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Adele postpones Las Vegas residency one day before opening, drama behind-the-scenes

Jordan Miller

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Update: One of the reported reasons Adele's show wasn't ready was because "there was no real clarity around what Adele wanted for the show because of the endless changes being made to the production."

This is from News.com.au:

It seemed that while she has always preferred a stripped-back performance, she was under some pressure to come up with a huge extravaganza.
“So there was a constant ricochet between those two versions of what the show should be, and it did cause some quite explosive arguments."

“Most shows have teething problems of one kind or another, but there has been a feeling for some time that these shows were heading for disaster."

There's also buzz that her team tried to hire non-union workers for the show. “They’re attempting union busting.”

Thoughts, Exhale?



Due to Covid. She looks really sad :katycry_perry_crying_tears_sad_sobbing:





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2 hours ago, Touch my GigaBrit said:

This is way safer especially with this new strain of coivd going around. And boy oh boy Britney's impact is strong, these girls still wanna start residencies because of her, our girl 💕

You do know that residencies have been going on for decades right? Britney likely went that route because they saw how successful Celine Dion was and it was more cost effective than touring. And before you say that Celine doesn't count because she wasn't a popular artist on the scene, she released several albums and went on world tours WHILE she was doin her residency.

If anything, I'd say Adele is following Celine's footsteps.

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