amazes me is: often when people get plastic surgeries they go NUTS and look so unnatural, or you can just tell. Cher looks good, like it’s not overdone to the extent some people do. Her plastic surgeon deserves an award. 

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