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Britney posts NSFL photo: "Free woman energy has never felt better"

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Honestly, I am kinda living for this. As someone who grew up strictly southern baptist and gay, I can understand to a very small extent what it can feel like to be unable to express oneself due to family and society. At 30 years old, I am just now getting the courage to be myself regardless of how anyone else feels. I recently pierced my ears for the first time ever, and my nipples. I am becoming more comfortable with my body, and expressing myself however I feel. I feel like for me personally, Freebritney was about Britney being free to do whatsoever she pleases no matter what that may be. She spent 13 years in a conservatorahip, and now she is free to explore life, and find out who she is and what brings her happiness and joy. As someone who is becoming more s** positive, and body positive myself, I feel like if Britney is feeling beautiful and confident showing off her naked body on Instagram, then she should absolutely be able to do so. I get the feeling Britney could care less about being classy, or following society's expectations at the moment. She is feeling ******* beautiful and showing it off, and you know what, she is finally FREE and able to do just that! So I am 100% here for anything that makes Brit happy! Keep doing you Brit, and **** the haters. You are beautiful regardless queen!

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I love this! You can tell she’s feeling herself and the ability to do whatever she wants! after so many years of being completely controlled she deserves to post whatever she wants. People seem to forget the whole world has already seen her ******* when a group of disgusting paparazzi stuck cameras under her dress getting out of a car and then the world collectively shamed her. **** that. Show whatever you want Queen!

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3 hours ago, Prachi said:

I do not understand this women sometimes, does she wanna get dragged? She disabled her comments she knows things it's not like she isn't! Britney you are making it harder to defend you sometimes. It's her IG she can post whatever she wants but I'm sorry what is this? Now this upsets her when public makes fun of her lmao they will, it's like she's asking for it. 


It's Britney B***h! Britney Spears Basketball GIF  

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3 hours ago, Derrick said:

I’m glad she feels that free to post whatever she wishes and even more proud of her not photo shopping her waist like she does often. 

this is not shady at all but this is gross. A tiny heart just covering her actual lady parts? Britney… the GP are gonna have a field day with this.

The only thing gross is your profile pic where the camera is aimed directly at your bulge. Tacky 

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I feel like Britney is in a full-on more mature 2004 Chaotic mode. For peeps who don’t know, she had a short reality show called Chaotic in 2005. Back then on the Onyx Tour when she met Keven, she was beaming and energetic, h0rney and wanting a baby. That’s the energy her posts are giving me lately.   :jumpney_britney_green_excited_yay:

I love that she’s having fun and playing around, even if it’s a little shocking. But.. don’t we all love Britney Because she’s fun, Se xy, Intuitive, Shocking and always envelope pushing??  :bparty_piece_of_me_pom_britney_clubbing_blackout_2007_dancing_dance:

And now that she’s finally free of the Con, she’s doing all this stuff she was never able to do and express. Mix all that in with today’s social media, and it’s kinda Chaotic.. Britney is a grown woman who many people still see as a little child in need of controlling. Now Britney is doing the TROLLING.. :letitburn_elmo_fire_flames_burn:   :indulge_McDonalds_food_yum_fast_chew_eat_chomp_bite:   :haha_britney_laugh_lol_lmao_hehe_haha_bw_black_white:

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14 minutes ago, Jaime Hodson said:

I went on a few news site comment sections and almost every comment is condemning this: this why she was in a conservatorship, countdown to crazy, she’s lost it, she has serious mental problems, happy that’s she’s free but she acts like she had a lobotomy, her brain is soup, now I see why, maybe her dad is right after all cray cray, shave your head again nut job, her father was right, this is why she need parental guidance, I feel bad for her kids, this is what her fans fought for?....ect this is what the general public thinks of her, there was not one positive comment, this was a very poor idea on her part...it’s making it look like everything we fought for was a joke, no one is going to take her serious 

 People comment bad things about every celebrity out there! I'm a Taylor fan and I'm always dealing with the "she loves to play the victim" line 😒 it's boring to be honest, it's the same criticism over and over again. People act like 2007 was days ago and not 15 ******* years!!!! Instead of wasting your time reading comments from losers, watch the DWAD tour 

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1 minute ago, LizeS_ said:

 People comment bad things about every celebrity out there! I'm a Taylor fan and I'm always dealing with the "she loves to the victim" line 😒 it's boring to be honest, it's the same criticism over and over again. People act like 2007 was days ago and 15 ******* years!!!! Instead of wasting your time reading comments from losers, watch the DWAD tour 

This. Plus I’ve seen a lot of support and positive comments as well. 

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