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Britney calls out her son Jayden and the rest of her family in new audio recording: Do you want me to get better because you want me to continue giving you money? I'm an atheist now.

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5 minutes ago, Weekdly said:

she is an influencer, have a lot of people following on her, she have power. well I know that audio was part of the heat of the moment, im not gonna blame her but she need to be carefully of what she says.

since when has britney been an influencer? nothing on her instagram screams influencer. most of her fans are in their late 20s, 30s and we all have our set ways know our paths in life, we aren't tik Tok teenagers. britney hasn't been an influencer since 1999-2004. TRUST ME no one is changing their religion because britney says she doesn't believe in god. that's HER beliefs and opinions. you're trying to sound controlling and nitpick what she can or cannot say. she's a free woman and can frankly say what she likes at 40 years old. bye sis

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6 minutes ago, Weekdly said:

she is an influencer, have a lot of people following on her, she have power. well I know that audio was part of the heat of the moment, im not gonna blame her but she need to be carefully of what she says.

you probably were the type of britney fan who would say  "Britney doesn't control her instagram" and she's "too controlled" and robotic. YET now she has control of her instagram and express how she feels/ her opinions/beliefs you have a problem with it.  get over yourself, go outside and touch some grass.

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27 minutes ago, Weekdly said:

I know that, but she can't say "omg what im doing wrong" when clearly she is doing a lot of wrong things, if she think that don't believing in God is a solution well she is being so immature even when is sending that message to million of people.


You don’t get to dictate her healing process. She has been through unimaginable abuse. As for her abandoning religion… in the name of respecting people’s right to faith, I won’t comment any further than saying that in my opinion the world would be a far better place if everybody turned to atheism. So, good for her on that count.

The crux of the matter is this: if you think you can police how Britney - a woman who has been abused since childhood and who continues to be bullied, abused and harassed in front of the world - processes her trauma and rebuilds her life, then you need to take a step back from following what is happening to her. If you can’t support her, don’t be a part of it at all.


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Ugh. This saddens me. Britney deserves her peace and everyone in her life makes it so difficult. Her children are young and honestly, god knows what kind of garbage Kevin is spewing to them about their mother. One day, they'll be grown and I think they'll eventually grasp the severity of the abuse and how their own father went along with it all for the sake of money.  

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17 hours ago, RebellionSparkles said:

No one knows for sure because the 2020 accounting (13th account current) hasn’t been filed…but likely YES, Britney is prob still paying for Serenity.
@Ghoulia has been stanning through the Tangi Parish public database, and I don’t think there has been a recent sale or anything to imply Lynne has changed residences.

It's the only one with her actual name as the taxpayer



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can we just take this time to appreciate how britney isn’t holding back any more… she called them out on child support and everything… this is why they still want her in the conservatorship … also she demolished them 😂😂 also to comment on her beliefs and spirituality… i feel like we all have our journey.. this is hers, you shouldn’t force religion on anybody… i will say this… i’ve been in her shoes questioning a higher spirit… i know how sad she is right now…just plz stay strong every one

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9 hours ago, Tar_isa said:

This audio was heartbreaking, but if there's something positive about it, it's the fact that it's so clear how she sees through what the family is doing. 

I even think, even though I'm sure it'll be tough for them, that this public calling out may be the only way to smack some sense into the boys' head. Jayden's interview he seemed like he was parroting other people's words and I don't think he truly believes what he said, so I do think there's still a chance the boys will see how much their mom has suffered, but that will only happen if she manages to tell them. And maybe they'll only listen this way, because this way it's not only mom saying things, it's also other people who can hear mom and see her truth, who can then tell the boys look, your mom has been through **** you can't even imagine, you should really listen to her.




Yes exactly, to me this feels like she is trying to get through to her children. Obviously it didn't work in private (no way she hasn't yet tried to do so) and this is her last resort. 

And yes, other people in the vicinity of her children will hear this as well, and hopefully they have another opinion and make them see what absolute craziness it is (and very insulting/damaging) to call someone mentally ill because of semi nude pictures or normal parenting behaviour. 


Also I think it's her damn right to defend her private life in public, when it is publicly under attack and definitely when we're talking such delicate issues as someone's mental health being questioned before the entire world.

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4 hours ago, Weekdly said:

she is an influencer, have a lot of people following on her, she have power. well I know that audio was part of the heat of the moment, im not gonna blame her but she need to be carefully of what she says.

Good, some of us are atheist and there's nothing wrong with that. If she changes her mind, whatever. Her religious journey/beliefs are none of your business and she shouldn't have to say otherwise. 

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I am very happy to see Britney using her voice. While I usually chide comment sections, I am concerned how dumb the comments are on the Buzzfeed article covering this story. They are calling her a narcissist and hating on her, while completely missing the fact that her kids are defending her abuse and speaking on behalf of her father and Lou Taylor, which is upsetting. 

The media hasn't done a good enough job explaining everything Jamie and Lou and K-Fed have done to abuse Britney. The media needs to do better reporting instead of this ***-for-tat, "he said, she said" style reporting. 

It would be nice if the people surrounding her would do more to help her. I see the support from Sam, but surely Rosengart and Cade must have known this revenge tour was coming from Lou & Jamie. They need to connect her with the right people to combat these efforts. They know the general public is dumb as **** and are trying to goat Britney so they can say the Conservatorship was necessary and they are using the kids to do it. 

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4 hours ago, Weekdly said:

she is an influencer, have a lot of people following on her, she have power. well I know that audio was part of the heat of the moment, im not gonna blame her but she need to be carefully of what she says.

Hey, if people can block out the evidence all around them that their own eyes can see, they'll have no problem ignoring what a pop singer says.

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It breaks my heart to know these mother****ers stole everything,  even God from her. Regardless of where you fall on the religion to atheism spectrum, there is no heart break as rough as having belief in God ripped away when you genuinely wanted to believe,  as she seemed to in the early 2000s. Belief in God is essentially a belief that its all happening for a reason and will work out in the end. And that was taken away from her.



I'm so sorry britney.  I love you. Stay strong.  These folks are trying to drag you down into the gutter with them. Don't let them. Continue to step over them while they roll in the mud like the pigs they all are.



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50 minutes ago, RedBloodedWoman said:

Heartbreaking. I hope this disgusting slew of people doesn’t destroy Britney’s faith in general, because God has nothing to do with the evil those people did to her. They used christianity as their guise & that’s how she got to Lynn. So sad.


And to me, just like when Britney said “they ruined the music business for me”. It feels like her saying these things is still providing her family power. 

No matter what anyone believes, you shouldn’t let anyone take it away from you by force or manipulation, which I feel that’s what has happened.

I wish we fans could just sit down with her and talk to her. Provide her some different points of view without the shadow overhead of her thinking she’s being used or that anyone is trying to force her to do anything. I really hope she has someone other than  Cade and Sam that she can just talk to like a normal average joe. Wish I could give her a hug, as so many others have said.

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Sometimes things fall apart so that better things can fall into place. Britney is commanding respect. She is finding herself. If the kids respect her for using her voice, fine, if not she will no longer tolerate anything less than she deserves. Those brats need to do better.

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I wanted to say I hope Kevin is crapping himself with the very REAL warning that the money is coming to an end soon. But if people are paying this bish 2M for an interview, I don’t even think it matters. He’ll just continue to sell exclusive stories, 🙄 he’s probably writing a book too. He hit the lottery the day that Britney got with him. This dude will always have money. That’s apparent more than ever. And the kids are following in his path so it won’t be long before their selling stories of their own. I hope they don’t want anything to do with the industry, and if they do, I hope all this BS keeps people from wanting to work with them. All they’ll have is dirty money. And it’s not cute. They’re so used to seeing her a certain way that this isn’t “normal” for them. 🙄🙄🙄 privileged kids. I would throw away all my “Someday” items if I were her. 😂 Cause all she sees in her baby these days is greed. Well boys, mama isn’t an ATM machine, a robot, or broken- you’re dealing with BRITNEY SPEARS now, not Jamie. I hate to sound like I’m coming for minors, but as someone who had to grow up at 14 when my dad died, I just hate seeing kids around that age be so ungrateful. 

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I still can’t fathom how Britney must feel. The wife of my ex trying to tell me how to mother my children “no one should speak like that to a child etc.” my ex husband turning my children against me. Being bashed publicly repeatedly. All after sucking up abuse and misery for 13 years just to keep those children in my life. And that’s not to mention the rest of the family… absolutely horrid.

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